Wednesday Night Bible Study – 3rd June

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 3rd June

QUESTION: I would like for you to explain to me about the Old Testament and the New Testament, what changes were made. Because when you tangle with the Jehovah Witnesses they are always telling you that as the New Testament was made different facets were applied to it until it is not the same as the Old Testament.

ANSWER: Don’t ever try to compare anything on the basis of what the Jehovah Witnesses have to say. When you finally find out where they stand you have something to work with, but basically the general run of them is Biblically illiterate. They are quite well informed on the books written by Judge Rutherford who is now dead, and since that time the International Bible house has come out with a tremendous amount of paper turned into propaganda, and these people know this forward and backward, but you can lose them in a hurry in the Bible.

Then they only have a few verses they know very well, such as the 144,000, and they think that these are Jehovah Witnesses, and they are the only ones going into the gates of the New Jerusalem, the heavens and yet there are some 3 million of them in the organization. One came to my door once and I said: if I became a convert then what could you offer me? He said: well you could become one of the 144,000. I said: are you one of that 144,000? And he said: Of course.