Black and White

Black and White

THIS STUDY WILL SHOW YOU THAT THE BLACKS ARE NOT ON AN EQUAL FOOTING WITH WHITE PEOPLE, the lies of the Jews, liberals and race mixers notwithstanding.

Immigration has been the destruction of the civilizations of the world; all through history and will lead to the destruction of the United States, if it is not stopped. There are many who lie and say that diversity is our strength. It is not a strength, it is the road to destruction of our country and our civilization.

The Mexicans are not much better than the Blacks because they are a mixed race of people. They used to be White Spaniards, but they cared so little for their race that they mixed with the Indians, blacks and etc., until they have lost almost all of the attributes that they had when they were White. So as far as they are concerned they are little advanced from Blacks.

The Chinese have Never progressed except as they come into contact with the White Race. It matters not what people want to believe that is a fact. Only recently has the news been widely known (it has been privately known for many years to researchers and scholars) that there was a great influx of The White Race into China several thousand years ago. And that their descendants were the ones who invented gun powder and the other scientific advances made in China. Therefore, the Chinese only progress when they come into contact with the White Race.

The Japanese are a little above the Chinese because they are the descendants of those of the White Race that invaded Asia many thousand years ago, and mixed with the Chinese, but since they were isolated for thousands of years on the little island they retained some of their White genes and so their progress was a little more than the Chinese. But they didn’t make any great strides in progress until the White Race began to go to Japan in great numbers.

The Word Bastard and The Bible

The Word Bastard and The Bible

BASTARD: STRONG’S CONCORDANCE: #4464 MAMZER (MAM‑ZARE’); from an unused root meaning to alienate; a mongrel, i.e. born of a Jewish father and a heathen mother: KJV‑‑ bastard.

Bastard: Brown-Driver-Briggs’: #4464 mamzer‑a bastard, a child of incest, an illegitimate child:–

a) a bastard

b) Mixed Population (figurative)

c) born of a Jewish father and a heathen mother or vice versa

“A person of illegitimate birth. The term may refer to the offspring of incest. Such a person was not allowed to enter the Lord’s assembly:

“bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord” (Deuteronomy 23:2), (KJV). “A bastard shall dwell in Ashdod” (Zechariah 9:6), (KJV) refers to the “Mixed Race” (other translations are “mongrel people” and “Half-breeds”) who would settle in the Philistine city.” (from Nelson’s Illustrated Bible Dictionary) (Copyright (C) 1986, Thomas Nelson Publishers)

Beast and Adultery

Beast and Adultery

We know from a study of the Scriptures that the word beast means a race or people who are not Israelites. In other words the Chinese, Jews, Negroes, as well as evil men who are both Israelites and non-Israelites.

From New Unger’s Bible Dictionary (originally published by Moody Press of Chicago, Illinois. Copyright (C) 1988).

Figurative. In a figurative or symbolical sense, the term frequently occurs in Scripture and generally refers to the sensual and grovelling or ferocious and brutal natures properly belonging to the brute creation. The psalmist speaks of himself as being “like a beast” before God, while giving way to merely sensuous considerations (Psalm. 73:22).

The Word Is Sometimes Used Figuratively of Brutal Men. Hence the phrase “I fought with wild beasts at Ephesus” (1 Corinthians 15:32, cf. Acts 19:29) is a figurative description of a fight with strong and exasperated enemies. For a similar use of the word see (Ecclesiastes 3:18; 2 Peter 2:12; Jude 10).

And While Beast Is the Symbol of Selfish, Tyrannical Monarchies. The four beasts in (Daniel 7:3,17,23), represent four kingdoms (Ezekiel 34:28; Jeremiah 12:9).

In the Apocalypse the Beast Obviously Means a Worldly Power Whose Rising Out of the Sea Indicates That It Owes Its Origin to the Commotions of the People (Revelation 13:1; 15:2; 17:8).

The “four beasts” (Gk. zoa, “living creatures,” not therein, “beast” in the strict sense) of the KJV of (Revelation 4:6) should be rendered “four living ones” or “four living creatures” (so NASB and NIV). See Cherub, Cherubim. (from New Unger’s Bible Dictionary) (originally published by Moody Press of Chicago, Illinois. Copyright (C) 1988.)

Billy Graham

Billy Graham

TEXE MARRS IN HIS FLASHPOINT, BY LIVING TRUTH MINISTRIES, 1708 Patterson Road, Austin, Texas 78733, (800) 234-9673; says Billy Graham is a Great Deceiver: Every time I expose darkness and subversion inside the Christian establishment, the hounds of hell come against me. Every time I unmask Satan’s deceptive ministers of unrighteousness within the Christian Church; men who so cleverly disguise themselves as “Angels of Light’ but, inside, are ravening wolves, the hounds of hell come against me. They show their ferocious mouths, and lust to tear out my flesh, rip my eyeballs from their sockets, anything to shut out the Truth!

Well, let the hounds come, I am ready for them, with Christ Jesus as my strength, because in this and next month’s issues of Flash-point, I’m going to tell the whole, unvarnished truth about several of the chief deceiver in our midst. I intend to sound the alarm and to cry aloud: “Beware, Saints of God! This is the great falling away, prophesied to come in 2 Thessalonians 2.”

I begin this month with an expose’ of Billy Graham who, except for the Pope of Rome, is the chief deceiver in the world today. I intend next month to examine the most recent skullduggery of Pope John II, Fidel Castro’s hero and the “other” Mary’s little messenger to the world. Then, I’ll go on to take a look at some Papal underlings, like Jack Van Impe, Chuck Colson, and Hank Hanegraaf. Also, I’ll be examining the latest teachings of Kenneth Hagin, the big-wig of charismatic “Word of Faith” heresy.

But before I begin, I warn you: If you don’t want to hear the truth, STOP READING NOW! No reason to have your comfort zone disturbed with facts, is there? Just throw away this newsletter. Tossing out this documentation will save you a lot of pain and grief. Then you can get on with wooing of the world and your adoration of these big and famous names within the so-called “Christian Community.”

Least in The Kingdom

Least in The Kingdom

YAHSHUA DECLARED HE IS THE DOOR THROUGH WHOM ENTRANCE INTO THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS GAINED. Therefore, the seal of permanency of citizenship in the restored Kingdom upon the earth is through the acceptance of Him as Saviour. Peter stated this truth emphatically:

“There is no salvation through anyone else, for there is no one else in the world who has been named to men as our only means of being saved.” (Acts 4:12, Smith & Goodspeed Translation)

There are those who by virtue of birth, have a right of citizenship in the Kingdom but who will forfeit their citizenship if they fail to conform with the requirements which will secure its confirmation in the day of restoration. Yahshua was referring to the attainment of citizenship by those who had no acquired it by birth and the loss of citizenship in His Kingdom by those who by birth had right to it when He said:

“Many shall come from the east and west, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven. But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” (Matthew 8:11-12)

Thus, those within the Kingdom, in order to remain, and those without, in order to enter, must have their right to citizenship established through Yahshua. This is what Paul meant when he said:

“For God hath concluded them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all.” (Romans 11:32)

It is through Yahshua that God will have mercy upon His Israel people, for He is the Redeemer of Israel.

The Jews And Israel

The Jews And Israel

THE ATTITUDE OF JESUS CHRIST TO THIS SECT IS DEFINITELY EXPRESSED IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. (Luke 11 and John 8) Ask yourself the following questions regarding present day Jews Then you decide from the Word of God, who is true Israel.

1). Have the Jews been a blessing to all nations?

2). Have the Jews been “Circumcised In The Heart?”

3). Do the Jews glorify Jesus Christ?

4). Do the Jews declare that Jesus is God?

5). Do the Jews show forth the praises of Christ, God’s Son?

6). Have the Jews carried the message of “personal” and “national” Salvation to the ends of the Earth?

7). Do the Jewish people have God’s Spirit in their hearts?

8). Was the New Covenant (Testament) written to Jews or Israelites and what is the difference between the two?

9). Are the Jews the “lost sheep of the house of Israel?”

10). Are the Jews the “children of God, scattered abroad?”

11). Are the Jews the servants of God?

The Day The Word Became Flesh

The Day The Word Became Flesh

PROBABLY ONE OF THE MOST DIFFICULT SUBJECTS TO UNDERSTAND IN ALL SCRIPTURE IS THE INCARNATION. When we speak of the “Word,” naturally we are speaking of Yahweh. Most Judeo-Christians are under the delusion, that in some way, Yahweh the Father had a son similar to the way a natural fleshly father would have a son. This Is Not at All What Happened When the Word Became Flesh.

John 1:14 says:

“And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us–-full of grace (favour) and truth.”

If you will notice very carefully, the words, “(and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father)” are enclosed in parentheses. Immediately this should sound a warning signal, as the writer is referring to Isaiah 40:5 and quoting it out of context.

Actually, someone only succeeded in causing confusion on the matter by adding these words in parentheses, for Yeashua was not the “only begotten of the Father,” at least, if what Luke 3:38 ways is true, “Adam, which was the Son of Yahweh.”

As a matter of fact, Yeashua is rightly referred to as “the second Adam,” (Romans 5:14). While Yeashua is referred to as a second Adam, and both Adam and Yeashua were sons of Yahweh, with Yeashua it was in a different sense, for Yeashua was actually Yahweh Himself in the flesh and Adam wasn’t. It is important to see this difference between Yeashua and Adam, for Adam was not Yahweh in the flesh. It is very necessary we understand these important basic truths.

The Millennium

The Millennium

WHAT IS MILLENNIALISM, WHERE DOES THE TERM COME FROM, and when did this theory originate? One could talk about the 3 major theories, (1) Pre-Millennialism, (2) A-Millennialism, and (3) Post-Millennialism; but this has been done by many other men much more able than we are.

Therefore, we will attempt to help you understand that the Pre-Millennialism theory is really a “Jewish Millennialism.” Most Christians believe the theory is Christian in origin; and they will cite Revelations 20:1-7 and say it is talking about the “millennium” but some say the theory predates the Christian era.

Looking at the Jewish Encyclopaedia it has the following to say about the millennial theory. It states that the Millennium (or Chilliasm) is actually older than the Christian church itself In other words, it isn’t a Christian idea after all. The reign of peace, lasting a thousand years, which will precede the last and final judgment and the future life, is a concept which has achieved a special importance in the Christian church, where it has been termed Chilliasm, designating the domination of Jesus with the glorified and risen saints, will rule for a thousand years.

Chilliasm, or the idea of the thousand years is, nevertheless, older than the Christian church. For the belief of a thousand years, at the end of time, as a preliminary to the resurrection of the dead, was held in Pharisaism. This concept is expressed in Jewish literature in the Book of Enoch and etc.

The Law

The Law

WE HEAR MUCH ABOUT THE “LAW” TODAY IN THE NATIONAL AND LOCAL MEDIA. They are constantly saying “it is the law.” But you will notice that it is never God’s Law which is to be observed, it is mans law and it is quickly putting shackles on us, our children and our grandchildren. This is not to say that law is not important, for law is essential to an orderly way of life. But it is to bring safety and peace not hostility and slavery.

It has been the continued and uninterrupted operation of God’s Laws of Life that has made possible the existence of the human race. In fact, law is so essential to our very existence that life itself came into being as the result of the operation of God’s Law (Which has not been done away with, the cries of the Christian clergy to the contrary).

The operation of law is not confined to our physical existence alone. Our very health and prosperity with every act and need of man, individually, socially and governmentally, are all governed by law; and if we keep and observe these laws all their benefits will accrue to us while, if we violate them, there will follow inevitable retribution and suffering.

When men come to a full realization of these facts, they will willingly apply themselves to understanding God’s Laws so that in the knowledge of their operation and in obedience to them they may secure a blessing instead of a curse. Then the many and varied problems of administration which have so troubled and perplexed mankind will find a solution in their observance.

The True Birthday of Christ

The True Birthday of Christ

THE TRUE BIRTHDAY OF CHRIST: IN OUR SEARCH FOR THE DATE OF CHRIST’S BIRTH, LET US TURN TO THE GOSPEL OF LUKE. Here we find the high priest named Zacharias performing his duties as priest and Luke gives us some details of when this was happening. “There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judaea, a certain priest named Zacharias, of the course of Abia: and his wife was of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elisabeth––-

And it came to pass, that while he executed the priest’s office before God in the order of his course, According to the custom of the priest’s office, his lot was to burn incense when he went into the temple of the Lord.” [1]
The time of this happening is given to us in the phrase “in the course of Ab-i-ah.” Now we need to go back in time to the days of David, who divided the performing of the priestly duties into twenty-four hour shifts, relays, or as stated in verse 5 and 8, “courses.” David, in 1 Chronicles 24, allocated sixteen of the courses the descendants of Eleazar and eight courses to the descendants of Ith-a-mar.

Each course was determined by casting lots and the first course fell to Jehoiarib (Je-hoy-a-rib) and “—the eighth to Abijah (a-bi-jah),” [2].

Each course administered for one week at a time and changes were made on the Sabbath day before the evening sacrifice [3], and all the courses were active during the main festivals. This reckoning or cycle began on the 22nd of Tis-ri. Reckoning from the 22nd of Tis-ri, the ministering in the temple would fall upon the course of A-bi-jah twice a year, from 6 to 12 December, and from 13-19 June in the year 5 B.C.