Wednesday Night Bible Study – 9th December

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 9th December

QUESTION: There is an anti-Christ in the last days, Daniel 8-3:25. Who will take over and rule with evil powers? Will you explain this?

ANSWER: Well, there is one thing about the book of Daniel, and the multiple and overlapping of the seventh and eighth chapters. It is talking about the Little Horn of Daniel. Significantly for symbolic symbols, this is of Asiatic Kings and powers. One of the old emblems for Asiatic Steppe conquerors like Genghis Khan and others was that their emblem on their head dress had a horn. And this horn would come right out of this forehead.

This headdress was used way back 2000 years ago and even earlier. And of course Daniel always refers to the symbol of these horns. Sometimes they are rams horns. Sometimes they are twisted horns of other animals which gave rise to the Unicorn and so forth. So these are given for symbols of leadership; military powers out of the Asiatic hoards who wage war against your race and against the kingdom. So some of these are dealing with prophecies of Anti-Christ, and others already fulfilled by Empires which arose under the symbols of Greece and Medo-Persia. But under this instance this particular passage refers to the situation in the latter part of their kingdoms when the transgressor comes to its full.

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 8th January

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 8th January

QUESTION: What about Love your enemies, it says this so many times, and you hear it always?

ANSWER: This is just a controversial question actually, because the Sermon on the mount, and the teaching of Christ gave as a social order was given freely unto those who constituted a Christian society.  This order that Jesus discussed in his sermon on the mount, as instructions to his disciples are declarations unto the culture he was counselling  which was a new order of Christian civilization.

The instructions related to how people conducted themselves inside the kingdom.  They had no relationship to the dealing of the Kingdom with those on the outside.  There were special instructions concerning this matter.

Jesus tells how he would deal with them himself.  So where the scripture says they were to love their enemies or turn their other cheek this was not talking about the enemies of God’s Kingdom.  This has not relationship, for instance between the Soviet Union and the United States.  But inside the true Church, inside the Kingdom, inside the Adamic race they were to treat one another this way.  In other word something to appeal to within this race.  There is a sense of responsibility, of shame, or pride based on the ability to define the law.

But there is no spiritual emotion to appeal to when you get outside the household, outside the race when you deal with the enemies of God.  YOU cannot appeal to their emotions and ethics and morality of an idol worshiper for instance, or to the hoards of communist who would just as soon liquidate Christian nations as not.  Never turn your cheek to them or you will lose your whole head.

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 8th April

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 8th April

QUESTION: I was listening to a tape of about two weeks ago where you were discussing the spiritual forces, other than Christianity. I would like a little of an understanding on this, on an over all view.

ANSWER: Negative forces?

QUESTION: Well, both negative and positive and their relationship?

ANSWER: Well, the word spiritual of course is sometimes ambiguous. We use the word spiritual to allot anything which is not a physical or temporal domain. Other words: remember that a fallen Angel like Lucifer was a spiritual being. He can be embodied, but also he can move in Celestial planes. Although at the present time he is earth bound, and cannot ascend into the higher heavens, still there was a time when he could do that.

The Book of Job tells us that when various Angles came to report unto God then Satan came among them. God has a vast number of reporting Angels coming from all over the Universe to report, and there was Lucifer standing among them. This was after the time of his rebellion, and thus this particular council may have been held within the Solar system and not in the Pleaides. But wherever this was located, still from all over the Universe had come visiting Angelic and spiritual beings, and Lucifer was among them. And YAHWEH looked over there and decided he would taunt the devil at bit and HE said: ‘Hast thou considered my servant Job?’

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 7th October

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 7th October

QUESTION: Could you please explain what would be the best way to go about reading and understanding the Parables?

ANSWER: Well, the Parables are mostly about the Kingdom. In this instance most of the Parables relate to the structure of the Kingdom itself. And many of the Parables are not relative to the outside powers except when it talks about the sower of the seed. The good seed being the children of the Kingdom, and the bad seed being the children of the evil one.

The word here used is for progeny, and is definitely talking about offspring. Now; the Parables are almost all in this light, ‘Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven, unto them it is not given.’ Christ not only spake in Parables so that the enemy would not understand but then gave a private interpretation to the keys of some of the most secret of the Parables to His disciples when He drew them aside. This is why today so many of these Parables have only been superficially approached. And in this instance made to be applicable sometimes to conditions unrelated.

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 6th May

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 6th May

QUESTION: The Urim and Thummim are they for the church? Could you use them?

ANSWER: No, No, they were for the High Priests only, and operated with immediate spiritual reaction. A King could only apply for an answer, and ask the High Priest to ask the question and use the Urim and Thummim, but Saul was not using it properly at that time and that was why it would not work. I don’t want to get into the areas of occultism.

However as far as spiritual forces are concerned this was a Divine operation. But Lucifer duplicates this kind of thing, and a Weegie Board that she mentioned is a Satanic operation, and it operates on a trilogy of function. It takes two people as a rule who catalyse their energies which are opposite and polarized, and then a familiar spirit moves the operation entirely. A Weegie Board should not be allowed in the home of Christians for it is a part of the function of Witchcraft. But as far as Saul was concerned, Saul just wasn’t getting any answers. He was being liquidated as King and all these things were a part of the pattern of destiny, but this does not have anything to do with Eternal Life. Hasn’t had anything to do with his destiny, he had accomplished his purpose.

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 5th August

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 5th August

QUESTION: How could Eve being perfect still fall, She had a perfect body?

ANSWER: Well: you could have a perfect body and still be seduced.

QUESTION: Well we keep talking about this perfect body, but they fell in the flesh didn’t they?

ANSWER: That’s right, there wasn’t anything wrong with their bodies, they were enveloped in Light, and there was a foul consciousness resident in those bodies just like you. But they had been instructed not to intermingle with any of these other races. This was the basic instruction they were given, this other tree they were not to mingle with was, ‘The Tree of Good and Evil’ and was a racial tree. Of all the trees which had fruit for food they could partake of, but there was no race with whom they were permitted to intermingle with. There was no race existent in the earth that hadn’t had knowledge of Good and of Evil through the Luciferian influence, for Lucifer was now king over this earth, and Prince of the powers of the air.

Lucifer knew that this was going to be a new Household, and he wanted to contaminate and destroy it before it got started. So Lucifer or Azazel seduced Eve, he talks her into this. Adam and Eve had already beheld races and people and some were like almost Nomads while others were moving with all kinds of wealth and majesty and Glory, and Lucifer’s household was all decked with Jewels, for he went overboard for Jewels and Jewelry and magnificent clothes. We are told in the earliest writings of Enoch and Job and also in the early Zohar as to what a tremendous impression Lucifer made. So he just talked Eve into an attitude of mind in which he said: if YAHWEH said this, it is because He doesn’t want you to be radiant like we are, and to possess all these things.

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 4th November

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 4th November

THE ELECTION, WAS CUT AND DRIED AND THE PRESS WAS DOING THE CONVINCING OF THE PEOPLE. Before 1960, 2 states Illinois and Texas were the 2 states rigged to save the election for the Democrats. This was considered to dangerous, to close. This started the method of declaring by T.V. of estimates of electoral votes on a small percentage of votes. But the attack came in Viet Nam showing the close work with the Reds, Communists just before the election, and if they hadn’t had this all planned out they wouldn’t have let you have an election.

You are in a period when there is a certain amount of apathy by the people. They want security, no worries, no wars, although they are in a deadly one, but they are turning away from that to total amusement, and not thinking, depending on TV. for mass information and miss‑information, and the idea that the government owes them total medical care, security, with nothing built around thrift or on the Bible or Constitution. The greatest mistake we ever made in this country is when we started abandoning the constitutional foundations of our forefathers, back in the days of Madison and others, of the right to vote, which should have remained at all times in the hands of those who had an equity in the country, property owners, because they pay the bills. This is the way the elections were conducted in the first 3 administrations. Then you don’t have this pressure from groups who want supplied with something for nothing.

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 4th March

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 4th March

QUESTION: Would you go into detail about the world projection, about using animals in producing vaccines?

ANSWER: This would not be in our field, this area is one in which you would find much controversy, and my personal opinion might be considered rather antiquated. I am a fair student in the areas of bio‑chemistry and biology, and I don’t believe in putting the crux of any dead animal into the human body especially if in any areas of this animals background he has disease communicable to the human being.

Now: fortunately for us diseases of horses are not communicable unto us except in areas of hoof and mouth disease. There is areas of this which can be communicated to the human being. But horses which have been well tested, and have no trace of this, and no pattern in it have no known diseases communicable to the human body.

Thus it was when they came out years ago with the yellow fever and small pox vaccine and so forth, they found that horses were a relative safe area to go into. Your Salk vaccine as you know today is made from monkeys and from material taken from the kidneys of the monkey, and they cut it up in very fine pieces in finishing this culture.

Now: the monkey is first given a live virus of polio, and then from this kidney area is made the serum used in vaccine, and then this multiplied into a great culture from whence the vaccine is taken.

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 4th April

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 4th April

QUESTION: Do you believe in, or did you ever see Washington’s Vision?

ANSWER: Oh yes, we have published Washington’s Vision. I have seen the original in the Library of Congress.

QUESTION: What do you think about the last of the vision? Remember the people knelt down and prayed, and then looked up and saw heavenly beings in the sky?

ANSWER: Reinforcements coming in.

QUESTION: Well, that encouraged the American people and they fought harder than ever. Now, those heavenly beings were they in flying saucers?

ANSWER: Well, all of this is coordinated, but what happens when a person tries to write it up and tell it, details sometimes aren’t quite as accurate, and McClellen wrote the details as Washington told it. Washington had written it in two communications as he remembered it. Now; this is why there are two versions of the letters, the original and MeClellen’s copy, and why they are slightly different, because McClellen copied the original. In this again, the Invasion is a struggle against the Asiatic and the Blacks, carrying communism and the flag, and the hoards symbolize, red, for of course communism is red.

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 3rd June

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 3rd June

QUESTION: I would like for you to explain to me about the Old Testament and the New Testament, what changes were made. Because when you tangle with the Jehovah Witnesses they are always telling you that as the New Testament was made different facets were applied to it until it is not the same as the Old Testament.

ANSWER: Don’t ever try to compare anything on the basis of what the Jehovah Witnesses have to say. When you finally find out where they stand you have something to work with, but basically the general run of them is Biblically illiterate. They are quite well informed on the books written by Judge Rutherford who is now dead, and since that time the International Bible house has come out with a tremendous amount of paper turned into propaganda, and these people know this forward and backward, but you can lose them in a hurry in the Bible.

Then they only have a few verses they know very well, such as the 144,000, and they think that these are Jehovah Witnesses, and they are the only ones going into the gates of the New Jerusalem, the heavens and yet there are some 3 million of them in the organization. One came to my door once and I said: if I became a convert then what could you offer me? He said: well you could become one of the 144,000. I said: are you one of that 144,000? And he said: Of course.