Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 100

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 100

I STARTED THIS TAPE SERIES, MYSTERIES OF THE KINGDOM, using the method of Questions and Answers and will finish this series with this 100th Tape the same way. Through these 100 Tapes, plus the other material we have tried to refresh your memory as to the outline of the Great Mosaic of This Kingdom of YAHWEH (God) in Heaven as it will be in earth. We have used the Swift Tape Ministry and my understanding for our source of knowledge, and if by this time you do not realize who you are, and why you are here, then we must have failed. However, it has also been a great learning experience for us as well, and we believe we have only scratched the surface as to the knowledge available to us if we are interested in searching.

We believe that as we search the past we are given knowledge for the future, thus we keep studying and searching and trying to better understand the Message contained in the Swift Tape Ministry which we have had access to over the years. We have been retyping some of what we consider those Swift Tapes with the deeper meanings, perhaps to reach yet a better understanding of what Dr. Swift, under inspiration was revealing for us.

QUESTION: .Why did Moses break the tables of stone as he came down from the Mountain after talking with God?

ANSWER: .In the writings of the early Christian Fathers as well as in the Sinaitic writings we also find this Biblical story of Moses on Mt. Sinai. In the Epistle of Barnabas we are reminded of this again and it stirs our memory.

Remember that Moses had been 40 days on the Mountain receiving instructions from none other than Almighty God Himself. No doubt Moses was once more instructed in the program of the Kingdom as to how these final pieces of the Great Mosaic would be filled in. Moses no doubt was instructed as to the part these Aryans now called Israelites were to play in their time table here in the flesh as time was drawing near for the Coming of the Messiah.

In this Epistle of Barnabas, there is a word inserted which stirs out interest. Moses is now coming down the Mountain, after the instructions and carrying these two tables of stone and said to have been written on by the finger of God.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 99

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 99

AS WE LOOK ONCE MORE AT THE CIVILIZATIONS IN THE DISTANT PAST we realize that this modern world owes a great debt to the men and women who lived, loved, and laughed so long ago. Actually there is little new, under the sun, as you begin to understand the PAST.

In this study we will review some of the facts recorded by Ivor Lissner in his book, ‘The Living Past’. Our author was born in Germany and spent his adult life travelling and studying the great civilizations of the past. He expresses this thought: ‘Only when you recognize what generations before you have striven for, thought, and achieved, will you recognize and best employ the opportunities your own short life affords. Only then will you realize that you are set upon a veritable mountain of Human History, and civilizations which others have built for you over thousands of years.’

Through this tape series we have traced civilizations, people, and races, and we realize we must use a different standard in assessing the civilizations built by the white race. We must also recognize as we read the work of Ivor Lissner that we must be able to recognize the difference in people and races who were on this earth over thousands of years. We must study each civilization and determine just who these people were and where they came from.

The Science of Archaeology has been a great help in exposing this story of the ‘Living Past’. This blinder, of the time table of Adam‑man held by the Christian Church as well as the teaching that then all people came from Noah’s sons after the flood have kept people from the study and understanding of these Ancient civilizations that the science of Archaeology has uncovered. Yet even with these blinders, as you read these findings, if you are alert you will see in what is recorded the differences in races, in their accomplishments, their beliefs, and life styles, and in this way you can trace these AMAZING ARYANS by these recorded facts.

For instance: .as Archaeologists uncover an Ancient city which was known almost 2000 years before the Birth of THE CHRIST, they will tell you that most of the people of this old city were Semites (Aryans) and were not racial kin to the ones referred to as Sumarians.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 98

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 98

IN OUR TAPE SERIES, ‘THE MYSTERIES OF THE KINGDOM‘, we have covered much of Ancient History. Some have asked: Just what did Dr. Swift teach that was so different than what even some of so called ‘Identity’ ministers preach? Basically we would say that Wesley A. Swift under inspiration as a Warrior Priest for his God, and his Race went much further back into the eons of yesterday to the beginning of this story of a Race of People who came into physical earth as these Aryans, came through the Adamic Race for a purpose.

We would say that Dr. Swift was guided through his education into an intensive study of both sides of the physical picture of what we call ‘The Church’. His father was a Methodist Minister and he was raised in such a home, and he himself became a minister at an early age. We believe this was simply his journey forward in the path of his destiny. He was then introduced to what people call ‘Identity’ and we believe this was but a giant step forward into the total story contained in the Scriptures. Immediately things clicked in his mind and the Scriptures then made more of an impression on this young minister.

Dr. Swift under ‘Inspiration’ realized that some time back in the eons of yesterday, in fact before even the foundations of this earth were laid, that YAHWEH had brought forth Spirit or Celestial children for a great purpose. The more Dr. Swift studied and searched the more he realized that this story was never put forward as he had studied to be a minister, perhaps for a purpose. Then began Dr. Swift’s study of old books he could find to confirm what he under inspiration was allowed to learn.


Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 97

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 97

KNOWLEDGE HAS BEEN INCREASING OVER THE YEARS, yes, this is so true, but still 70 years after the start of WWI and 1/2 Century after the beginning of WWII, the big guns of the Mass Media still roar with the wrong history of both world wars, fairy tales as to how they started, warmed over propaganda as to how they were fought, and lies as to how they ended. The consequences to you and me they do not mention. Many are the men and women who have tried to tell the story as they saw events unfold, but were persuaded or persecuted or ignored.

The Controlled Mass Media has always had the last word. Here in 1990 as the news brings us the events that are leading to a combined, ONE World Europe, we remember this old book called ‘Imperium’. We then decided to reread and review this book for you as it seems to fit the Times we are seeing today.

Taylor Caldwell was another writer who tried through her writings to awaken the people. She had pointed out many facts as to how men behind the scenes had met in Switzerland in their comfortable Villa, while young men were dying in the trenches of Europe, and these men, behind the scenes smiled at how well their program of WAR was working. She then wondered why the American people did not catch on to the fact that the great Ocean Passenger Liners were carrying war materials in their holds. Why did the ‘Lusitania’ sail without an escort, where as other passenger ships had heavy escorts? It was at that time widely known that this great ship carried in her hold war material to be used against Germany? Who was it that decided to murder over 100 men, women and children so as to change the thinking of the American people, and to bring them into the War against Germany? Two World Wars would then be fought so as to destroy the German people whether they were in Germany, or in Russia as rulers of that land.

People seem to hear these things, then quickly forget them when they are faced with a constant drum of propaganda and even Patriotism is used as a lever to move the thinking of a people. This we think will go on until the people begin to listen to the Spirit within instead of this drum beat of Materialism without. Always the program of competition among nations in the struggle for World Markets causes a decline in Spiritual values, because of this glitter of money. When Agriculture gave way to industrialism, then materialism followed. But the benefits of industry can only be enjoyed when the people accept the moral responsibility of those benefits. When Greed comes into the picture morality goes out the window.

Over the years we find that men of this western world have tried to awaken their people as to who they are, and why they are here, and this has brought instant persecution, and until your race has an understanding as to who they are we think this will continue.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 96

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 96

The Calling of Dan Matthews
Harold Bell Wright (Written In 1909)

ELLA: AS I RE‑READ THIS OLD BOOK I THOUGHT, HOW THIS STORY FITS IN WITH THE PAST SEVERAL TAPES. Perhaps we love the writings of our authors of some years ago because they tell us of a more simple Faith than our managed Christianity of today. They speak of the Pride of Race, and the belief in that Pride of Race, and of the Brotherhood of that Race, and the belief that we as a people are to be a blessing to the world we live in without compromising belief in Jesus Christ, our Race and our purpose in earth. And now for the, Calling Of Dan Matthews.

The main characters in this story are Dan Matthews, Judge Strong, and Old Doc and the Young Doctor, and the lady who won Dan’s heart, Hope Farwell. Young Dan Matthews fresh out of theology school comes to Corinth to be the pastor of Memorial Church. In this town lives the old doctor called Doc who has worn himself out caring for the people of this city and the surrounding countryside. Old Doc knew the people, knew their occupations, and how they lived their lives. The Preacher knew what they professed, but old Doc knew what they practiced. Society saw them dressed up, the Doctor saw them in bed, he spent hours in their homes, more than in his own. There was not a skeleton closet in the whole area to which he had not the key.

In Corinth had lived a man called ‘The Statesman’, and when he died the people had erected an iron monument in the centre of the city square. Old Doc always despised this iron monument to his old friend saying it represented what people thought he was supposed to be, but old Doc thought they really never knew his old friend.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 95

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 95

The Marriage of The Lamb – From the Books by Seiss

WE GO ONCE MORE TO THE OLD BOOKS FOR OUR REVIEW OF HIS SUBJECT. The Library of Dr. Swift has brought us much material in our search for the Gospel of the Kingdom.

As we come to this subject then The Harlot is now swept away. (This is Jewish control of religion, economy, and society. Their hold on these three is now swept away.) And the Faithful Woman (Israel) comes to her rightful honours. The betrothed, so long waiting, amid privation, persecution, and contempt now becomes the BRIDE. The time of her Marriage has arrived.

The Bridegroom is of course The LAMB, Our Saviour. The Old Testament people are everywhere represented as betrothed to their God, the HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL, as a candidate for a Glorious union, all in due time. Isaiah 14:1‑8 and Hosea 2:19. In the New Testament it is the same, the Saints (believing offspring) are to be the Bride, and become the Wife. This NEW Jerusalem coming down out of the heavens is where we find the Bride, this race which prepares themselves to be the Bride, the Wife, THE LAMB’S WIFE. This New Jerusalem is something which has been there since Adam, just waiting in the wings, and now takes their place in the prophesied Blessings. The Saints have a righteousness by imputation through FAITH, without works, and a righteousness which is the fruit of FAITH, consisting of works springing forth, and wrought in FAITH.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 94

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 94

(Many were the Lectures given by our Author as he put forth his interpretation of this last Book in the Bible. He was considered a great Minister of his time and has some interesting observations.)

AS THE ANGEL (EAGLE) HAVING THE EVERLASTING GOSPEL to preach to those who dwell upon the earth says: .’Fear God, and give to Him Glory because the hour of his judgment is come.’ The second Angel (Eagle) then announces that Great Babylon has fallen. The third Angel (Eagle) announces that anyone who worships The Beast and his Image, and receives the Mark on his forehead or hand shall drink of the wrath of God.

As you know the darkest storms often give way to the loveliest sunsets. The wind and the thunder exhaust themselves, the clouds empty and break, and from the heavens behind them comes a golden light. Since these in ancient writings were called Eagles and not Angels we understand the part now played by the Eagles of Deuteronomy 32, these Israelites in the great drama which will unfold as the time of Judgment comes. We have witnessed the sealing of the 144,000 (Rev. 14:1‑13) and realize these are the tribes of Israel by the multiple of 12, they are redeemed and now will play their part as the scene changes.

We have witnessed the part played by the Anti-Christ, and listened to Satan’s angry cry, and shuddered at the shadows, the distress and darkness he has cast upon the world. We have seen his Power and Tyranny. But finally the scene begins to change, this terror cannot last. In the heavens we begin to see the light breaking from behind the clouds. Where Perdition has been holding court, the symptoms of a better order are beginning to appear. Over the pathway of the ‘Abomination of the Desolation’ we now see the forming outlines of the arch of beauty, hope, and peace. In place of the Beast system (world order), the Lamb comes into view. In place of the Blaspheming, the Redeemer appears with the name of YAHWEH ‑ YAHSHUA upon His brow.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 93

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 93


These are subjects from the Old Big Book by Joseph Seiss called The Apocalypse, Volume II

AS THE SEVENTH SEAL OF THAT BOOK OF INHERITANCE is broken we still have a delay in the reading of the Book. Now seven Angels stand in the presence of God and ‘to them are given seven trumpets’. In Holy Scripture the voice of the Trumpet is the most significant voice known. God Himself gave His Ancient people very special directions with regard to the use of the Trumpet. It is described as a loud and mighty cry, which related only to important occasions in Israel.

Trumpets were connected with war. (Numbers 10:9 Jeremiah 4:19) Trumpets were for gathering the people and moving the camps of Israel. (Numbers 8) Trumpets proclaimed great festivals. Trumpets are also related to the announcements of Royalty. (I Kings 1:34‑39 II Kings 9:13) Trumpets are associated with the manifestation of the Majesty and Power of God. Trumpets are connected with the overthrow of the ungodly. Trumpets proclaimed the laying of the foundations of God’s Temple.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 92

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 92

WE HAVE ON LOAN FROM THE SWIFT LIBRARY 3 BOOKS WHICH CONSIST OF A SERIES OF LECTURES ON THE BOOK OF THE APOCALYPSE (REVELATION). Copyrighted in 1865 and written by Joseph A. Seiss. Other Books by this Author are: ‘Last Times’, ‘The Gospel in Leviticus’, and then later ‘The Gospel of the Stars’ which we have already reviewed for you.
A few years ago we did a study of this Book of Revelation tying it to events in history. We did this using the tape ministries of Dr. Swift and Pastor Comparet and my understanding. We thought we would bring you any different ideas this Author might have, for remember he was a minister in the middle 1800’s.

We do this to stir interest in this last Book of inspiration in the New Testament since many have not wanted to consider this message here contained, thinking it does not speak to us at this end of the age. Our Author believes, and I agree, that this Book called ‘The Apocalypse of Jesus The Christ’ should be studied so we might understand some of the events which are still before us. We will also review this message from an Identity point of view because that is where our interest lies. Our Author gives us a wonderful testimony as to who this one called Jesus of Nazareth really is and that alone should recommend the Books.

Our Author tells us that in the Scriptures the Book of Genesis outlines the generations; Exodus is the going forth out of bondage; The Gospels are the very heart and substance of all communications between God and His people. Then God Himself designates this last Book as ‘The Revelation of Jesus The Christ’, thus the substance of this Book is expressed in the Title.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 91

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 91

THIS BOOK REVIEW IS BY A MODERN AUTHOR AND IT CONTAINS MANY ANCIENT SUGGESTIONS. Much has been written about the Maya Civilization in Central America, and also we have told you about the people of the tribe of Manasseh who came into that area long before the Birth of The Christ. From Archaeology we have outlined the civilization in South America in the time of and shortly after the Golden Age in the time span of Enoch the Adamite who obeyed so perfectly that he went home without seeing death. In this interpretation of the Mayan Factor by our author there are things which no doubt would shock our modern thinkers. In our culture today, as only modern History is read, anything old has been outdated as not worth your time and effort. Knowledge, especially of Ancient things is considered not worth possessing.

Our author then suggests that any vision of the Universe which does not shock us, is without value to us, and perhaps he is right. The Ancients believed that the earth, sun Galaxies, the Universe, everything everywhere is alive and intelligence and purpose, that there is life only on this planet of ours, that is all. Our author thus wonders if we can find the courage to shake ourselves away from that delusion, and find the way to learn the truth of the Universe. (We suggest that you should start with the knowledge of earth first. When you understand the Identity of the people of earth then you can start to understand their purpose in the plan of the Almighty. In that process you throw out the theory of evolution.)

According to our author these people called the ‘Maya’ were a people of a different cultural aim, which required a different development of consciousness. (If you were to understand that these people were from the tribe of Manasseh and from this Kingdom of YAHWEH you would understand this different development of consciousness he is talking about. They seemed to have retained some of their knowledge of who they were and their purpose here in the earth.)