Wednesday Night Bible Study – 9th September

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 9th September

QUESTION: Did God predestine that Abel was to be killed?

ANSWER: It was foreknown.

QUESTION: Well then, what about thou shalt not kill?

ANSWER: Whoa there! Now you are talking about a standard of conduct which has nothing to do with foreknowledge. This is an area of conduct and instruction. The words: “Thou shalt not kill”, are not correct. It should be “Thou shalt do no murder.” There is a difference in killing in defence and all those patterns and in planned murder when some individual does this. What you are talking about is a pattern of direction and the law. And the statement of the law is not the fulfilment of the law.

There is a depth to this discussion if you go into that. But Predestination is unbreakable, absolute sovereign, immutable, unchangeable. It is what the MOST HIGH knows about His sons and His daughters. And what He has purposed to accomplish and that He will bring to pass. He has areas where He gives them a permissive leash. In other words, they have areas where they can be in a perfect centre of WILL according to fulfilment, or given a limited way or area of fluctuation. But not beyond the given point as to Destiny. Because the destiny isn’t something in their hands to decide. When you recognize this, then “Children not yet born, doing neither good or evil” in the purpose of God according to His election. His purposes, then these things are final patterns.