HARARE, ZIMBABWE (former Rhodesia)
VICE PRESIDENT JOSHUA NKOMO CONTINUES HIS ATTACKS ON MINORITIES SUNDAY (JUNE 6) urging whites to move out of our country’, before it is to late. Nkomo warned of civil war if whites, Asians, and mixed race Rhodesians continue to show little support for the ruling party. The mixed race Zimbabweans have been rather vocal in accusing Mugabe’s party of seeking scapegoats for corruption, inflation, unemployment, and homelessness.
Now; if you will remember it was a white man, Ian Smith who turned over the rule of his nation to Black rule, with the blessings of the white nations, and the Christian church organizations, and of course the United Nations. The Black President Mugabe asked the white Rhodesians to remain and be active in helping the nation go forward under black rule. Soon you saw, now Zimbabwe asking for foreign aide, and now the call comes for the whites to leave their nation before it is to late. Thus Zimbabwe is moving like all other African nations, after the white settlers are run out, into chaos like we see in Rwanda, South Africa take notice.
Nelson Mandela, himself is a former leader in the ‘Spear of the nation’, the communist terrorist group, it is obvious that the daily Press is engaged in a deliberate cover up of the takeover of South Africa. The media has been hailing the ANC takeover of South Africa as just another political party being elected to office. If this were the case why is it that the first day the ANC is in office they changed the National flag to the Communist flag and the National Anthem to the official ANC song.