Wednesday Night Bible Study – 10th March 1965

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 10th March 1965

(As you read this transcript of this old tape I want you to notice just how close the enemy was to their objective back in 1965, but for the Grace of God, America would not be where she is today.)

QUESTION: What are the latest developments in this continuing war against the enemy?

ANSWER: Well, we have had investigators everywhere, and as for Captain Gates who happens to be the chief intelligence officer of a nation wide secret police, who probably has this meeting bugged, he is higher than the Police Department, and answers only to the President’s group. But the program is that America is on the edge of a total dictatorship unless we on the RIGHT win. It will be just like the OGPU everywhere else, there will be no where to go as they plan to pull the rug everywhere at the same time. There isn’t any doubt that the design was to get us (this is speaking of the night that the Swift group were stopped, and with guns made to lay on the ground face down with the guns in their backs.) Afterwards they said that they were after some deadly armed Communists. And they had their orders at the least resistance to kill.

So the Gates department set up the wrong information in their briefing because no other organization would list you as a desperate armed criminal. This is just a part of the plan, but you have no police protection. So Patriots be warned, the Alabama affair (Selma March), this Negro uprising is just what was planned, they are just stepping it up as an excuse to go after all Patriots, or people who oppose integration.

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 10th February 1965

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 10th February 1965

BEFORE WE GO INTO THE QUESTIONS, WE MIGHT JUST MENTION SOMETHING MRS. WOODARD was talking about, in the Book of Revelation. Whereas what pertained to the Book of Revelation might not pertain to any other Book unless some area of prophecy, but we think this is rather unique about it for it is fraudulent and John never wrote it. John wrote the Book of Revelation but there are lots of things translated today which he never wrote, and this is rather interesting, for you can take the lexicons and you can also go back into the earliest of the codices of the Greek and you find this is true. John never wrote in Greek, he wrote entirely in Aramaic.

It was translated from Aramaic to Greek. This work was laboriously done down in Alexandria, Egypt where Mark was pastor of the Christian church there. Now; at the end of the Book, this was never existent until about the 3rd., century, when this passage was put in this Book and it said: ‘If any man shall take away from the words of this Book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the Book of Life, and out of the holy city, and from the things written in this Book.’ In the first place when you look at that verse you know it was phoney from the word go because the Book of Life was written before the foundation of the world. God said: those HE did foreknow, HE did pre‑determine that they would conform to the image of the son (embodiment).

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 9th June 1965

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 9th June 1965

QUESTION: Isn’t it true that some words of the Apostles were changed from their original Gospels?

ANSWER: Yes, that is true, and it is a matter of interest that many Christians don’t know this. They don’t realize that the Jews tampered with even the New Testament texts. Now the early church Gospels and Epistles were written in Aramaic and some in Greek. John wrote in Aramaic but Luke, who was a doctor, wrote in Classical Greek. Luke could have written in Aramaic and he did write some in Latin, thus showing that he had a full knowledge of Latin as well, then Matthew and Mark wrote their Gospels in Aramaic.

Now, all of these Gospels went to the early churches, and Mark was Pastor of the Church in Alexandria, Egypt. This was one of the oldest Christian Churches of Great Strength, and one of the greatest cities of the Roman Empire. This city of Alexandria, Egypt had been a great city ever since the conquering of Egypt by the Greeks, and had remained a great city in the Roman Empire.

Now, of course the Greeks were Scythians and great areas of Greek culture remained in Alexandria even after it became part of the Roman Empire. Also one of the greatest libraries of all times, in history, was established at Alexandria, Egypt, by Alexander the Great. And there were curators from all over the world who came to sell their scrolls and rolls, because this library continued to buy rare rolls and scrolls and catalogue them, even up in the days of Caesar. And even at the time of the Christ this was still a great library and depository for great volumes and here curators, both Greek and Roman paid great prices to add to this library.

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 8th December 1965

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 8th December 1965

QUESTION: In the past few weeks there has been some changes in the teaching of the Catholic theology. After 940 years, it is now alright for Catholics to eat meat on Friday, except for Good Friday. The question is from Catholic ministers who find themselves at a loss. They find that after many years of instructions that this was a sin, more than this many have done penitence for breaking this law under the areas of business engagements and other patterns. So is it or is it not a biblical conjuncture that they could or could not eat meat on Friday? Or did the church bring this law entirely on church authority? And if so, why did they relinquish it after 940 years of the historic practice of this?

ANSWER: Well, the only answer is that it had no biblical foundation what so ever. It had no Biblical instruction, was never commanded of God, had no spiritual value what so ever. It had been built to its significance by the Church, and its Priesthood to keep areas of symbolism attached to their religion. It was designed as St. Thomas Aquinis was so careful in explaining, that since Christ was crucified on Friday, this involved the shedding of blood, so no meat would be eaten on Friday. This being a decision of the church because the eating of meat required the shedding of blood. Since Christ was crucified then no animal whose blood was shed would be devoured on Friday. That this had a certain spiritual value and the church through great revelation had come to this area of instruction. This isn’t something which is 1900 years old, it is less than 1000 years since the edict has been made, and Penitence and church judgments were placed on the violations of this declaration.

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 7th July 1965

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 7th July 1965

QUESTION: This teleportation, some claim they can do this?

ANSWER: You mean disappear here and arrive there? Well! I don’t buy much of it, the only area where this seems to function is in Occultism. And generally it is familiar spirits and whether they ever came from there or were here all the time is questionable. There is a high system of communication in all Celestial realms, and in other realms as well, and of course the Luciferian system is pretty well organized in their many orders, so communication is rather bad in many areas. In many Celestial realms teleportation is used if you want to use that term. We have been told that Christ can be here instantly when summoned or be there, can cross intervene miles by just instantly appearing here and disappearing over there. But there is no Biblical evidence of this. I know nothing about such happenings. So teleportation if it works would seem a more practical way to transit crossing the distance of space. But strangely enough when we have Biblical record of Christ coming to earth as He did when He brought the law to Mount Sinai, He came with 10,000 of His Saints, Administering Spirits, and His Hosts out of the Heavens. And they came in vast fleets, came over Paran and Sinai and came down, Deuteronomy 33, came throwing great search lights down over Paran. Then circled around and came down over Sinai. We know that when Christ ascended He went up on a Mount and a big cloud, hiding something without a doubt, and as Jesus was received into the cloud they didn’t see Him anymore but two men stepped out. This wasn’t something dangling out of space, this was just a cloud sitting on a hill. You couldn’t see what was in the cloud but Jesus stepped into it and two men stepped out saying: why are you looking into the cloud? He will return as you saw him go. Then these men stepped back in the cloud and it went away. You will note in the Old Testament the abiding presence of God is with them whether it be embodied or in Celestial realms. You will note that a great cloud travelled with Israel and it says YAHWEH was in the cloud. This was as though a fire by night, and a radiant Shekinah cloud by day. All this was covering, shielding something they couldn’t see.

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 7th January 1963

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 7th January 1963

QUESTION: Who are the Hunza people of Northern India? Are they white people? We would like a comment on these people.

ANSWER: When Alexander the Great was pushing toward the East and finally stormed the heights of the Himalayas, he was preparing for an attack upon India. Alexander the Great was basically, of course, in his recognition of white leadership. For he thought that with Macedonia and Greece united, he would have a strong opportunity to carry the areas of victory over to the Aryan Persians. The Aryan Persians came down from the North. They had fought no battles were moving for a pincher movement upon the Mongolians coming out of the Steppes. Alexander wanted to move with one force of his army across the Himalayas while with the other, he would move down on India where Hinduism was running rampant. His design was to crush Hinduism and put white leadership over the areas of India and join with the white Persians coming down out of the Steppes. And of course the strong Aryan control which has been over India had been somewhat overturned by this massive Hindu area of victories. The Emperor had fought against the Aryan Emperor. And the Aryan Emperor was over the most populated and civilized area of India, but the Hindu Emperor had gathered the great masses of Hindus back along the mountain ranges of the Himalayas. And realizing there was an Aryan Emperor who had left the areas of his basic throne, and had moved into Mantelet, this Hindu Emperor moved in. The concept of Alexander the Great was to push for the conquest of India. He also wanted to bring this other arm of his forces up to join with the Persians. And then they would come down through the passes into India.

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 7th April 1965

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 7th April 1965

QUESTION: What were the words Jesus said on the Cross if they weren’t, ‘Why hast thou forsaken me?’

ANSWER: You mean: li, E‑li, La‑ma, Sa‑bach, Tha‑ni? It wasn’t actually, why has thou forsaken me, although this was the way it was translated into Greek and into Latin, etc. This is the human spirit which cries out as the soul is about to leave the body. The soul consciousness cries out, Oh, Great Spirit (God) wouldest that this need not happen. If the Greek translation would have stayed with the Aramaic in which it was originally written the cry would have been: that the flesh now felt the spirit leaving it, and knew that it was abandoned unto to death, and this was the flesh that now speaks. But, then it adds, An Dias, in Latin, or So be the will of Deity. So the flesh recognizes the sovereignty of the spirits right to go, and knew that the fullness of God dwelt bodily in HIM. So these words were, well, to put your hands on these words in the original text except you put your hands on the Old Alexandrian Codex, whereas they took it from the old original Aramaic text, .this is impossible for most today. But the Aramaic from the Book of John and other Gospels were to mention this in the 7 cries of the Cross, and from study you realize that the flesh now cried out in agony as the spirit was leaving it. It cried out because it was suffering, but it also was willing to receive this because of the Will of the Spirit. See? But the cry is a great anguish cry as far as theology is concerned. But anytime you get any display, upon the body of God of unwillingness, this is error. Because he fully was willing to do anything which was to be done. The only thing He did in anguish was to create a background for the intensity of what was involved. So again when He said; ‘It is finished’, it was with full cognition that the Spirit was leaving the body, and it would die, within a few moments. See? But He knew, and He released the Spirit. If He had wanted to He could have kept the spirit in the body and stayed there on the Cross for days. In fact He could have come down from the Cross if He had wanted to. But this would gainsay His own purpose, because this was the body of God which was carrying the physical suffering.

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 6th January 1965

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 6th January 1965

Question: Is a Jew a Mongrel?

Answer: Well yes, but you could have a mongrel without it being a Jew. You could have a mongrel come out of any, say, a South Sea Islander and a Chinese who would not necessarily have been out of Cain or Lucifer’s line. A Jew has to come down from the Luciferian fallen Angel line sowed into the various races. You sow different Jews together and you just get Jewish mongrels, all colours of Jews. In other words if you have a Chinese Jew and a Negro Jew you only come up with another mixture of Jews. But if any of a Jewish line mixed in with any other then you just have a Jew, there is no such thing as a part Jew.

Question: Doesn’t God put any of His Holy Seed into a mongrel?

Answer: No!

Question: Well, do you think the Devil would pass up that seed?

Answer: Now wait a moment, the Issue of the Adamic seed is the only Holy seed in the earth. Therefore if this seed intermingles with another race there is no spiritual seed in the posterity because there is nothing there to have affinity with. The Chinese for instance, they would be existent as creative people and they have their own seed after they were created, for ‘seed having life in itself’ is the rule. Therefore they are not the offspring of God, but creations of God, and were good before their fall. So He does not supply seed for the increasing posterity under the subordination of Lucifer, while worshiping the Darkness. All they do then is have a cycle of return. Every Asiatic then who is born in a re‑incarnated spirit until the restoration of all things. But there is no new seed for expansion. This is why the kingdom of darkness does not get beyond the point which it was in for the hour of its fall, although existent by the millions.

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 5th May 1965

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 5th May 1965

QUESTION: Would you want to explain your statement that there is more than one judgment, and the different Resurrections?

ANSWER I don’t want to get into that tonight, but I will say that judgments are constant. This idea that the judgments are set up for one specific time is erroneous. Judgements are constant, there are continual judgements based on the law of existence. So what so ever has been put together in the exactness of His law are constant, continual judgements, and come by the continual violations of the law. Whether the economic, political or social law still the law exists backing its judgments. Violate the law of proper rotations of the soil, and you soon destroy the soil, its life and vitality. You don’t have to wait for judgment day you have it immediately. Violate the economic law and the mechanics which you create already starts the shortage with in the structure of the circulation of money. You can’t take a high percentage out of the production merely for the use of money without eventually shorting a whole area of exchange. This is why usury is a violation of Divine law, and usury always destroys itself with depressions, and crashes, and it can only build up so far and then it wipes itself out, it carries its own judgment.

The areas of moral law does this also, it leads to broken homes, whole areas of upset social patterns. We have tried to create around the image of God an idea of a God just working for revenge, and lots of times we may have created the idea that man sows in one field and reaps in another, and this is fallacy. You reap in the same field in which you sow, you do not sow in one field and reap in another. You don’t sow in a physical world, and reap in the Celestial, this you do not do. The processes of the violation of law creates the conditions both as to how it reacts on the nervous system, and in their areas of thinking and hypertension. Violation of Divine Law, brings about disintegration of the body, brings about conditions which bring on death. “For the wages of sin is death”.

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 4th August 1965

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 4th August 1965

QUESTION: There is promises and statements that were made concerning Jerusalem which are true. There are some being made that all this is given to the Jews and that this going back to Jerusalem, of the Jews, is the fulfilment of prophecy, is this true? It is reported that it is a garden place now as the Jews are rebuilding, the question is, could it be that they are Judah, as many think? If they are not then why would God give all these things to the Jews? I have read a number of places that they are Judah???

ANSWER: No place in Scripture does it say that the Jews are Judah. They are Canaanites, Amalakites, Hittites and so forth. Jesus has already told you that are the offspring of Satan, children of the devil. They are the Abomination of the Desolator that was to stand in the last days in this place. To be sure the Jews are trying to develop Palestine and they are spending other peoples money. A large part of the money going to Israeli comes from the United States of America. A large part of it comes from Christians who have been conned out of it. As far as anyone who has been under my ministry and still thinks that the Jews are Judah, they just haven’t listened to well. Because I can tell you that no Jew on the face of the earth can measure up to Judah. There is no place for a Jew to be any part nor lot in this.

The thing I would point out concerning this is that the rains have not yet returned. This is all pieces of figments of imagination spread out over the world to fool Christians, to try to prove to the world that ‘Israel’ has returned, so that they can con the world out of their money to support them, this is what they are up to.