Wednesday Night Bible Study – 4th August 1965

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 4th August 1965

QUESTION: There is promises and statements that were made concerning Jerusalem which are true. There are some being made that all this is given to the Jews and that this going back to Jerusalem, of the Jews, is the fulfilment of prophecy, is this true? It is reported that it is a garden place now as the Jews are rebuilding, the question is, could it be that they are Judah, as many think? If they are not then why would God give all these things to the Jews? I have read a number of places that they are Judah???

ANSWER: No place in Scripture does it say that the Jews are Judah. They are Canaanites, Amalakites, Hittites and so forth. Jesus has already told you that are the offspring of Satan, children of the devil. They are the Abomination of the Desolator that was to stand in the last days in this place. To be sure the Jews are trying to develop Palestine and they are spending other peoples money. A large part of the money going to Israeli comes from the United States of America. A large part of it comes from Christians who have been conned out of it. As far as anyone who has been under my ministry and still thinks that the Jews are Judah, they just haven’t listened to well. Because I can tell you that no Jew on the face of the earth can measure up to Judah. There is no place for a Jew to be any part nor lot in this.

The thing I would point out concerning this is that the rains have not yet returned. This is all pieces of figments of imagination spread out over the world to fool Christians, to try to prove to the world that ‘Israel’ has returned, so that they can con the world out of their money to support them, this is what they are up to.