Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – June 1994

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – June 1994


THEORIES CANNOT EXPLAIN DISCOVERY. BY JOHN NOBLE WILFORD OF THE NEW YORK TIMES. This story carried in the “Spokane review”, in Spokane, Washington on Monday March, 21, 1994.

Somewhere out in the Universe, something is exerting a tremendous pull on the Milky Way galaxy, which includes the solar system, and most of its neighbouring galaxies, astronomers have found. The unexpected discovery may force A REVISION of some basic notions about the UNIVERSE.

The astronomers who discovered the magnitude of these peculiar galactic motions say their observations ‘strongly challenge our understanding of how the universe EVOLVED’.

The first reaction of scientists to these findings run from astonishment to scepticism, to earnest debate over the most puzzling questions in cosmology, how did the Universe evolve from an early state of virtual homogeneity to the observed lumpy conditions today in which stars congregate in galaxies, galaxies into clusters, and clusters of galaxies into super clusters that stretch across hundreds of millions of light years of space?

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – June 1991

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – June 1991

THE IDEA WAS FOR THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO PICK UP A SUBSTANTIAL AMOUNT OF A MEDICAL STUDENTS BILLS in exchange for a promise that the young Doctor will serve in poor areas short on Medics. This is how the program worked for one doctor, Sheila E. Carroll. By the time she was through school the taxpayers were in, to the tune of $94,000.00 for expenses at Georgetown Medical School. The trouble then was that Dr. Carroll was assigned to an Indian Reservation to work, and she did not care for that location. She chose a poor urban area in New York, or Washington D.C. These areas would be within commuting distance of some of the nicest neighbourhoods, where Doctors live such as Scarsdale NY, or Rockville Md.

Dr. Carroll did not care for the idea of paying back the loan plus interest, and being free from the program, so she took her case, and her $100,000.00 annual income to Bankruptcy court, but the Judge dismissed the case calling it an abuse of the Bankruptcy code. Now; the good news is that Dr. Carroll owes the taxpayers $719,000.00. The bad news is that there are more than 500 former medical students in default on loans like this.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – June 1989

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – June 1989

VICE PRESIDENT QUAYLE AND HIS ADVISORS ARE TURNING INTO THE MAJOR PLAYERS INSIDE THE ADMINISTRATION SUPPORTING THE SDI PROGRAM. Brent Scrowcroft is clearly the most important staffer against the SDI. This is to be expected of course. Also Arnold Kanter whom Scrowcroft recruited from the Rand Corp- oration is also against SDI. President Bush is said to be undecided, there- fore it is up to Quayle and his advisors to bring their influence to bear, on the thinking of the President. No wonder the Press is still against the Vice President, and belittles him whenever possible, although the President seems to be trying to educate the Vice President to fill the bigger shoes.

What is the truth behind the development of what is called ‘Cold Fusion’? Will Loy thinks, and I agree, that there seems to be a big cover up. Big money interests will do anything to stop the development of this ‘Cold Fusion’ Why? because this is an inexhaustible power source with very little radio active waste, and no pollution. Big names are discouraging the belief in this source of power, just as nuclear energy was discouraged. It is a political football today with no thought as to what the cheap source of power would do for the company and the people of our nation.

Mr. Loy thinks the Battleship ‘Iowa’ was a victim of Sabotage. WELL, there has now been three so called accidents in a row. Mr. Loy suggests that the KGB has mistakenly believed that the United States had something to do with the sinking of their experimental Submarine off the coast of Norway just recently.

The rise in gasoline prices was not caused by the oil spill in Alaska, there are other reasons behind this rise in price. One is to feed inflation so as to destabilize the Bush Administration.


Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – June 1988

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – June 1988

IT IS SO NICE TO READ THE WORDS OF SOMEONE WHO AGREES WITH ME. Ha. These remarks from the Editor in Chief of the United States News and world report, May 16, 1988, Headline: WEASEL WORDS:

In the Omnibus trade bill which is before congress, this miserable bill ought to be called the Ominous Bill. This Bill (The size of a large book) is loaded with sectional buy-offs. Every sectional interest in these United States is appeased, and every National Interest is sacrificed.

The hard fact, alas, is that less than 20% of American exports are affected by the trade regulators of other countries. The percentage of U.S. imports subject to tariffs or restrictions has more than tripled during the Reagan years, and the cost of such restrictions are staggering. For instance, the Dairy Quotas cost more than 5 Billion dollars per year, or about $200,000.00 per job saved, or $2,000 for each cow. These costs are born by all Americans, and they add to the inflation pressure we are now seeing.

The wrong road is to let Congress meddle in these matters, as it has been trying to do by moving the power to negotiate bilateral, and multilateral trade agreements away from the President. Congress is indecisive, parochial, and promotes short-term local interest over the long-term National Interest. In trade this is self defeating because protection discourages reform. The most inefficient companies have no incentive to improve while the barriers remain.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – June 1987

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – June 1987

IF YOU HAVE BEEN THINKING THAT THE GOVERNMENT IS BOGGED DOWN BY THE IRAN-CONTRA AFFAIR; don’t be fooled by that Charade. Behind the scene they are busy as usual, passing the buck, and spending it.

We are seeing false information being sold to the American people as true, thus as always. There are strong opinions on both sides of this question, one being that the world would be a better place under a One World Government, while the other side believes in a strong America able to protect herself. President Reagan’s statement that the SDI program is not for sale is not acceptable to the other side. Both sides in this issue are represented in his administration, and since he took so many ‘foxes’ into his administration to begin with, then all the holdovers from other administrations who were already there, it is hard to hold any edge of power.

Now; according to Pat Buchanan, who is now on the outside of the Administration, President Reagan thought the administration should block the extradition of Karl Linnas. the Estonian who fought the same enemy we have been preparing to fight, namely the Soviet Union. The Attorney General tried to send Karl Linnas to another country instead of the Soviet Union. But certain FBI agents dragged Linnas aboard a plane and took him to Soviet occupied Estonia. But what about that little country, and its place in history?

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – July 1997

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – July 1997

AS WE MOVE INTO JULY, THE VIEWING OF THE COMET WILL BECOME MORE DIFFICULT FOR AFTER THE PERIHELION PASSAGE ON APRIL 1, then Comet Hale-Bopp begins a dramatic southward plunge, rapidly heading almost straight down through the orbited plains of earth and the other planets. Thus, the Comet watchers in the southern hemisphere will soon be in the viewing area. There is a conjunction with the sun in early July.

In late July, Hale-Bopp is located 10 degrees from the brilliant star Sirius, the so called ‘Dog star.’ Although bright moonlight in the morning sky might detract a little from this meeting.

On July 27, Mercury comes close to Venus but never quite catches up. Mars is approaching the bright star Spica. Jupiter begins rising in the evening sky as Venus sets. Jupiter then sits in the midst of Capricorn. Uranus is at opposition at this time and should be seen with the naked eye. The moon and Jupiter are close on the morning of the 21. And some parts of the world see an occultation of Saturn by the moon on the 25th. The moon occults Aldebaran on July 2, and then again on July 29. There is a meteor shower in July, but the waning moon interferes somewhat until the last few night of the month of July.

Now under the foot of Orion is the sign of Lepus (the hare) or the enemy. To learn the true meaning of this constellation of Orion we have to go back to the Denderah (Egyptian) Zodiac for in that this the Hare is an unclean bird standing on a serpent.

These pictures are now outside of the ecliptic and the name Bashti means confounded, and falling. But Hale-Bopp is still in the sign of Orion pointing out this enemy as Lepus, the Hare. But as the enemy also being trodden under foot. And as this judgment is being meted out we are to remember that the children of the kingdom are now with the Great Shepherd, safely in His arms.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – July 1995 Supplement

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – July 1995 Supplement

JOANN HAS SUGGESTED THAT YOU WHO HAVE THE TAPE NO. 136, reread once again both parts, ‘The Year of the Woman’, as this is very timely here in 1995.

As we prepare for the 1996 elections, pressures are great on Congressmen just to think of votes instead of principles.

Money, as the old saying goes, ‘Money talks.’ We have come to the point in this nation where it takes millions of dollars to run for public office. This money also corrupts.

America also wanted a hero and wanted to do something right for a change and felt that, as Scott O’Grady was rescued, that at last we had performed like America could.

Now complainers are saying, ‘What price glory?’ The rescue involved 43 Marines, an aircraft carrier, and 40 aircraft. But the Military sources say that this rescue cost nothing because the 24th Marine Expedition Unit was already stationed in the Adriatic Sea. And the aircraft would have flown that day anyway. Surely, America can be allowed to rescue one of our men who was put in danger by flying under U.N. Command??

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – July 1994

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – July 1994

HARARE, ZIMBABWE (former Rhodesia)

VICE PRESIDENT JOSHUA NKOMO CONTINUES HIS ATTACKS ON MINORITIES SUNDAY (JUNE 6) urging whites to move out of our country’, before it is to late. Nkomo warned of civil war if whites, Asians, and mixed race Rhodesians continue to show little support for the ruling party. The mixed race Zimbabweans have been rather vocal in accusing Mugabe’s party of seeking scapegoats for corruption, inflation, unemployment, and homelessness.

Now; if you will remember it was a white man, Ian Smith who turned over the rule of his nation to Black rule, with the blessings of the white nations, and the Christian church organizations, and of course the United Nations. The Black President Mugabe asked the white Rhodesians to remain and be active in helping the nation go forward under black rule. Soon you saw, now Zimbabwe asking for foreign aide, and now the call comes for the whites to leave their nation before it is to late. Thus Zimbabwe is moving like all other African nations, after the white settlers are run out, into chaos like we see in Rwanda, South Africa take notice.


Nelson Mandela, himself is a former leader in the ‘Spear of the nation’, the communist terrorist group, it is obvious that the daily Press is engaged in a deliberate cover up of the takeover of South Africa. The media has been hailing the ANC takeover of South Africa as just another political party being elected to office. If this were the case why is it that the first day the ANC is in office they changed the National flag to the Communist flag and the National Anthem to the official ANC song.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – July 1991

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – July 1991

Interesting Titbits: Dr. Swift:.

THE SIDES OF THE NORTH: refers to the 4 Archangels called Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, and Lucifer as the sides who revolved around the centre, The Master – YAHWEH-YAHSHUA; Himself. When Lucifer came out of the Sides of the North in rebellion, then YAHWEH took over his portion so as to maintain the balance.

The Peak of Mt. Zion, the holy stone, probably once the base of the Temple Altar of Burnt Offerings is enclosed by the Mosque of Omar, thus guarded by the Arabs as is the Tomb of Abraham and those who are buried there.

The Spirit of God is not going to come in some Evangelistic meeting. The Spirit of God is going to stimulate the inside consciousness of the soul, cause the mind to work, to see the Blue-Print of God’s plan.

‘The last shall be first’ Those the World Order would make last, are first in the eyes of God because of the truth they carry.

Another result of Communism

From the Baltic to the Black Sea runaway industrialization with no thought to the environment, no pollution control, has turned the rivers into death traps, for not only people, but the forests as well. Now western thinking men must try to assess the damages and modernize the plants to stop this great disaster.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – July 1990

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – July 1990

MAY 20, 1990, KELSO WASHINGTON: SCIENTISTS ARE NOW WARNING that the volcanoes of the North Western United States which had been silent for so long before the eruption of Mt. St. Helens in 1990., are now rumbling. Mount Baker, Mount Rainier in Washington State as is Mount St. Helens, and Mount Shasta in California are showing some signs of activity such as minor steam eruptions and bulging. Mt. Rainier is perhaps the most dangerous of the volcanoes in the Cascades because of its potential for destruction of a huge area of Puget Sound Lowlands.

It is noted that 21,000 deaths occurred in a Columbian village when a volcano blew there a few years ago. Population centres are flourishing today in the paths of flooding and mudflow of these American volcanoes. Perhaps Mt. St. Helens was only a warning?? Scientists are now warning that the next eruption of any of these volcanoes could have six times the force of the 1990 eruption. Tom Pierson, a United States Geological Survey Geologist as the Cascades volcano Observatory in Vancouver, Washington give this warning. He thinks that Mt. ST. Helens is the most likely to erupt soon but is watching these others as well for the Cascades run from Northern California to Southern British Columbia