Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – December 1995

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – December 1995

HALE-BOPP IS STILL COMING, FOR THOSE WHO ARE FAMILIAR WITH THE ‘WITNESS OF THE STARS,’ SAGITTARIUS IS KNOWN TO BE THE SIGNIFICANT OF THE REDEEMER’S TRIUMPH. The figure of a Centaur indicates the double natured SEED of the Virgin, the ‘Son of God’ as the ‘Son of Man.’ The figure is that of a mighty warrior with a bow and arrow riding forth majestically. The most important thing here is that the barbed arrow in his bow is aimed at the heart of the Scorpion.

This was the picture shown as the world was then shown the Hale-Bopp light positioned within the drawn bow and the lower half below the arm of the ‘Archer.’ As the spring comes we will be looking for more to be revealed about this great ‘light.’

In the ‘Vince Foster Case’ Suicide?? There was a witness who saw a man close to Vince Foster’s car in the park where his body was found. This witness then came forward and told what he saw, and this is the picture of the man that he said he saw. Looks something like the man that the press said they were looking for after the Oklahoma City bombing doesn’t it? This witness is named Patrick Knowlton. He was never called before the Federal Grand Jury, nor had some of the other witnesses. But since he came forward, and made himself known, Patrick Knowlton has been harassed and now fears for his life. Friends have accompanied him at times to determine that he was being followed and harassed.