THEORIES CANNOT EXPLAIN DISCOVERY. BY JOHN NOBLE WILFORD OF THE NEW YORK TIMES. This story carried in the “Spokane review”, in Spokane, Washington on Monday March, 21, 1994.
Somewhere out in the Universe, something is exerting a tremendous pull on the Milky Way galaxy, which includes the solar system, and most of its neighbouring galaxies, astronomers have found. The unexpected discovery may force A REVISION of some basic notions about the UNIVERSE.
The astronomers who discovered the magnitude of these peculiar galactic motions say their observations ‘strongly challenge our understanding of how the universe EVOLVED’.
The first reaction of scientists to these findings run from astonishment to scepticism, to earnest debate over the most puzzling questions in cosmology, how did the Universe evolve from an early state of virtual homogeneity to the observed lumpy conditions today in which stars congregate in galaxies, galaxies into clusters, and clusters of galaxies into super clusters that stretch across hundreds of millions of light years of space?