The Connection
WE ARE SPEAKING OF THE CONNECTION BETWEEN THE ANCIENT SO-CALLED CULT OF MITHRAS AND CHRISTIANITY at its beginning! This ancient religion which was in place at the time of the beginning of Christianity. Both Mithranic belief and Christian belief held at its core the belief in a God whose powers and dominions lay beyond the boundaries of the Cosmos.
Today the Internet is carrying a report about solving the Mithranic mysteries, and they have listed book such as “The Origins of Mithraic Mysteries, Cosmology and Salvation in the Ancient World,” by David Ulansey, and also “Jesus Christ, Son of God,” by David Fideler. These helped in tracing this ancient belief of these so-called secret cults, at the time of Christ, as well as connecting them as we do by symbolism to the Adamic Race. From the Internet we found reference to a report from the magazine Biblical Archaeology of 1994. We went to our library and found this report.