Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – August 1994 – 2

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – August 1994 – 2

MORTON H. HALPERIN WITHDREW HIS NOMINATION TO HEAD A NEW PEACE KEEPING POSITION AT THE PENTAGON. This was a manufactured new position so as to place this man in a strong position at the Pentagon at a very good salary. This position was not necessary just created for an old friend. Remember also that the devil has to be bound before there can be Peace on earth. As of yet that has not happened as we are reminded every day. This was one time that the Congress of the U.S. function as it should.

President Clinton was in Europe in this month of January, and then went on to the Ukraine and then on to Moscow. The Ukraine was forced into agreeing to turn their nuclear weapons back to Russia. What if the communist come back into power??? The President talked about integrating Europe, what did he mean by integrating?? Surely you know what this is all about?

Human Events;

President Clinton is getting ready to appoint an ambassador to Panama, who is to be Robert Pastor, this is Jimmy Carters Left Wing Latin American affairs expert on the National Security council. On Pastors watch before, on the Carter Administration, he helped give away the Panama Canal, helped Fidel Castro make headway in Central America, helped the Sandinistas seize control in Nicaragua, and Communist guerrillas came within a whisker of capturing El Salvador.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – August 1994

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – August 1994


‘Will you walk into my parlour? said the spider to the fly;
‘Tis the prettiest little parlour that ever you did spy.
The way into my parlour is up a winding stairs.
And I have many pretty things to show when you are there.

”O no, no’, said the little fly. ‘to ask me is in vain.
For who goes up your winding stair can ne’er come down again.
I’m sure you must be weary, dear, with the soaring up so high,
Will you rest upon my little bed? said the spider to the fly.

There are pretty curtains drawn around, the sheets are fine and thin,
and if you like to rest awhile, I’ll snugly tuck you in.
‘O, no, no.’ said the little fly, ‘for I’ve often heard it said,
They never, never wake again, who sleep upon your bed.

‘Said the cunning spider to the fly, ‘Dear friend, what shall I do,
To prove the warm affection I’ve always felt for you?
‘I have within my pantry good store of all that’s nice;
I’m sure you’re very welcome; will you please take a slice?

‘O’, no, no. said the little fly, ‘kind sir, that cannot be;
I’ve heard what’s in you pantry, and I do not wish to see.
‘Sweet creature!, said the spider, ‘you’re witty and you’re wise,
How handsome are your gauzy wings, how brilliant are your eyes!

I have a little looking glass upon my parlour shelf,
If you will step in one moment, dear, you shall behold yourself.
”I thank you, gentle sir’, she said, ‘for what you’re pleased to say,
And Bidding you good morning now, I’ll call another day.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – August 1990

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – August 1990

AS I WRITE THIS NEWSLETTER, THE DATE IS AUGUST 24,1990 Congress passed the ‘Disabilities Act’ called a majestic piece of Legislation, but they also worded it so that it does not apply to them. Thus they will never face a Federal Court if he or she is said to have discriminated against the disabled.


Remember how a short time ago the Press screamed that the Iron Lady was on the way out because of this new tax? Actually the truth of the matter is that under her plan, in the areas controlled by conservatives the tax is $5.00 per person less than in a Labour controlled area. Without this program property owners, especially Home owning pensioners living alone would have been saddled with exorbitant ‘local tax’ bills, while young students and aspiring Yuppies renting flats would pay little or nothing for their local services. Since now each council sets its own rate, local politicians must articulate prior to election what kind of services they will offer, and how much they intend to charge the local tax payer.

No longer can the promise of the Moon and Sixpence elect politicians, as a result of Mrs. Thatcher’s tax plan seems to be catching on as the British public is seeing more clearly the results. Simply put, the leaders of these areas are now inclined to seek Competitive bids on road work, garbage collections, sewer maintenance, and gardeners who keep the parks tidy. This lowers the charges per head and as you know it means votes.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – April 1997

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – April 1997

AS THE MONTH OF MARCH ENDS WE FIND HALE-BOPP STILL IN THE SIGN OF ANDROMÉDA. This was the great story of the unchaining of the Kingdom lady by her Redeemer. Israel, the kingdom of God’s people was bound.

That great oppressor, called Mystery Babylon, in the scriptures, (Revelations 17) was still oppressing. But now deliverance as always is SURE. Aries the Ram is seen with his hoofs on the band that binds the fish, as though about to loosen the bands and set the captives free, and then he will bind their great oppressor. Is not this a peculiar picture to set in the heavens so long ago? Here we find a WOMAN, the symbol of a kingdom, bound with chains, and those chains are fastened to her hands and her feet. She was of course in misery and trouble, and also now helpless. Yet this is also the foreshadowing of GREAT TRUTH. This Great king Cephus, the redeemer of the fish (Israel) came to deliver his promises of redemption and restoration.

In this picture then we see Cassiopeia, she is the enthroned woman (kingdom) she is pictured as beautiful, and she is now at peace with herself and the world, and is combing her golden hair and preparing for some kind of a ceremony, such as the Wedding supper of the Lamb Perhaps? And then the Marriage to her Redeemer?

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – April 1994

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – April 1994

While they are accusing the Clinton’s of Whitewater and so forth, the press is now helping, because behind the scene they are planning to try to shove the Healthcare bill through the Congress. This process has started in the House of Representatives.


The interest now on the Federal debt outstrips the Defence Budget.

Talbot was confirmed as Deputy Secretary of State. He has as we have told you before ties to the KGB. Yet the program to make him Secretary of State is still on track.

For nearly 20 years, Lester R. Brown has been prophesying widespread famine and each time he has been wrong. Does it look to you like the program to accomplish this is now on the table?


The man Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinousky, the 47 year old political powerhouse in the Russian political arena has installed great unease in the International Establishment after his incredible showing in December’s parliamentary election winning the largest share 24%, of the popular vote.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – April 1991

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – April 1991

IN VIEW OF THE FACT THAT THE AFRICAN NATIONAL CONGRESS (ANC) CAME OUT SO STRONGLY FOR SADDAM HUSSEIN before the Gulf war, surely the U.S. will not continue to support financially this terrorist organization any longer. Is the American public aware of the fact that shortly before the war broke out that the ANC burned the American flag??? Actually this should not be so surprising since from the first the ANCN had communist connections with Moscow. Way back in 1927 as the elected general secretary of the ANC travelled to Moscow, he was given a hero’s welcome and in return, Gumede hailed the USSR as, ‘The New Jerusalem.’ Even today as Communist ideology is on the ropes throughout most of the world, still Lenin’s useful idiots, are unfortunately still very much with us here at home.

General H. Norman Schwarzkopf Jr. spent part of his boyhood in Iran, where his father was an Army General in WWII. The Iranians greatly admired General Schwarzkopf Sr. Perhaps this was one reason why the Iranians kept a low profile in operation ‘Desert Storm’, where this man’s son was commander? In Vietnam ‘Storming Norman’ acquired two purple hearts, and 3 silver stars and a MARKED DISTASTE for the way the war was run. Loving his soldiers as he does brought out his famous temper at the way men were sacrificed instead of using American technology and weapons.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – April 1987

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – April 1987

I HAD PROMISED TO TALK A BIT ABOUT THE PURPOSE OF THE TV SERIES “AMERIKA” but it like so many things are thrown at the viewing public hoping that a certain message will stick, the message here was resistance is useless and then other things come along so fast that you think of something else but that message is registered in your subconscious, and you never forget it.

Events are moving fast here in early 1987, it is hard to keep abreast of the News and to sort out which is authentic and which is simply to distract you from something you should know. I see these many things coming to pass, and I also see the hand of YAHWEH as he balances out the events so that his nation, his people are not quite overrun.

For instance, this great Big Monetary Collapse which has been talked about and written about for some years. But different dates have come and gone and no collapse. What happened to Mexico, Brazil, Bolivia, even the Chrysler Corp. of this nation, all were bankrupt entities. All third world countries had to be refinanced, were the big Banks going down in domino effect as in 1929? Well, they didn’t, did they. What then was this monetary system established after WWII which prevented this great disaster??

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – June 1997

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – June 1997

AS WE ENTER THE MONTH OF JUNE, WE SEE IN THE PRESS A STARTLING THING. For the first time it seems someone is challenging this idea of Einstein as being the idea man of the birth of the Universe and so forth.

From Lawrence, Kansas comes a Kansas professor and his research partner, and they are reporting findings that might cause the physicists to reconsider Einstein’s ‘theory of relativity’ as well as the birth of the universe.

John Ralston, Kansas professor of Physics and Astronomy, and Borge Nodland, Research-Fellow at University of Rochester, are challenging one of the fundamental ideas of modern cosmology. The saying that space is the same in all directions with no up and down.

The professors research appears to show that there is an up and down to the universe. And that space, like earth, may be oriented along an axis.

“Our observational data suggests that there is a mysterious north star that orients the universe.” Said Ralston.

Einstein’s ‘theory of relativity’ is based on an ‘assumption’ of a Universe that is direction less as well as upon the constancy of the speed of light.

The researchers suggest that other scientist need to explore how Einstein’s theory of electromagnetism relate to their findings. One possibility would be to revise the laws of light and electromagnetism. This research may also be the first experimental evidence yet of the existence of other universes. (Who, then, was Einstein, who the scientists have followed all of these years?)

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – May 1997

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – May 1997

SOUL FOOD – from the World Magazine:

IF YOU HAVE BEEN DEBATING OR HESITATING, then perhaps this story would be most appropriate. For life was not so easy for the Martyrs of our Race either.

JOURNEY TO THE STAKE: Martyrs, Thomas Cranmer hesitated on the way. A mighty and most mindful Father, we have erred and strayed from your ways like lost sheep. We have done those things which we ought not to have done, and there is no health in us. Have mercy upon us miserable offenders; Spare those, O God, who confess their faults, and restore those who are penitent. Amen.

These words were written by Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury, and author to the 1549 Book of Common Prayer. His prayers had the quality of literary beauty unsurpassed in English. When we read that there is no health in us, we know it to be true. Our only hope is in Christ.

Within a few years, in fact, on March 21, 1556, the truth of his words would sear his soul and take his life.

Archbishop Cranmer’s ordeal started when Mary Tudor, known as Bloody Mary, became queen of England in 1553. She was a Catholic. He was a Protestant.

And soon after Mary’s coronation, Archbishop Cranmer was arrested. During three years of imprisonment, theologians debated him. Day after day they argued and begged him to give up his Protestant beliefs. In that day, if one recanted, it was customary for execution to be stayed and freedom granted.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – March 1988

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – March 1988

HAVE YOU BEEN ABLE TO SEE THE COMET WHICH THROUGH JANUARY AND FEBRUARY has been streaking through the sky from the Big Dipper to Cassiopeia? It is closest to the sun on February 28.

This comet’s name is Tempel-Tuttle. It has been here before, ever so often. And is the source of the Leonid meteorite shower. Thus, the comet this year is pointing out the message of Cassiopeia. And we gave you that story last year. But Cassiopeia, remember, is the ultimate climax for the Andromeda story. The lady (Israel) crowned, cleansed and reigning with her king.

In March, the moon occults both Aldebaran and Jupiter. If you are from the Mississippi, west, this will take place in broad day light. In the east the star Aldebaran should be plainly seen on March 4th. The moon will be high in the sky and you should be able to see the orange star reappear from behind the moon’s bright glare of the sunlit lunar edge.

On March 26th, this occultation will only be seen by easterners. Among bright planets, only Mercury and Venus are better placed than usual for viewing this month. But a penumbrae eclipse and several close pairings of the moon with objects make for added interest. Mercury (the U.S.) Has its best evening apparition of the year for mid-northern latitude viewers. For 40 degrees North, the planet reaches maximum altitude on March 20.

Mercury is not alone in the western evening sky. Mars is above and Saturn far above it.

By March 10, Mercury lies less than a degree from Mars. And on March 28, the slender moon is just a few degrees left of Mars with Saturn and Mercury above them.