IN VIEW OF THE FACT THAT THE AFRICAN NATIONAL CONGRESS (ANC) CAME OUT SO STRONGLY FOR SADDAM HUSSEIN before the Gulf war, surely the U.S. will not continue to support financially this terrorist organization any longer. Is the American public aware of the fact that shortly before the war broke out that the ANC burned the American flag??? Actually this should not be so surprising since from the first the ANCN had communist connections with Moscow. Way back in 1927 as the elected general secretary of the ANC travelled to Moscow, he was given a hero’s welcome and in return, Gumede hailed the USSR as, ‘The New Jerusalem.’ Even today as Communist ideology is on the ropes throughout most of the world, still Lenin’s useful idiots, are unfortunately still very much with us here at home.
General H. Norman Schwarzkopf Jr. spent part of his boyhood in Iran, where his father was an Army General in WWII. The Iranians greatly admired General Schwarzkopf Sr. Perhaps this was one reason why the Iranians kept a low profile in operation ‘Desert Storm’, where this man’s son was commander? In Vietnam ‘Storming Norman’ acquired two purple hearts, and 3 silver stars and a MARKED DISTASTE for the way the war was run. Loving his soldiers as he does brought out his famous temper at the way men were sacrificed instead of using American technology and weapons.