Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 92

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 92

WE HAVE ON LOAN FROM THE SWIFT LIBRARY 3 BOOKS WHICH CONSIST OF A SERIES OF LECTURES ON THE BOOK OF THE APOCALYPSE (REVELATION). Copyrighted in 1865 and written by Joseph A. Seiss. Other Books by this Author are: ‘Last Times’, ‘The Gospel in Leviticus’, and then later ‘The Gospel of the Stars’ which we have already reviewed for you.
A few years ago we did a study of this Book of Revelation tying it to events in history. We did this using the tape ministries of Dr. Swift and Pastor Comparet and my understanding. We thought we would bring you any different ideas this Author might have, for remember he was a minister in the middle 1800’s.

We do this to stir interest in this last Book of inspiration in the New Testament since many have not wanted to consider this message here contained, thinking it does not speak to us at this end of the age. Our Author believes, and I agree, that this Book called ‘The Apocalypse of Jesus The Christ’ should be studied so we might understand some of the events which are still before us. We will also review this message from an Identity point of view because that is where our interest lies. Our Author gives us a wonderful testimony as to who this one called Jesus of Nazareth really is and that alone should recommend the Books.

Our Author tells us that in the Scriptures the Book of Genesis outlines the generations; Exodus is the going forth out of bondage; The Gospels are the very heart and substance of all communications between God and His people. Then God Himself designates this last Book as ‘The Revelation of Jesus The Christ’, thus the substance of this Book is expressed in the Title.