Wednesday Night Bible Study – 7th July 1965

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 7th July 1965

QUESTION: This teleportation, some claim they can do this?

ANSWER: You mean disappear here and arrive there? Well! I don’t buy much of it, the only area where this seems to function is in Occultism. And generally it is familiar spirits and whether they ever came from there or were here all the time is questionable. There is a high system of communication in all Celestial realms, and in other realms as well, and of course the Luciferian system is pretty well organized in their many orders, so communication is rather bad in many areas. In many Celestial realms teleportation is used if you want to use that term. We have been told that Christ can be here instantly when summoned or be there, can cross intervene miles by just instantly appearing here and disappearing over there. But there is no Biblical evidence of this. I know nothing about such happenings. So teleportation if it works would seem a more practical way to transit crossing the distance of space. But strangely enough when we have Biblical record of Christ coming to earth as He did when He brought the law to Mount Sinai, He came with 10,000 of His Saints, Administering Spirits, and His Hosts out of the Heavens. And they came in vast fleets, came over Paran and Sinai and came down, Deuteronomy 33, came throwing great search lights down over Paran. Then circled around and came down over Sinai. We know that when Christ ascended He went up on a Mount and a big cloud, hiding something without a doubt, and as Jesus was received into the cloud they didn’t see Him anymore but two men stepped out. This wasn’t something dangling out of space, this was just a cloud sitting on a hill. You couldn’t see what was in the cloud but Jesus stepped into it and two men stepped out saying: why are you looking into the cloud? He will return as you saw him go. Then these men stepped back in the cloud and it went away. You will note in the Old Testament the abiding presence of God is with them whether it be embodied or in Celestial realms. You will note that a great cloud travelled with Israel and it says YAHWEH was in the cloud. This was as though a fire by night, and a radiant Shekinah cloud by day. All this was covering, shielding something they couldn’t see.