Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – June 1991

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – June 1991

THE IDEA WAS FOR THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO PICK UP A SUBSTANTIAL AMOUNT OF A MEDICAL STUDENTS BILLS in exchange for a promise that the young Doctor will serve in poor areas short on Medics. This is how the program worked for one doctor, Sheila E. Carroll. By the time she was through school the taxpayers were in, to the tune of $94,000.00 for expenses at Georgetown Medical School. The trouble then was that Dr. Carroll was assigned to an Indian Reservation to work, and she did not care for that location. She chose a poor urban area in New York, or Washington D.C. These areas would be within commuting distance of some of the nicest neighbourhoods, where Doctors live such as Scarsdale NY, or Rockville Md.

Dr. Carroll did not care for the idea of paying back the loan plus interest, and being free from the program, so she took her case, and her $100,000.00 annual income to Bankruptcy court, but the Judge dismissed the case calling it an abuse of the Bankruptcy code. Now; the good news is that Dr. Carroll owes the taxpayers $719,000.00. The bad news is that there are more than 500 former medical students in default on loans like this.