Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 9

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 9


1. The Anti‑Christ
2. Identity of People
3. Under Grace not under Law
4. Born again
5. Black Pope

QUESTION: Scripture talks as though there will be an Anti‑Christ in the last days who will take over the world and rule with evil powers. Is this just one man or many? For instance as in Daniel chapter 8?

ANSWER: The seventh and eighth chapter of Daniel are overlapping and Daniel is explaining, using much symbolism as does John in Revelation, the rise and fall of great powers over the years. This is symbolically describing the continuing battle between the Luciferian kingdom and this Stone Kingdom set in place by YAHWEH which was set in place as a great stone cut out of a mountain without hands.

Some of the symbolism used here is of the horn, this would be as on the headdress of leaders, and kings, and Daniel always refers to this symbol of the horn. Sometimes it was Rams horns, sometimes twisted horns of other animals, but always a symbol of leadership and of military powers. And the Asiatic ruler would always take over the kingdom that rose and wage war against this ‘Stone Kingdom’ which YAHWEH set in place. Thus the prophecies that Daniel was seeing, many of them came true a long time ago and they keep coming true until the time decreed for the fullness of transgression to be reached by the transgressor who is of course Lucifer, and he leads his kingdom people. Lucifer and the people of his kingdom are Anti‑Messiah, translated Anti‑Christs, they have always been since the Luciferian rebellion started.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 8

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 8

Subjects are:

1. The Stones of Fire
2. Colour in the Celestial
3. The Third Eye
4. The Urim and Thummim
5. Laser Beam

QUESTION: The Stones of fire in Ezekiel 28:14-16; what are they?

ANSWER: ’Thou hath walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. I will destroy thee from the midst of the Stones of Fire.’

In this chapter of Ezekiel, then YAHWEH is talking about Lucifer, about how he once was a great Archangel and could approach unto YAHWEH, Himself. But then he rebelled and was driven out of his place. This Satanic nature must be destroyed.

The Stones of Fire are the colours of the spectrum, all the radiation of the total light band of the ultimate Holy of Holies, out of Celestial white which is a golden light.

At one time, then Lucifer could approach this light before his rebellion. But you, being children of HIS Spirit, begat in Spirit so long ago, can enter this light. You can and will be surrounded by this light, this colour. This sets you far about Angels. And the Stones of Fire are also referred to as the ‘Living Stones,’ sons and daughters who make up the Kingdom.

These Stones of Fire are going to lead us into the following subject: colour in the Celestial realm, the third eye, and the Breastplate, Jewels of the High Priest of Israel, and the Urim and the Thummim, and even the laser beam of today.

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 28th April 1965

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 28th April 1965

QUESTION: How do you explain; and the earth also shall be burned up. Peter 3‑13?

ANSWER: This is referring to the World Order, and is found also in the Book of Isaiah. The Scripture says this earth shall be the habitation of man forever and forever. And then God declares the earth is His Footstool. Then of the Increase of His Kingdom there shall be no end, and upon the Throne of David to establish and order it. Then there is another place where it refers to the sun, moon, and stars as enduring forever. The Psalmist declares the earth will be the habitation of man forever and forever. So, the fashion of the world passes away.

The Cosmos, earth order changes, but the earth itself never is totally destroyed because it has a Destiny which never ends. It reaches out to the endless tomorrows, the outer earth has been injured dozens of times and yet it is still here. Continents have sunk, mountains arose, plateaus came, and valleys disappeared. Each time this happened the earth has been injured, but as far as this word: What manner of people ought we to be when the earth is dissolved in fervent heat? It is a matter of translation and interpretation for God has declared the earth is to remain forever. There is no way for the earth to be destroyed by fire, it could be molten and still be here, this is not the intent.

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 27th January 1965

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 27th January 1965

QUESTION: Esau was hairy and not liked very well, but I am sort of hairy also, and I wondered about this?

ANSWER: What do you wonder about? This hasn’t anything to do with any particular line, it is a factor which is generally hereditary, and of the genes. But as far as Esau was concerned then Esau and Jacob are extremely well marked, almost as well marked as the difference between Cain and Abel, although not quite as well.

The question has existed in the background of the ancient theology surrounding these two, especially as to how it relates to their nature and so forth, as to whether they were children of a common father. This is a part of the pattern, back in the ancient Zohar and other old writings. It was thought that Jacob and Esau were not full brother, the fact is Esau married into the Asiatic Hill Country Tungus people.

At the same time, the lines which he married into were tied into the Canaanites and Mongolians. They were Steppe people who had come in, and they were from the forbidden people. The symbol inside the scripture of Esau being first born would give him the birthright. But him selling his birthright for a mess of portage actually this was only a symbol. What he did was to marry outside the race line into forbidden seed, and he chose to live and dwell with these people rather than with his own race, so this was when he sold his birthright.

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 26th May 1965

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 26th May 1965

QUESTION: “I feared thee because thou art an austere man; thou takest up that which thou layest not down, and reapest that thou did not sow? Would you explain?

ANSWER: This is a translation problem. The man is saying that he was afraid that if he lost it that he would have to stand the responsibility for it. What is imputed in some translations is that this man had much, he knew the symbol of the parable which related to the sovereignty of the whole kingdom, the owner of all the property was the King of the whole Kingdom, the owner of all the property was the King of the Kingdom and the whole Universe. So he said: he knew that God had everything and He did not need anymore so this man was afraid if he lost what he had he would have to stand judgment. This was his excuse for doing nothing. He said: since you don’t need it then it was better that I hid it and saved it so you didn’t lose it, and then I wouldn’t have to stand in judgment for something that you don’t have need of because you have so much. This was just an excuse for getting out of doing anything. But people would find all kinds of excuses for not helping to build the Kingdom.

QUESTION: Would you explain to me about the Samaritan’s, they were thought to be a mixed multitude of people and were spurned by Israelite’s.

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 25th August 1965

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 25th August 1965

QUESTION: The Aquarian Bible what is it?

ANSWER: A man wrote a book, a fanciful Gospel taking material from several sources, from occult teachings, and philosophies as well as some abstractions from Apocrypha books, and some areas are out of the New Testament books.

However there was at one time an Aquarian Bible, but this book had several books in it, and it was called ‘The Aquarius’, but the Aquarian Gospel had a blue cover when it came out. There was one run on it, and one reprint and it never existed before the imagination of this man. This writer of this book was in this special period following in the late 1920’s in Los Angeles when anyone could publish a book, and come out with a new religion, a new gospel. There were all kinds of cults and groups ready to devour it. The Jews found it quite profitable to publish books like this.

I have a copy of that book among these supposed Gospels and sacred writings but I have classified it over with Madam Blavatsky where it properly belongs. Oh, we went to the bottom of this, we talked to one of the publishers who only received it as one of the materials that might be sold at that time to a hot Bible and Gospel reading public. There was a great wave of occult literature that was being passed off as being Biblical and this book you speak of came in that way. There are some interesting things in it, but I wouldn’t give any weight to it. Here is one thing that was in it, men are just a moat floating around in the air for just one short lifetime, and then lost. But they are a part of an eternal whole and therefore since they came out of something eternal, and they reach out to something Eternal then when wrongs have all been straightened out and become right, then man shall arise and be one with God.

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 24th March 1965

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 24th March 1965

QUESTION: Do we bury the dead?

ANSWER: From its earliest conception an instruction that bears on the eventual pattern of Resurrection it says: Yes. Now, as far as the elements of composition are concerned they may be reduced to ashes, and the body turned into gas by the process of cremation, but they will still always be existent somewhere. Our race has always been taught to pay respect to the body, to embalm and to bury it. In fact our race taught the Egyptians the process of embalming the body, to embalm and bury it.

The Egyptians knew nothing of embalming until after Enoch and Job went down and built the great city of ON and its great temple, then later erected the pyramid. Our race was referred to by the Egyptians as the children of YAH, the Ka of Light and Resurrection. In other words they identified our race with the embodiment of God, the embodiment of the God of Light and Resurrection. So it was early taught that it was our race who taught Resurrection to the Egyptians, and that the body was to be laid away until the Resurrection Day.

In fact this is also demonstrated by the fact that the Egyptians had two Resurrections, and the early doctrines surrounding our race established the fact that one of the things which would be restored to it was Immortality. And that the spirit never dies, it took its flight into dimensions of Spirit in what was known as death. Thus the Egyptians were one of the first to catch the concept of the spirit taking its flight, outside the Adamic race. You will also note that the Egyptians had the concept of the soul crossing the River Styx into a Netherworld until it was Resurrected. Then when resurrected its soul could take flight into the sky or its soul might be resident in the earth. This was sort of a combination change made in the theology of the Early Egyptians, and they early adjusted some what to what they heard.

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 24th February 1965

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 24th February 1965

(Current events) The Mohammed Elijah movement is the building of the Negro Revolution. This came, remember, in the fall of 1964.

The moment the statute of limitations in Germany runs out, the Jews have to extend it one more time or they are in trouble. The World Court says there is no precedent for trying anyone for war crimes. But the Jews cry, extend the time. And they win.

QUESTION: About a year ago you answered a question on prayer. You said at that time that a lot of people get on the phone, so to speak, and call God. And they say their piece then hang up before they can receive any instructions. I would like to ask what is the method or the technique, or how do you know you are receiving instructions? Say, you pray for guidance when you have a big decision coming and you want to make the right decision?

ANSWER:- Well we did say that most people just tell God when really you don’t tell God anything. You may not realize it but some people just talk to God, and this is sometimes just an exercise. Prayer is something that perhaps, sometimes by long repetitions of the use of the same phrases, and it has become kind of a religious exercise. And of course it follows that there are passages which say prayer without ceasing. We sometimes run into people who make quite an issue out of the fact that they spend quite a bit of time in prayer. When asked as to what procedure they used, I find that they just set down and tell god for about two hours what they have on their mind. Having told God all these things then they ask Him for a lot of things, and then indicate that they have just communicated some things to God.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 7

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 7


1. The Swastika
2. Druidism
3. Letters IHS
4. Lazarus and the rich man
5. John into the heavens

QUESTION: The Swastika .this is a hated symbol today, did Hitler design It? Some have even said that Hitler is mentioned in the Bible, is that true?

ANSWER: The Swastika is one of the oldest symbols of our race, as it turns with the sun, it was a symbol of the Eternal rotation of the ‘Light of Life’ through a people YAHWEH raised up.

No, Hitler never designed the Swastika, this was just a symbol those Germans chose to mark the Aryan race of which they were a part. Yes, Hitler is mentioned in the Bible although not by name, but he does fulfil the history as it was prophesied in the Bible. He was the Governor or leader of Judah at one time. You find this outlined in Zechariah 12. Germany can be identified as Judah although the Throne through the House of David was transferred to Ephraim, to the land of Britain where it sits today.

The Bible handbook by Halley states that 200,120 people of the Judah kingdom left Old Judea as the Israelites left Samaria in captivity so where did they settle, for they have all been traced as moving westward in their migrations.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 6

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 6


1. No Trinity
2. The Six pointed star and the Five pointed star.
3. Who is Paul‑Saul; was he taken into the Heavens

QUESTION: I have heard you say that there is no trinity, but we are taught much about the trinity, the Godhead, so how do you explain these many things in the Bible which point toward the trinity? And if no trinity then where did this error start?

ANSWER: You are asking about this idea of a multiple Godhead, of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost? But let’s go back in history, way back to the time just after the flood when Noah and his family were expanding and multiplying, and moving out on their migrations. Of course you realize that the flood of that time was up in the High Tarim Basin in the Steppes of Asia and not all over the earth.