Wednesday Night Bible Study – 5th May 1965

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 5th May 1965

QUESTION: Would you want to explain your statement that there is more than one judgment, and the different Resurrections?

ANSWER I don’t want to get into that tonight, but I will say that judgments are constant. This idea that the judgments are set up for one specific time is erroneous. Judgements are constant, there are continual judgements based on the law of existence. So what so ever has been put together in the exactness of His law are constant, continual judgements, and come by the continual violations of the law. Whether the economic, political or social law still the law exists backing its judgments. Violate the law of proper rotations of the soil, and you soon destroy the soil, its life and vitality. You don’t have to wait for judgment day you have it immediately. Violate the economic law and the mechanics which you create already starts the shortage with in the structure of the circulation of money. You can’t take a high percentage out of the production merely for the use of money without eventually shorting a whole area of exchange. This is why usury is a violation of Divine law, and usury always destroys itself with depressions, and crashes, and it can only build up so far and then it wipes itself out, it carries its own judgment.

The areas of moral law does this also, it leads to broken homes, whole areas of upset social patterns. We have tried to create around the image of God an idea of a God just working for revenge, and lots of times we may have created the idea that man sows in one field and reaps in another, and this is fallacy. You reap in the same field in which you sow, you do not sow in one field and reap in another. You don’t sow in a physical world, and reap in the Celestial, this you do not do. The processes of the violation of law creates the conditions both as to how it reacts on the nervous system, and in their areas of thinking and hypertension. Violation of Divine Law, brings about disintegration of the body, brings about conditions which bring on death. “For the wages of sin is death”.