British Lion Vol 2 No. 26 – April 1928

British Lion Vol 2 No. 26 – April 1928

Red Whitewash

WE have no connection with Communists. No, they are Red, we do everything by Parliamentary means, we mean no harm to the Empire, we would support it (do not inquire into the years 1914—1918!) we go to Buckingham Palace and accept the King’s hospitality; we may differ slightly as to how the country should be run, but, after all, every man is entitled to his opinion AND WE HAVE, TURNED THE COMMUNISTS OUT OF THE LABOUR PARTY,”

Coincidences may occur, as “Sapper” said in one of the “Bulldog Drummond” books, in which the hero had seen one puncture to his car many times, two frequently, three occasionally, but four wheels at the same time ¬NEVER! There is a limit to the belief of the most credulous in coincidences, and this really takes the prize.

The British Workers Delegation visited Russia for the Tenth Anniversary of the Revolution in November, 1q27, and published its report in “Soviet Russia To-day,” published by the Labour Research Department, 126 Buckingham Palace Road, S.W.1.
A National Committee organised the delegation, consisting, among others, of the following:–

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 93

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 93


These are subjects from the Old Big Book by Joseph Seiss called The Apocalypse, Volume II

AS THE SEVENTH SEAL OF THAT BOOK OF INHERITANCE is broken we still have a delay in the reading of the Book. Now seven Angels stand in the presence of God and ‘to them are given seven trumpets’. In Holy Scripture the voice of the Trumpet is the most significant voice known. God Himself gave His Ancient people very special directions with regard to the use of the Trumpet. It is described as a loud and mighty cry, which related only to important occasions in Israel.

Trumpets were connected with war. (Numbers 10:9 Jeremiah 4:19) Trumpets were for gathering the people and moving the camps of Israel. (Numbers 8) Trumpets proclaimed great festivals. Trumpets are also related to the announcements of Royalty. (I Kings 1:34‑39 II Kings 9:13) Trumpets are associated with the manifestation of the Majesty and Power of God. Trumpets are connected with the overthrow of the ungodly. Trumpets proclaimed the laying of the foundations of God’s Temple.

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Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 92

WE HAVE ON LOAN FROM THE SWIFT LIBRARY 3 BOOKS WHICH CONSIST OF A SERIES OF LECTURES ON THE BOOK OF THE APOCALYPSE (REVELATION). Copyrighted in 1865 and written by Joseph A. Seiss. Other Books by this Author are: ‘Last Times’, ‘The Gospel in Leviticus’, and then later ‘The Gospel of the Stars’ which we have already reviewed for you.
A few years ago we did a study of this Book of Revelation tying it to events in history. We did this using the tape ministries of Dr. Swift and Pastor Comparet and my understanding. We thought we would bring you any different ideas this Author might have, for remember he was a minister in the middle 1800’s.

We do this to stir interest in this last Book of inspiration in the New Testament since many have not wanted to consider this message here contained, thinking it does not speak to us at this end of the age. Our Author believes, and I agree, that this Book called ‘The Apocalypse of Jesus The Christ’ should be studied so we might understand some of the events which are still before us. We will also review this message from an Identity point of view because that is where our interest lies. Our Author gives us a wonderful testimony as to who this one called Jesus of Nazareth really is and that alone should recommend the Books.

Our Author tells us that in the Scriptures the Book of Genesis outlines the generations; Exodus is the going forth out of bondage; The Gospels are the very heart and substance of all communications between God and His people. Then God Himself designates this last Book as ‘The Revelation of Jesus The Christ’, thus the substance of this Book is expressed in the Title.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 91

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 91

THIS BOOK REVIEW IS BY A MODERN AUTHOR AND IT CONTAINS MANY ANCIENT SUGGESTIONS. Much has been written about the Maya Civilization in Central America, and also we have told you about the people of the tribe of Manasseh who came into that area long before the Birth of The Christ. From Archaeology we have outlined the civilization in South America in the time of and shortly after the Golden Age in the time span of Enoch the Adamite who obeyed so perfectly that he went home without seeing death. In this interpretation of the Mayan Factor by our author there are things which no doubt would shock our modern thinkers. In our culture today, as only modern History is read, anything old has been outdated as not worth your time and effort. Knowledge, especially of Ancient things is considered not worth possessing.

Our author then suggests that any vision of the Universe which does not shock us, is without value to us, and perhaps he is right. The Ancients believed that the earth, sun Galaxies, the Universe, everything everywhere is alive and intelligence and purpose, that there is life only on this planet of ours, that is all. Our author thus wonders if we can find the courage to shake ourselves away from that delusion, and find the way to learn the truth of the Universe. (We suggest that you should start with the knowledge of earth first. When you understand the Identity of the people of earth then you can start to understand their purpose in the plan of the Almighty. In that process you throw out the theory of evolution.)

According to our author these people called the ‘Maya’ were a people of a different cultural aim, which required a different development of consciousness. (If you were to understand that these people were from the tribe of Manasseh and from this Kingdom of YAHWEH you would understand this different development of consciousness he is talking about. They seemed to have retained some of their knowledge of who they were and their purpose here in the earth.)

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 90

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 90

TODAY WE READ AND HEAR SO MUCH ABOUT ‘THE HOLOCAUST‘. This word, Holocaust is a very mush misused word, it’s meaning, a burnt sacrifice. It is not then to be used in connection with the Catastrophes which have effected the ‘chosen people’ in their migrations and occupation of the earth as they build His Kingdom. It is a Catastrophe therefore when people of the kingdom are caught in the Spider Web of the World Order, and suffer through no fault of their own.

As we look back through history we find this has happened time after time since Adam and Eve came into physical earth. Each generation seems to go through such an experience which becomes a great educational process, not only for them but for those of the Race who begin to look for answers. We find that from somewhere these people always find the strength to walk ON in the path of their destiny. It seems that as these people face such catastrophes that they reach inside themselves for strength to walk on, and they do it without a great ‘Wail’ of complaint.

Looking back in history to the time of the even called ‘The Trail of Tears’, as the Comanche, these so called Indians, were moved from their homes we see that once more the Historians failed to identify a people. We outlined for you in tape # 35., the coming of some of the Manasseh people into Central America then on into these United States from Mexico.

We have also told you that there were many so called ‘Indians’, whole tribes of them who were actually Aryans who had come to this land of America, in fact some of them had come even before the time of the Birth of The Christ. These Aryans were forced to go tribal to protect themselves as well as to obtain food for their survival thus became called ‘Indians’ by the Historians although at times described as blond, fair haired and blue‑eyed.

Vikings’ settlements in Ireland before 1014

Vikings’ settlements in Ireland before 1014

PERHAPS THE MOST ENDURING CONTRIBUTION WHICH VIKINGS MADE TO IRELAND was through their foundation of major coastal towns, most notably those at Dublin, Limerick, and Waterford. However, Vikings also established many smaller settlements which have generally received less attention. In this paper I comment on a range of Viking-influenced settlement, including raiding bases, towns, coastal stations, and rural sites. A broad definition of the word ‘viking’ has been used to refer to people with Scandinavian cultural affiliations active outside Scandinavia[2].

This avoids the semantic difficulties posed by ethnic labels: for example, at what point should a Scandinavian settler in Ireland be called Hiberno-Scandinavian? What of Irish people who came to dwell in Scandinavian colonies, whose children may have borne Norse names and adopted Scandinavian cultural traits? The difficulties of being over-specific with ethnic terminology has been emphasised in recent studies, where the argument has been made that ethnic identities are subjectively, rather than objectively, created or assigned[3]. Such ambiguities carry over into the interpretation of material culture in Ireland.

The first records of Viking-attacks on Ireland relate to the 790’s. Pádraig O’Riain has suggested that the earliest form of Viking-settlement consisted of ships remaining at anchor near a shore or riverbank during a raid[4]. The carrying of booty to Viking-ships is recorded in early Irish accounts
of the Vikings and recent discoveries in Dublin may support his theory.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 89

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 89

WE FIND THAT A PERFECT MARRIAGE REQUIRES THAT YOU FALL IN LOVE, time after time with the same person. The study of Identity by the many avenues reminds us of a perfect marriage for all roads lead back to a certain people, in earth for a certain purpose.

The original symbol of Migration (see Figure 1, last page) meant as we would say today: ‘Westward Ho’. This symbol should always be shown pointing west (using the top of the page as north). This symbol in its original meaning marked the migration path of a RACE from the High Tarim Basin to Israel’s final resting place as the Western Christian Nations.
In Tape #87., we gave you the satanic symbol with the original symbol now pointing upward or north enclosed in a circle.

This symbol is said to represent ‘Anarchy’, the abolition of all law. Initially those into Punk Rock music were the ones who used this symbol but now it is widely used by others. Changing the point of this symbol to the north shows this now to be Satanic for it was out of the ‘North parts’ of the heavens Satan was thrown out of after his rebellion. The abolition of all law would certainly reduce earth to more catastrophe. With the circle around the symbol meaning containment then who would you expect Satan and his children to be trying to contain? After all they control the World Order already, do they not?

As we trace this Race by the symbols with which they marked their westward ‘Trek’ we start with the premise that the word man of Scripture has a derivative root meaning of, ‘to think’. In the Sanskrit the word was ‘Manu’ and we believe that this ‘Living Spirit’ breathed into Adaumn‑man raised him up as different than the races of earth at that time such as the Chinese, Mongolians, Turanian, Egyptian, and Negroes for instance who were in the world at that time.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 88

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 88

Our Author is Captain George H. Cooper and he is Mathematician, Navigator, Archaeologist, and explorer. This Book was published and printed at San Jose, California. Copyright 1936.

Again we have an old Book on loan from the Swift Library, written by one of our Race who was searching for truth, although perhaps he did not know who he was or why he was in earth. Still he has many interesting things to say when we look at the picture painted with his pen, from an Identity point of view. It must be admitted that this present age has witnessed a rapid application of discovered facts which make the accomplishment of our age possible. Thoughtful investigators will grant the need of praise due prehistoric men for their part in the accomplishments of the present. Thus we say, ‘The same yesterday, today and forever.’

Today we are grateful that such men as Dr. Swift picked up the story and marched forward with this uncovering of the past so that we may see a glimpse of the future. We have through these past years, using the Swift tape ministry, and others as well, as our understanding to try to trace our race out of the far east through Chaldea, Palestine, and into Egypt and Britain, and in the Golden Age of Enoch even into South America, but we have always wondered, ‘Did these Master Builders come on into North America, even into these United States, since some things did point to this conclusion?

Our Author in this Book tells us, and we have pointed this out also in other tapes, that with the coming of the Airplane then photos were taken in 1923 from the air over Britain and these photographs showed not only the circles of stone such as Stonehenge and Avebury but also great mounds in connecting earth works which revealed the work of an Ancient people. Our Author thus titled his Book: ‘The Druid Bible’, telling us that the Druid Bible was in reality thus ‘The Gospel of the Stars’.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 87

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 87

WE HAVE TOLD YOU MANY THINGS THROUGH THE TAPE SERIES which touched on this subject. It is an old, old story of Good against Evil. It is a Biblical story as well when an understanding of Scripture is obtained. From an Identity point of view the purpose of this fight between evil and good is to stop the establishment of God’s Kingdom Administration in the earth. To do this then Satan and his children must destroy the ‘moral values’ of this nation as well as the same in other Christian nations of this Western world.

They must destroy the love and belief in Jesus as Saviour of His people. In fact to do this they must change even the Doctrine of YAHWEH outlined in His walk here in earth as Saviour, as Jesus of Nazareth. One way to do this was to blind the people of the kingdom with this idea of heaven and hell, and being kind hearted then our people would work hard to ‘SAVE’ all people from an Imaginary Torture Chamber instead of concentrating on the Kingdom over the earth.

For some time now we have had a report put out to help guide the Police Department and different agencies as they try to cope with this entrapment in Satanic Worship and especially the number of missing children here in the United States, these are children above and beyond the number of runaway teens many of them who also become victims. This report is to be used as an introduction to this Satanism which is on the rise in these United States although the Major Media scoffs at the idea calling it only rumours to scare people when there is no such thing as the worship of Satan in our schools, in our cities of Kansas and other places as well.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 86

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 86

OUR AUTHOR, CECIL ROTH, WAS BORN IN ENGLAND IN 1899. This writing was published in 1959 by Identity Christianity. He was considered an emanate Author of Jewish extraction. In these two books are his version of the history of those people in Spain and Portugal called ‘Marranos’, these who were ‘Secret Jews’. He traces them to other countries of Europe as well as into the New World.

We have learned in our studies of the old books, that as those who were in charge of the Temple in Jerusalem and their brethren at the time of Christ were dispersed from Palestine, they also went West if possible as did Israel. These were those who did not accept YAHSHUA, Jesus as Messiah, did not accept the New Covenant of Baptism and Resurrection. They were still clinging to their belief in what is called ‘Judaism’ which has a different Messiah and God.