Wednesday Night Bible Study – 16th September

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 16th September

QUESTION: The Books of the Bible.

ANSWER: There were 163 books which should be classified as inspired books. Some of them were scrolls and might not be but two or three chapters as we would term them today. But remember that none of these scrolls that make up the books of the Bible were originally divided in chapters and verses. This was done back in the early period of printing. Many books and many volumes and anything pertaining to religion or theology were done in chapters and verses, so as to locate it again, it brings out any point they wished to discuss.

So it became sort of a religious legal form, as they started putting everything in chapters and verses. We do have the book of Jude, a short book which is just one chapter. But there were 163 books or volumes and scrolls which could have made many chapters and books. All were inspired and all of them could have been used, by the early Patriarchs down to the writing of the New Testament. The sum total were more than that but 163 were known to be inspired. The council of Nicaea sometimes called Nicolea today by the contemporary commentators talking about the crisis in Cyprus, and so forth, but they were not Nicolaitanes, and they are not pronouncing this according to the old associations.

But they had well over 300 volumes to choose from and they whittled them down to only 66 books and only 64 of them belonged in the original of 163. Out of that 300 or more volumes of scrolls there were actually 163 good ones, and you will ask how do I find them? This is a little hard to do but you can find them.

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 16th December

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 16th December

QUESTION: What happened to the Ham and Japhet descendants, and what colour were they?

ANSWER: This is sort of a normal question if people are thinking of all the people on the earth as descending from the Adamic Race, or then out of the House of Noah. Generally speaking one of the great errors of Orthodoxy is to teach that all the people on the face of the earth came from Adam, then every one drowned in the flood but Noah and his sons and their wives. They teach this because they do not realize that the Bible never said that all people drowned in the flood. The word in Hebrew is, eret, so all the people in that place except Noah and his Household in the Ark were drowned.

The flood never effected Egypt or over in Central America it never effected even parts of the Steppe’s of Asia. It never effected Japan or the Islands of the sea because the flood was only in the upper Tarim Plateau, which was high, but which also was rimmed with high mountain ranges of the Tien Shan mountains. It had an inland sea under the floor of this great valley, and this valley was some hundreds of miles long and wide. It was one of those spots called ‘the seat of civilization’. The Adamic race of course started in these Steppes of Asia and came into this particularly large basin as they expanded. From the time of Seth to Noah this Adamic race had been coming out of that area, and they migrated on down to the Persian Gulf area, and some went on down to North Africa, and some branches of the race went Eastward into India as well.

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 15th January

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 15th January

QUESTION: When Solomon was dedicating the Temple, he said something about the stranger, who is not of thy people Israel, but cometh out of a far country for thy names sake: (1 Kings 8: 4-10)-“He shall come and pray at this house.” Is this sound doctrine?

ANSWER: This area of Solomon’s petition is OK in that in the instance of the standards of the Temple, and the Israelite culture, there is no culture more completely segregated than this the Israel culture. No one outside of their race could participate in the Priesthood. No one outside of the society of the Levites could ever participate in the areas of education. But there was not any block against any people who approached the God of Israel, nothing to stop him, in petition from approaching HIM. They could never move into the inner court of the Temple, but they could come into the court of the strangers sometimes called the court of the Gentiles.

From this area they could make their petition to the God of Israel. In other words this has never been closed for anyone to approach unto Israel’s God. Basically it is a pattern of Monotheism, and in this Monotheism it recognized only one true Sovereign God of the Universe. And with this concept in background, then the stranger who threw away this concept of idols and pagan gods, and approached unto the God of Israel had the opportunity of making a petition from the court on the outside, which is called the court of the strangers, the court of the nations, or the court of the outside.

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 13th May

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 13th May

QUESTION: I have a friend back in West Virginia who listens to your tapes all the time and I promised him I would ask any question for him that he would want asked, and he said: What position does Dr. Swift hold on the people of the Adamic race who do not receive Jesus Christ as their Saviour? What about murderers, adulterers, liars, drunkards who apparently do not give any thought to Jesus Christ? Does Dr. Swift believe that all the White Adamic Race will share the same position throughout eternity?

ANSWER: This question is as long as it is involved. I will say this to get into your question, the Adamic race, or the white race, is the offspring of THE MOST HIGH, they were spiritually begotten in the heavens before they were ever begotten in the earth. They brought nothing into the world but their beings. They possess a Celestial being as well as a physical one. The soul consciousness is resident in a physical body and is activated by the patterns of the senses.

The Activation of the consciousness which is the Celestial mind impacts upon the areas of the soul’s reasoning, and does to a certain degree restrain and effect or make the consciousness of an individual uncomfortable when his selections are not correct in relationship to Divine protection on the sense pattern. In other words, the only areas of temptation to a race such as yours is in the physical area because the only areas of transgression is physical. The soul consciousness draws all of its evaluations out of either the natural perceptions of the five senses or out of the areas of Celestial consciousness.

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 12th February

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 12th February

QUESTION: In the Old Testament in some places it says: strangers should be treated because you were once a stranger in Egypt. Other places wipe them out, are these harmonious?

ANSWER: Yes, most harmonious. Anyone who comes from the outside, travelling Through an Israel nation, other races of other backgrounds are strangers, and they are not to be abused or defrauded. but when it talks about the strangers of the Canaanite houses, the Amalakites, the Amorites, these were enemies of our race.

You are silly if you let them into your land as far as that is concerned but when you entered into old Canaan land you were to destroy everything which was there. If our race had obeyed this fully we wouldn’t have this problem today with those who were allowed to survive, rather their generations. There is one handicap for women usually have an attraction for men, and most of them are attractive to a degree.

So Canaanite women were allowed to survive, just out of the kindness of their hearts, but this was an error. So to understand the laws of survival in the Old Testament, one has to be fully aware of the background behind them. Remember that the Hittites were an old Asiatic line coming out of the Torog’s. Actually they were pre-eminently similatable offspring of Angelic called Nephilim i n the Old Testament. So you had a type of thin faced hawk faced Jew.

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 12th August

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 12th August

QUESTION: How do people react to God?

ANSWER: Well, they react to Light. Essentially everything reacts to Light. Everything in the creation has to react to the creation. But the Creator is not a reaction. He is a causation. Even for HIM to think or to design, or to process, is to put it into operation. No, God does not react to people. He is the Causation. However, God directs responses which you might call reaction. But it is only the cycle of human perception and request. After a man finds a need in which he reaches out to God, the discovery of such a need originates with God who stimulated the consciousness of the individual.

Therefore, prayer doesn’t start with man. It comes forth as an impulse from God. Comes to an area of cognition of need within an individual. And returns as a cycle of completed awareness, and God answers this. Where as an individual who just on his own, asks as he wants something he decided, without a particular purpose or impulse starting it out, then this is what we call ‘cycling prayer’, this is a Gimmi (give me)prayer. There are lots of these prayers. They didn’t ask because it was constructively necessary but just because they wanted it. So some of these things just depend upon the initiative of energy other than a whole long focal chain of events. But remember is directly Causation not Reaction.

QUESTION: What is the Biblical position on divorce. And how did it effect this putting away of these outsiders that Israel married and brought in?

ANSWER: We answered, or discussed Divorce about a week or two ago. And it is on tape.

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 11th November

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 11th November

QUESTION: John 1:12; “To those who receive Him, to them he gave the power to become sons of God, even to those that believe on His name.”

ANSWER: Yes, we hear many of all races received HIM. To begin with this is a fictitious translation and error at the time of the translation. Secondly it is a thoroughly impossible situation, and thirdly all races did not receive Him so what is being said here in this first chapter of John?  The opening of the Book of John talks about Him being the Light which came into the world. Then “He came unto his own and his own received him not. Then as many as received Him He gave the power to become sons of God.” This is what the Episcopalians translated this to be, and what the King James and Douay versions had established under phoney church theology because they were trying to twist church theology to suit themselves, and the Jewish Priests at Rome had tried to make it a doctrine to embrace all people, all races, and everybody else in the structure of Christianity.

Let’s then go back to St. John 1:12 and take this passage found here: “Therefore (talking about Christ) this was the light that lighted every man (Adamite).” Now; this world was made by Him, but it knew Him not, thus; “He came into the world and the world (order) knew Him not.” The world was made by Him but the world (order) knew Him not. Thus He came unto His own and His own received Him not. The translation should have been: “He came to the land of His inheritance and the rulers (or occupiers) received Him not.”

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 11th March

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 11th March

BEFORE WE TAKE QUESTIONS TONIGHT, there are some rather significant and startling things which transpired, and sometimes information gets out which the enemy thinks it has suppressed nothing which more clearly identifies ‘Mystery Babylon,’ or forces behind it than their actions. And when you identify them with actions and influences in areas of your government have identification.

Here of course in the scriptures you will note that Mystery Babylon is the Mother of Harlots, the abominations of the earth. And therefore in this declaration the Angel cries out against Babylon the Great saying: “She is fallen, is fallen.” This is the beginning of the prophetic chapter on the fall of Babylon. And this “Mystery Babylon” is the habitation of all devils, every foul spirit, and a cage of every hateful and unclean bird. Thus it is that the identification which the Christ gives to John as to the order of Babylon, the symbol of its economic, political, and social administration which is made up of every unclean and hateful spirit is quite clear. It is made up of every foul and evil devil, and every unclean bird symbolized as a bird such as a vulture which hangs around to prey on death.

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 10th June

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 10th June

QUESTION: Is there a time limit on Jacobs Trouble?

ANSWER: Well, there is of course in the measure of heaven, without a doubt, because they know the end from the beginning, and they know the hour when it will be all over, when we will have won a total and complete victory. But to give you a time limit at this moment will be a hard thing to do. I think the intensity of this situation is going to step up with great speed. I don’t think the temple will permit it. I think that you might figure that if things get under way with the speed of the proper intensity of the measure, as it looks here in 1964., then you would be coming out of it in say 1967‑68, but this would be in line with proper measure. But that is a long time, 3½ years for some situations, it depends on where you are, and if you are standing somewhere and they are shooting at you, then that would be a long time. There are lots of things which are yet to happen, that are in the measure.

QUESTION: Where in the Scripture does it talk about a daughter of Jerusalem being on the throne, a daughter of David in these latter days?

ANSWER: There are several references to a daughter of Israel‑David, but here is one I will show you. Micah 4; ‘In the last days it shall come to pass that the Kingdom of YAHWEH shall be established in the top of the nations, and it shall be exalted above smaller nations; and people shall flow to it. And many nations shall come and go into the Kingdom of YAHWEH‑ YAHSHUA, to the house of the God of Jacob.’

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 9th September

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 9th September

QUESTION: Did God predestine that Abel was to be killed?

ANSWER: It was foreknown.

QUESTION: Well then, what about thou shalt not kill?

ANSWER: Whoa there! Now you are talking about a standard of conduct which has nothing to do with foreknowledge. This is an area of conduct and instruction. The words: “Thou shalt not kill”, are not correct. It should be “Thou shalt do no murder.” There is a difference in killing in defence and all those patterns and in planned murder when some individual does this. What you are talking about is a pattern of direction and the law. And the statement of the law is not the fulfilment of the law.

There is a depth to this discussion if you go into that. But Predestination is unbreakable, absolute sovereign, immutable, unchangeable. It is what the MOST HIGH knows about His sons and His daughters. And what He has purposed to accomplish and that He will bring to pass. He has areas where He gives them a permissive leash. In other words, they have areas where they can be in a perfect centre of WILL according to fulfilment, or given a limited way or area of fluctuation. But not beyond the given point as to Destiny. Because the destiny isn’t something in their hands to decide. When you recognize this, then “Children not yet born, doing neither good or evil” in the purpose of God according to His election. His purposes, then these things are final patterns.