Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – April 1987

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – April 1987

I HAD PROMISED TO TALK A BIT ABOUT THE PURPOSE OF THE TV SERIES “AMERIKA” but it like so many things are thrown at the viewing public hoping that a certain message will stick, the message here was resistance is useless and then other things come along so fast that you think of something else but that message is registered in your subconscious, and you never forget it.

Events are moving fast here in early 1987, it is hard to keep abreast of the News and to sort out which is authentic and which is simply to distract you from something you should know. I see these many things coming to pass, and I also see the hand of YAHWEH as he balances out the events so that his nation, his people are not quite overrun.

For instance, this great Big Monetary Collapse which has been talked about and written about for some years. But different dates have come and gone and no collapse. What happened to Mexico, Brazil, Bolivia, even the Chrysler Corp. of this nation, all were bankrupt entities. All third world countries had to be refinanced, were the big Banks going down in domino effect as in 1929? Well, they didn’t, did they. What then was this monetary system established after WWII which prevented this great disaster??