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Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 158

A Look At Our World Today

THE INTERNET IS PROBING THE THEORIES OF LIFE IN SPACE, and have come up with some interesting suggestions. Using the ancient prophecies of Nostradamus, they hunt for explanations to different happenings in our lifetime. And they (and we) are trying to relate them to Hale-Bopp, this so-called Comet which was discovered in 1995.

Our writers on the Internet are still bound by the theory of evolution. But they still establish events that have happened in the past and they try to interpret them according to ancient prophecies. We have a somewhat different interpretation since we use the scriptures to interpret, and also the “Message from the Stars,” this ancient “Star Bible.” However, those on the Internet have established that from President Eisenhower, on our space program, has been controlled so that we as a nation must always be in the shadow of the Soviet Union in our exploration of space. They would try to tell us that the knowledge and technology would come from the Soviet Union, not the United States. They have been pretty successful. Just look. We just brought back a lady from the Russian space station. She had been up there for many months. And you will recall that America was held back from putting the first man in space, until and after the Soviet Union would put the first man in space. Then remember, as to what happened to our space station? And, yes, even the Challenger?

It is a common human trait to want an explanation for all of the unexplained things that are happening. But we would suggest the you turn to the scriptures for your true answers. We believe that if you do then you will finally see this picture:

First, you discern who the people of the Book really are. This is easy to do if you discard all that you have been told and do a bit of studying and listening to the still small voice inside of you which discerns what is true and what is false. We believe the key is the 3rd chapter of Genesis, verse 15: – “I will put enmity between thee (Satan) and the woman (Israel), and between thy ‘seed’ and her SEED, and it shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel.”

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The Connection

WE ARE SPEAKING OF THE CONNECTION BETWEEN THE ANCIENT SO-CALLED CULT OF MITHRAS AND CHRISTIANITY at its beginning! This ancient religion which was in place at the time of the beginning of Christianity. Both Mithranic belief and Christian belief held at its core the belief in a God whose powers and dominions lay beyond the boundaries of the Cosmos.

Today the Internet is carrying a report about solving the Mithranic mysteries, and they have listed book such as “The Origins of Mithraic Mysteries, Cosmology and Salvation in the Ancient World,” by David Ulansey, and also “Jesus Christ, Son of God,” by David Fideler. These helped in tracing this ancient belief of these so-called secret cults, at the time of Christ, as well as connecting them as we do by symbolism to the Adamic Race. From the Internet we found reference to a report from the magazine Biblical Archaeology of 1994. We went to our library and found this report.

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In Search of Ancient Gods
(My Pictorial Evidence For The Impossible, By Erich Van Daniken)
(Review ) Time of First American Edition 1975. (Work of E. M.)

MEN HAVE BEEN FASCINATED BY SPACE SINCE TIME IMMEMORIAL. What did those pin points of light in the heavens mean? Did they form those outlines of animals or human beings? Could this be the ‘home of the Gods?’

Many are the theories as to how all that is now the heavens, or even only the Milky Way. Where did it come from and what keeps it in place? What then is the answer?

In the view of our author, Myths are the oldest traditional accounts of History. In other words, accounts of what was once reality. We found that in both the ‘Epic of Gilgamech’ and also in the Sumerian story of ‘Etana’ that they felt that they floated high in the air. From the Etana Epic, it was an Eagle (God) that carried him higher and higher from the earth and he actually saw the earth receding.

Our author then believed that ‘Gods’ in mythology’ could only be a synonym for space travellers. Time and time again, the ancient texts begins: ‘Take up thy pen and write, or watch carefully what I show thee, and tell it to your brothers and sisters.’

Black Innovation? 

Black Innovation? 

RECENTLY, IT HAS BECOME POPULAR TO SPREAD YET EVEN MORE MISINFORMATION, this time regarding black inventions. While history has proven that blacks have failed to contribute anything significant to the building of civilization, campaigns are spreading across America attempting to credit black “inventors” with certain inventions. One such campaign is promoted by IBM who offers a poster of “Famous Black Inventions.” Included on this poster are pictures of blacks and their supposed inventions— including the traffic light.

While the black Garrett A. Morgan did submit and receive a patent for a traffic signal in 1923, he did not invent the traffic light. The first “traffic light” was created in London in 1868, used to control the traffic of pedestrians and buggies. It was illuminated by gas using green and red colors, and was manually operated by policemen who turned a lever to reveal the appropriate colour to the appropriate lane of traffic. Railroads were already using a lighting system as well. It was a police officer, William Potts, who first improved on the gas-light invention, which required a police officer to operate. William Potts recognized the need for something better when he observed that police officers were spending much of their time directing traffic after the invention of the automobile. He created an electric lighting system using red, amber, and green to control automobile traffic in Detroit.

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Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 155

America 1996 (Trying To Find A Way Out Of Trouble)

AMERICA TODAY FACES SO MANY PROBLEMS. We have allowed our nation to be taken over and we have come to the point of judgment on the House of God. Perhaps in searching for answers, we need to go back in time and see what some of the mistakes we made have let us in for. As the last great nation of God’s kingdom, we have slid into the position we found ourselves in 1994 as Congress begin to try to put a stop to our drift into this One World Government we have been hearing so much about as being a wonderful thing for the world.

Looking back, we find there have been men over the years, who tried to stop this drifting of America into this One World Government set up. They tried so hard to keep us out of this age old trap. One of these men we are thinking of is the father of Charles A. Lindberg (Page 2), who lived at the time of the setting in place of the Federal Reserve System to control our economy. He was very knowledgeable about Economics, and Mr. Lindberg Sr. had this to say, ‘There is a key to the good things of the world. We have the key and that key is the mind. It is ‘thought’ which opens the way to all things. It is our failure to give an little honest thought to direct our actions that compels most of us to struggle with the hardships of the world. We are under the influence of others, in fact, just a few. In fact, some of whom we have been taught almost to worship, while at the same time, we seldom know how much they control us, our lives, and our nation.’

Mr. Lindberg suggested that if we would free ourselves from the domination of such leaders, and stop almost worshiping the self-appointed directors of our affairs, and start using our minds to determine what actions should be taken for the good of our nation, then we, going back to the laws of our God, could free ourselves from the troubles which bind us. Mr. Lindberg wrote this back in 1923. And we had drifted into trouble at that time, and we have just kept on drifting up until now when here under bondage, we are trying to find a way out. Here we stand, this great nation of God’s kingdom, still afraid to resist the enemy of our God, still letting them rule over us after they have claimed our heritage. Today we find people running around and wondering just what went wrong.

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America “Upon This Rock”

Many times we have been asked this question: ‘What brought America almost to her knees, here in 1995.

SURELY YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE TOLD THAT THERE HAS BEEN A GREAT CONTROVERSY BETWEEN DARKNESS AND LIGHT, BETWEEN ANTI-CHRIST AND CHRIST, since the coming into earth of this Adamic race. We are told that there is no conspiracy in this picture, that such talk is a scare tactic and actually this is ‘hate.’ We do not believe this. Thus first we will find another answer and the most important one for it is found in scriptures.

We also believe in the quote: ‘YAHWEH, our God, will do nothing except HE revealed HIS secrets unto HIS servants the Prophets. Thus the Bible points to this great controversy, but it also points to YAHWEH as the author of our book, the Bible. However, it was written by human hand, in varied styles in different books by different authors, yet truths are expressed in the word of men. Still all truths are given by inspiration of God. (II Tim. 3:16) ‘And the Holy Spirit sheds light into the minds and hearts of HIS servants.’

The Ten Commandments were, however, spoken and written by YAHWEH, Himself. And HE has communicated HIS truths to the children of the Kingdom by men. But also qualified those men to speak and to write. Then since the Spirit of YAHWEH inspired the Word we find in the Bible, then it would be impossible that the teaching of the Spirit would ever be contrary to the WORD.

We understand that during the ages past, and we see this in both the Old Testament and the New, that the Holy Spirit never ceased communicating with children of the Kingdom apart from the revelations of the sacred Word. They received warnings, reproof, counsel, and instructions. Then after the closing of the Canon of Scriptures, would it be too much to expect the Holy Spirit to continue this work to enlighten, to warn and yes, comfort the children of the Kingdom?

Alright, America. Where did we get off the path? Why do we seem to bow and let the oppressors win? Through the years ever so often men have stood to fight and this controversy slows down for a time. Then we seem to buy this equality idea and once more we get in trouble simply by following the ideas of men instead of God.

When Jesus was on earth, one day HE said to Peter, ‘Who do you say that I am?’ And Peter replied, ‘Thou art the Almighty Father come in the name of YAHSHUA, our Savior.’ Jesus then said, ‘Upon this Rock I will build My Church.’ There are two words here that must be thoroughly understood. Those words being ‘Rock’ and ‘Church.’

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Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 153

America – Still At The Crossroads

AS WE LOOK AT THE SITUATION HERE IN AMERICA AT THE END OF APRIL, we see the United States still at the Crossroads. Do we walk on into the trap of a ‘One World’ government or do we struggle to come out of Great Babylon as a nation?

On April 19th, came the bombing of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. If this was done by so-called Militia men or so-called White Supremists isn’t it strange they would do this in the ‘heart of America, deep in the Bible belt?

As we try to figure out just where we are here in the United States of America, as a nation, and as to what we as citizens in this nation should be thinking and doing, we usually go back into the past to review the mistakes we as a nation made as we marched into this trap of ‘One World’ government singing ‘Brotherhood’ and ‘God save America.’ We also go back to check the scriptures to review the old books to better understand where we came from, and what we are here for, and as to where we went wrong in our march to our destiny.

From the library at Wichita State University, we have this book called ‘The Rembrandt Bible.’ This is just a portion of the work of this famous artist of the past, from the 1600’s. In fact, it is a study of his drawings, not his famous paintings. This book was put together by Oswald Goetz.

As you know, Rembrandt used the Bible for much of the stories to be found in his paintings and also in his work in his sketches, his drawings and etchings.

Rembrandt lived in the Netherlands. At this time the Low Countries had acquired their freedom from Spain. Here the dominate group of neighbours were the Calvinists who had a peculiar interest in the Old Testament stories. Another group which existed at this time in his area were the Mennonites who practiced adult Baptism and emphasized community life.
Our author did not find that Rembrandt belonged to this group called Mennonites, but he portrayed them, and became acquainted with their beliefs. These people carried as a symbol the idea of goodness conquering sin. And you find in the work of Rembrandt that this spiritual and moral element shows through his work.

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America at the Crossroads

 as the enemy has been trying to change your way of life, your intelligence factor, and all areas of your society. And then in the process, make you think that all beings on this earth have the same intelligence, as the next one. The difference being that some have had a different and easier advantage in life than others. Especially is this true in the ‘Elitist’ view of the White Anglo-Saxon and kindred people. Thus we have seen over the years, a dramatic transformation in American society as the ‘Elite’ and here we would use the word ‘educated liberal’, has tried to create a new class of people which they would dominate as the ‘ruling class’ and the rest of the Americans would fit into their idea of ‘the working class.’

This my friends is not something new actually it is the Communist thinking of the Thirties, which triumphed in the 50’s as the United Nations led by communists was born. Here today, even though Communism has proved to be a failure in the Soviet Union, and has been brought down at least for a time, there are still in this nation those who still are advocating the same thing for America. Their thinking has not changed over the years and many of them are still in the Congress and through out the areas of the government of these United States. With the election of November 1994 we began to hear the people of this nation express a desire to dump this old program that has not produced anything but tragedy and chaos for this nation, and go back to the basic principles which formed this nation and our constitution. We are therefore hearing many arguments. And some dirty politics of course always surfaces, for we still have some of these people in the Republican Party as well.

This is the reason as to why the book,”The Bell Curve” struck a nerve, and is considered as so controversial. And now we are seeing the attempt to bury the book, before it becomes ‘well known’. One thing the authors of the “Bell Curve”, Richard J. Herrnstein (who is now deceased) and Charles Murray pointed out, is that in spite of these decades of denial, the actual truth is that ‘Intellectual ability’ is endowed unequally, and government policies can do little to change that Fact.

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Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 151

Review – Ancient Cities Reveal Ancient Civilizations

THE SCIENCE OF ARCHAEOLOGY HAS POINTED OUT THE ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS OF THE PAST AND THE MYSTERIES WHICH THEY CONTAINED. The Pioneer of British Archaeology in the ancient land of Mesopotamia was young Henry Austen Layard. He and a young friend travelled through Albania, Roumelia (Romania), and Bulgaria and on into Constantinople and into Asia Minor back in the year 1839. They were struck with the beauty of the country at that time. But this young Englishman was also looking for ancient ruins. This was his dream, to dig in one of these ancient sites. Finally leaving his partner in this adventure, he travelled on into Mesopotamia to the city of Mosul (meaning Junction). This city was on the bank of the Tigris River.

A little further down along the opposite bank of this Tigris River was the massive ruin’s called Kuyunjik now known as Nineveh and close across the river was the remains of that ancient city called Nimrud. Our author thought that this ruin was also a part of the ancient city Nineveh. Young Henry Austen Layard wrote his history of the findings in this excavations of those cities in his book, “Nineveh and it’s remains.”

When this young Englishman first set eyes on these ancient ruin’s back in the year of 1840 then very little was known beyond the biblical records and occasional references by Classical authors about this ancient civilization which existed in biblical times. The Russians and the English forces were trying to regain their land, thus any work there was dangerous. Our author returned to England hoping his travels would secure for him a job preferably in the Foreign Service. This was not to be since his interest laid in this science of Archaeology which was very popular at that time.

Our young author then returned to the east, to the ruins called Nimrud in 1844, and immediately hired a crew and they began to dig. Almost immediately he discovered a large room and then there buried in debris was 2 Winged Bull’s of a large size. These stood 14 feet high and weighed approximately 20 tons a piece. Knowing a bit of English Identity from the English Museum no doubt helped him to realize he had made a marvellous find, but here in this old land now the Muslim’s were now in control and hard to deal with. Even though he had a permit to dig in these ancient ruins, for the British Museum was quick to back this ‘dig’, still this was in the land today that we know as Iraq, and it was a land fought over through the years. He knew it would be hard to remove these two Winged Bull’s and it would take a long time since you could only work in the fall and winter for the heat was intense in the summer. He had no choice but to cover the Bull’s once more so as to protect them.

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Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 150

The Quest of Seth

IN THE WRITINGS OF MIDDLE ENGLISH LITERATURE, there kept appearing certain legends concerning this ‘Quest of Seth’ as well as the one about ‘The Wood of the Cross’. There was no exact scholarship of these ancient subjects until Esther Casier Quinn began in 1949, to look at these subjects at the suggestion of Professor Roger Loomis of Columbia University. This study then led to fields far more vast than had been anticipated as well as into many different languages.

Our author found this story of ‘The Quest of Seth’ for the ‘Oil of Mercy’ for his father Adam, in the writings of the French, English and German languages, as well as its presence in Medieval drama. The legend says that as Adam was bout to die, that he bid his son go to Paradise for the ‘oil of mercy’. As Seth arrives at Paradise, he is told that Adam’s request will not be granted at this time. Remember here that this is an ancient legend handed down from generation to generation and it is symbolism. Thus there is a message for this race in this legend.

When Seth is given the message that the time is not then for his father’s request to be fulfilled, then Seth is given ‘three’ glimpses of this land of Paradise. In the first glimpse, which Seth is permitted to see, he beheld a ‘Dry Tree’. In the second glimpse, he sees an ‘adder snake’ twisted around the trunk of that ‘Dry Tree’. And in the third glimpse, Seth sees a ‘New Born Baby’ in the top of the ‘Dry Tree’. DO YOU GET THE PICTURE? Seth is told that the Dry Tree with the serpent around it represents the ‘sin’ of Adam-man and the Baby is Christ who will be the ‘Oil of Mercy’.

You will remember that the scripture talks of this Dry Tree as being the kingdom of Israel in Old Judea. And the ‘Green Tree’ is the one that was growing in the West. But it was also from this dry tree of Judah line here in the East that Christ would declare His birth place as He came as Saviour to rescue His children now in earth. Adam would thus receive this ‘Oil of Mercy’, being restored thus at the coming of YAHSHUA. This legend thus was a symbolic legend. But also teaching a lesson and establishing as well a message for the Covenant people.

The legend also says that Seth was given three kernels from the ‘Tree of Life’ in Paradise. And he plants them in the mouth of his dead father. From those three kernels, three trees grew, a Cedar, a Cypress, and a Pine. And they remained, growing in the Vale of Hebron until the time of Moses. Then these three trees were uprooted by Moses and became the wands with which first he sweetens the waters of the marsh, and then brings forth Water from the Rock, (in the days of the Exodus.).