Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 87

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 87

WE HAVE TOLD YOU MANY THINGS THROUGH THE TAPE SERIES which touched on this subject. It is an old, old story of Good against Evil. It is a Biblical story as well when an understanding of Scripture is obtained. From an Identity point of view the purpose of this fight between evil and good is to stop the establishment of God’s Kingdom Administration in the earth. To do this then Satan and his children must destroy the ‘moral values’ of this nation as well as the same in other Christian nations of this Western world.

They must destroy the love and belief in Jesus as Saviour of His people. In fact to do this they must change even the Doctrine of YAHWEH outlined in His walk here in earth as Saviour, as Jesus of Nazareth. One way to do this was to blind the people of the kingdom with this idea of heaven and hell, and being kind hearted then our people would work hard to ‘SAVE’ all people from an Imaginary Torture Chamber instead of concentrating on the Kingdom over the earth.

For some time now we have had a report put out to help guide the Police Department and different agencies as they try to cope with this entrapment in Satanic Worship and especially the number of missing children here in the United States, these are children above and beyond the number of runaway teens many of them who also become victims. This report is to be used as an introduction to this Satanism which is on the rise in these United States although the Major Media scoffs at the idea calling it only rumours to scare people when there is no such thing as the worship of Satan in our schools, in our cities of Kansas and other places as well.