Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 76

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 76

Old Jerusalem And New Jerusalem

QUESTION: Why the Nostalgia for old Jerusalem that controversial city?

 Answer: (from the Swift ministry and my understanding) We must go back in history one more time and look at the beginning of this old city, and its effect on our race and see why this feeling, and see how the situation has developed as of today.

Since you now know that the Adamic race, God’s Kingdom has been established in earth, starting with Adam and Eve. We then trace those people as they came out of the high Tarim Basin in Asia under the leadership of the sons of Seth, the son of Adam and Eve, as they moved in their patterns of migration. From the old records we find they were called Manu, meaning tall white ones, Aryans from the ‘spiritual mountains’. We find that these people believed in, and worshiped the ONE GOD, YAHWEH (Genesis 4:26). They told the world as they migrated that their God would in time come to earth to redeem them. They spoke of the fall of their parents under the influence of the Dragon (Satan) Kingdom. (Genesis 3:15) Always as they paused to worship they set up an altar and were thus reminding their people of that promise of Redemption, when the Saviour, that Perfect Lamb, would be the final sacrifice.

As these children of the Kingdom moved in their migrations they colonized, they established their language, their culture, and their faith. The old books tell us that these Adamites in their generations were ‘The Treasure’, out of the cave where in Adam and Eve dwelt after coming out of the Garden of Eden.

They were a Peace loving people willing to help the World Order into which they had come to live however they also learned that at times they would have to fight to survive as they moved in their paths of Destiny. Where ever they paused they introduced the process of agriculture, but that was one of the blessings they brought into the world. (Genesis 2:25) Prior to this there had not been ‘a man to till the ground.’

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 75

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 75


The Mysteries and Their Emissaries
The Martyrdom of Hypatia (From The Old Big Book)

ONCE AGAIN WE TELL YOU THE STORY OF ANOTHER MARTYR OF OUR RACE, because of the teachings of the Martyrs. And from the old Big Book we read: Did that Divine Knowledge which constituted the Supreme possession of the ancient Priesthood, now called pagan, survive the destruction of these Martyrs, and their Temples? Is it yet accessible to mankind or does it lie buried beneath the rubbish of the Ages, entombed within the very sanctuaries that were once illuminated by its splendour??

In Egypt writes Origen, the philosophers have a sublime and secret knowledge respecting the nature of God. What did Julian imply when he spoke of the secret initiations into the sacred mysteries of the 7 Rayed God who lifted souls to Salvation through his own nature? Who were these blessed theurgists who understood these profound thoughts of which Julian wrote? If this inner Doctrine was concealed from the Masses, for whom a more simple code had been devised, is it not highly possible that even the exponents of every aspect of modern civilization, philosophic, ethical, religious and scientific are ignorant of the true meaning of the very theories and tenets of which their beliefs are founded? Do the Arts and Sciences that THE RACE has inherited from older nations conceal beneath their fair exterior a mystery so great that only the illuminated intellect grasps its import? Such is undoubtedly the case.

We ask you, is this not what we have been learning all along? The ancient knowledge of Adam’s race has been handed down and called Mysteries.

This knowledge was not for the masses of the World Order which could not understand and would only try to destroy. This knowledge was not even passed on to those of the Adamic race as a whole, only to those who did seek. Only a knowledge of Symbolism and what is in their hearts and minds would lead them further. Here in the old Big Book we are told that Albert Pike gathered ample evidence of the excellence of the doctrines of the ancient Israel mysteries. He then quoted from the writings of Clements of Alexandria, Egypt, and of Plato, Proclus, Cicero and others who held the teaching of the Ancient Mystery schools in high esteem. The Albert Pike became so enamoured with Freemasonry and tried to help tie those ancient symbols and their knowledge to this more modern organization.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 74

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 74


American Symbolism From The “Indians” As Found In The Old Big Book And My Understanding.

IN THIS ARTICLE IN THE OLD BIG BOOK we found both true and false symbolism and we also see how and when the symbolism was turned and then claimed by the enemy. In this picture with this article we see the so called, Camozotz, or ‘The Lord of the bats’ emerging from his cave to strike with his great and crooked sword at the Light of the Spiritual’.

We are told here that those who live only in the sphere of the SENSES, who permit themselves to become hopelessly involved with Worldliness are either intentionally or unintentionally doers of evil. The earthly existence of Adam‑man thus found him in a world of Materialism which is ruled by fear, hate, greed and lust. In it wanders the ghosts of human beings who listlessly float upon the sea of Sensationalism. Only when the soul comes into a realism of the spiritual verities of life does it escape from this underworld, the house of demons. The Sun of Truth rises in man and illuminates his world when he lifts his mind from the darkness of selfishness and ignorance into the Light of Selfless and wisdom.

As you turn to consider the North American Indian symbolism then you need a background knowledge of symbolism to see where it came from and the true and the false of the symbols used. Back through the history of the Adamic race you find the message of the symbols, through Europe, Scandinavia and the Mideast, as well as in Egypt where you must go looking for the answers for how come the North American Indians have some of the same ideas as to the makeup of the earth as an intermediate plane, bounded above by a heavenly sphere.

Why did they believe that the Great Spirit dwelt above while below there was a dark and terrifying subterranean world which was the abode of Sub-mundane powers? The Greeks referred to the underworld as the initiates of the lesser mysteries, and we find in some of the American Indian tribes a belief that there were some beings capable of functioning in two or more elements, or as messengers between spirits of various planes.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 73

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 73

“The Cave Of The Treasures” – Translated Into English By Sir E. A. Wallis Budge In 1972

We have seen mention of this book before as being connected with the history of our race, as well as the book of ‘The Bee’. Surprisingly this book was found in the library of the Wichita State University at Wichita KS. and Jeanette and her daughter brought the book to me so that I could let the rest of you know as to what it contained.

The material in this book, some is quite old, but it is also a continuing compilation. One work of translation of the “Cave of the Treasures” is from all the known manuscripts in the British Museum. One source of this translation is from a Priest in a little town about 20 miles north of Nieveh about A.D. 1709. Dr. Budge, our author, had read this manuscript in 1885 as he was preparing his edition of the “Book of the Bee”.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 72

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 72

The Cryptogram as A Factor In Symbolic Philosophy (From The Old Big Book)

QUESTION: Why all the secrecy of the ancient wisdom??

ANSWER: It was necessary to protect it. No story dealing with Symbolism would be complete without a section devoted to the consideration of Cryptograms. The use of the Cipher has long been recognized as indispensable in the military and diplomatic circles, but the modern world has overlooked the important role played by the cryptogram in literature and philosophy. If the art of deciphering cryptograms could be made popular it would result in the discovery of much hitherto unsuspected wisdom possessed by both ancient and mediaeval philosophy.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 71

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 71

The Ancient Keys To Adam‑Man – The Number 33
The Quabbalistic Keys To The Creation Of Adam‑Man

THE WORD AUDAUM (ADAM) SIGNIFIES A SPECIE, a race, and it is only with proper understanding that Adam be considered as an individual. Adam was the great procreator of the Race, and YAHWEH gave the command that the body of Adam‑man be kept above ground till the fullness of time when it would be placed in the middle of the earth by a Priest of the MOST HIGH GOD. The body of Adam was embalmed and transferred from father to son and was finally placed in the hands of Noah, it was on the ark. Dr. Swift then traced the body of Adam to Shem and then by him was placed in the Great Pyramid, in the centre of the earth. In the Greek the numerical number of the name of Adam, its value is 46, and the Temple of Solomon took 46 years to build, thus Adam was considered a type of the temple, the house (kingdom of YAHWEH) since scripture traces the lineage through the male line we are not told what was done with the body of Eve, but no doubt it was carefully cared for as was Mary, for Eve was the mother of the race.

The picture in symbolism with this article shows a young man, his hands are resting on the handle of the great sword in front of him. There is a great Emerald in the handle of the Sword. There is wings from his shoulders reaching to his feet symbolizing this is a heavenly body as well. Behind his head we see a Lion, a Bull and an Eagle, one behind each shoulder and each of these have a great set of wings as well. There is then a great ‘Sunburst’ behind them.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 70

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 70

What Is In Store For The US, Paul Goes To Spain
The Gospel Of Truth, The Name, The Chemical Marriage
Sir Francis Bacon‑Shakespeare, The Rose Cross – Sir Walter Raleigh (Picture Below)

AS THIS OLD YEAR OF 1987 RUNS OUT we think of the years, and what they have revealed to us and wonder as to what is in store for these United States of America, both in the plans of the enemy, as well as in the plans of YAHWEH. Some people have even looked behind the scenes, and saw the monster hand that pulls the strings, but most of our people do not seem to understand that there are men in this nation, and this world who have altogether different ideas as to how this nation, and this world should be perceived, and as how this nation should fit in their scheme of a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.

When I saw this commemorative medal, joining the U.S. and the Soviet Union, along with the date of December 7 being picked for the Summit meeting between the U.S. and the Soviet leaders, then I recalled these things I have been learning, and yet we hear no cry from our people, here in these United States have to become before our people as a nation cry for help from our Heavenly Father?

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 69

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 69

The Martyrdom of The Apostle Peter From The Book Jeanette Had, And The Gospel of The Kingdom From The Swift Tapes And My Understanding.

WE OF COURSE KNOW THAT PETER WAS ONE OF THE APOSTLES, and that he worked in Jerusalem for some time after the crucifixion. We find him working in several places in the old records, and then he was led to go to Rome for the magician Simon was there deceiving many Israelites of that city.

In Rome Peter finds many of our people with all kinds of diseases and he cures them through the name of YASHUA. His ministry drew many of Lost Israel to the saviour, but the power of Simon the Magician was to be faced for Simon declared that he would show the people of Rome the wondrous power of his father, for he was going to fly. The next day a crowd gathered and Peter came also to expose this pretender. And Simon said to Peter: ‘If your God whom the Jews destroyed, as they also stoned some of you who were chosen of HIM, if HE has the power, let HIM show that faith in HIM is also in God. Let it be shown at this time whether it be worthy of God. For I am now ascending and will show to this crowd what manner of being I am.

Well! low and behold Simon was carried into the air and everyone in Rome saw him as he passed over the city with its temples and hills, using the power of his father. Then the faithful looked toward Peter to see how he would explain all of this. Peter cried out to YAHSHUA for help, for he knew these Lost Israelites were beginning to wonder about all he had done for them in the name of YAHSHUA. Surely HE would not want these his children to be deceived by Simon. So Peter cried out, and he did not ask for the death of Simon, just bring him down and let him maybe break his leg in three places so he would be crippled after that stunt, that would do. So sure enough Simon fell, and he broke his leg in three places, and his followers carried him outside the city, so he would not be stoned.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 68

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 68

Fundamentals Of Qabbalistic Cosmogony The Gospel Of Thomas From The Book, New Testament Apocrypha. Then The Secrets Of The Zodiac.

FUNDAMENTALS OF QABBALISTIC COSMOGONY IS FROM THE OLD BIG BOOK, The symbol of creation is that which is formed and which returns from whence it comes. This is the symbol of the unconditional state of all things. The most ancient of all ancients, the symbol then of the nature of creation is a circle, and the circle is also an emblem of Eternity. The dot in the centre of the circle is also an emblem, is the unconditioned state of all things, or translated as THE MOST ANCIENT OF ALL THE ANCIENTS. Space is thus hypothetically enclosed with in a great crystal like Globe, outside of which there is nothing, not even a vacuum. Within this circle creation and dissolution takes place. This is the Cosmic egg which we have spoken of before. And we are told here that this Cosmic egg is not to be broken until the ‘End of the cycle of necessity’ when all things return to their ultimate cause. We would say when ‘all things are put under HIS feet’. And this would surely be after the millennium, after the final rebellion of the 15 years by Lucifer and his kingdom.

Now; in the process of creation the Eternal Divine Essence (YAHWEH) retired to the centre of this circle and established a central point, and now this presence of YAHWEH shines upon space, and we call this the throne area since he is King of Kings. Everything thus moves out from the centre then back through, until the end is the same as the beginning.

The Hebrews showed a three pronged triad, and in misunderstanding of symbols this became ‘the trinity’, and in this triad we have given it before, and it is like a capital ‘W’ with the centre prong slightly higher than those on the outside. We thus have the Hebrew triangle or pyramid type and this contained the Divine name. The circle then represents creation and everything moves out from the centre of the triangle enclosed in a circle. The middle of the Triad, the highest point portrays spirit with the two shorter prongs of the Triad as soul and body. There is also a very small circle above each of the three prongs calling for more emphasis to this message of the Triad which is spirit, soul and body, for Adam‑man also possesses the three.


Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 67

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 67

IN WATCHING THE 700 CLUB as to see just what they were thinking, I found them discussing the surrogate mothers, the altering of genes, and they were wondering if someone would try to build a super race by that method?? Then in September when the Jews met with the Catholic Pope, I thought of a book we have had in our library for some years. The title, ‘The Ultimate world Utopia’ and I realized that not only has some thought of that, but the process has been laid out for many years and has been progressing right on schedule.

Way back in the 1930’s or 40’s a German‑Jewish poet and communist youth leader, spoke of communism as temporary. We have told you that communism is the political arm of those who are planning a One World Government.

Now; the communist plan for rubbing out all national, religious, cultural, and racial lines and submerging the world into formless, characterless chaos, for easy domination is grandiose enough, but to say there is still another more grandiose plan beyond that which the communist machine has set up is indeed to challenge the credulity of most of us, especially of us Anglo‑Saxons who are busy with our humdrum routines to pull the propaganda curtain aside and see the giant hiding there. We have been quoting from this book, ‘The Ultimate World Order’ by Robert H. Williams.
Before we go into this subject it is necessary for us to remember some things: .namely that Zionism and communism are two movements from the same philosophical root. And that Zionism came out of the area of eastern Europe, but before that it came from Asia and Russia especially, then came into the U.S. for a base, and was taken back to the Soviet Union in 1917, from the United States.

We know that WWII was fought not only to destroy the German people but also destroy the British Empire as leaders of the world. We also know today that Zionism has a mastery of Black magic over money creation, and a complex thinking they have a right to be the rulers of the world. That the dilution of Christianity with what is termed the Judaeo‑Christian ethic, has produced a situation where as tens of millions of Christians have been conditioned to believe that Zionist Israeli is a fulfilment of Biblical prophecy and that to oppose Israeli, irrespective of what it does is anti‑God.