The forgotten History of The Danite Exodus From Egypt

The forgotten History of The Danite Exodus From Egypt

Most Jews and Christians know the basic story of the Hebrew Exodus from Egypt, in which Moses took his people on a march through the Red Sea to freedom in the Promised Land. But there is another exciting and little known part of the story, telling of the Hebrew Tribe of Dan who sailed away from Egyptian bondage to the land of Greece to found the ancient Hellenic civilization. Biblical prophecies were fulfilled by them also!

IN THE DAYS OF THE PHARAOHS, we read of an adventurous hero named Danaos and his followers who dwelled in Egypt. Then came an event — or series of events now corrupted by the mists of time — which caused them to be exiled by the Egyptians. Recorded history then tells us that they boarded ships in Egypt and sailed away to establish new homes in Greece.

The beginning of Greek history is often dated to this “exile” of Danaos and his followers — called Danaoi or Danaan — from Egypt. This event has been dated by historians to about 1450 to 1493 B.C. However, it is significant that the Hebrew Exodus from Egypt is dated to the very same time period: 1447 to 1491 B.C. Are these two events related? Could indeed the Danaan “exile” from Egypt have been a part of the Hebrew “Exodus”? An analysis of ancient records indicates that this was indeed the case.

Central Government

Central Government

CENTRAL GOVERNMENT IS TYPIFIED BY BABYLON — Babylonian type World Empires, based upon the concept of Central Government, are liberally strewn throughout the records of world history. Today, the epitome of Central Government is usually thought to be the Communist government of the Soviet Union But, in all fairness, evidence shows clearly that the Soviet Union’s government is NOT unlike other centralized governments in the world. The truth is, Marxism is merely a typical Central Government. And Marxism like all centralized governments, is bad!

Looking at Central Government, certain recognisable traits stand out. Central Government always develops into a self-willed, self-protecting entity interested only in its own survival. Central Government is never a servant, but rather a master It is its own master, with its own personality. It rules! It never serves’ It uses every means at its disposal (including police and military force) to protect itself against the public The people, collectively, are considered its greatest resource, and at the same time its greatest threat.
Police are employed in great numbers to enforce the Central Government’s will upon the people, and to protect it from possible public interference.

Therefore, it is a continuing struggle to keep the people suppressed. Central Government is of the nature that it must maintain its own existence in hostile surroundings. It must conquer, or be conquered! It is perpetually at war with the public. However, politicians don’t call it “war.” They callit “Political Science” (the art of conquering and controlling the masses). There- fore, Central Government’s position of unchallengeable power must be maintained. Otherwise, the people might get out of hand.

The Political Influence of the British-Israel Movement in the Nineteenth Century

The Political Influence of the British-Israel Movement in the Nineteenth Century

On 9th December 1917, Jerusalem fell to the British and in an interview with the Evening Standard, in 1920, Max Nordau, cofounder of the Zionist Movement, in 1897, held ‘we thought that the Messiah would be an individual, but I feel now as if it were a collective entity, and that its name might be the British Nation[1]’.

This one statement vindicated just under 80 years of campaigning for the British-Israel movement, not an Anglo-Jewish organisation as one might expect but a movement that believed the British were the “chosen race”, not the Jews and believed the return to Palestine of the British and Jews together would bring about the Second Coming. Despite the plethora of primary documentation, very little has been written on the role of this movement in the nineteenth century.

Throughout Anglo-Zionist literature and biographies of great Victorian statesmen there is little or no mention of this movement, which according to the Jewish Encyclopaedia (1901) had over 2 million adherents. Despite an extensive press and books, they didn’t quite make it into mainstream politics as an organisation, However, some of their members were very influential and included some of the Royal Family.

From their literal interpretation of Hebrew scripture within an predominantly Anglican umbrella, they certainly thought they knew where the country was going so perhaps that took away their incentive for power. What I have tried to do in this long essay is to assess from a snapshot of 19th century British-Israel publications how they reacted to and tried to influence the political world. How they manipulated biblical prophecy into a “we told you so” result, how British-Israel attempted to show that the writings and addresses of public men bore undersigned testimony to the contentions of their movement offering ‘blind’ evidence and how, strangely, after 80 years of campaigning they were very nearly proved right.

Altholz defines British-Israel as a variety of British nationalism buttressed by biblical references
with all the attributes of a religious movement except religion[2].

The predominate idea of the British-Israel movement was that Great Britain was the home of one or all lost tribes of Israel implying that the inhabitants were God’s Chosen People. It’s prime source of appeal, to advocates, was that it sought to affirm biblical prophecy directed specifically to the Anglo-Saxon race and a unique covenant, with God, marking out the elite nature of that race.

Against a background of British ascendancy, over the course of the nineteenth century, into the largest empire in recorded history, the concept of being a ‘chosen people’ was attractive. This was fuelled by new ideas of evolution and racial superiority imbuing British society with a duty to spread a superior culture, system and way of life to less developed societies epitomized in Rudyard Kipling’s White Man’s Burden. The Royal Geographical Society had claimed, in 1891,
that ‘On the topmost round of the ladder stands the Anglo-Saxon’ an opinion supported by
Gladstone’s assertion that ‘Our race constitutes a kind of universal church in Politics’[3].

God’s Plan For Germany

God’s Plan For Germany


This book is all the more mark-worthy for those who’s outlook is shaped by the Armstrong’s World Wide Church of God. Some may be shocked whilst others may be thrilled to learn of God’s plan for the Germans in his time spell (history).

This book was first printed in German for a German readership and is thus written in the setting of, “we” “us” or “our” German culture, time spell and so forth…

ADAM DE WITT was born of emigrant parents who huddled many a night under the stairs of their town house whilst bombs rained down , laying waste their once lovely city At the age of eleven his family was again on the move leading to a life of dwelling in several countries and visiting many others besides In all he visited 30 lands, studying their histories and gaining first hand experiences of how the world ticks’.

His higher education was in European colleges and his early career was in Europe’s film industry where he experienced unusually hidden matters for the first time.

Although his forebears were Christians, his parents were typical of the between war generation for whom Christianity made way for socialism. Brought up as a socialist, evolutionist and humanist, Adam never even saw a Bible until his late twenties.

Enquiry Re Glaucoma And Cannabis Treatment

Enquiry Re Glaucoma And Cannabis Treatment

CANNABIS REDUCES INTRA-OCULAR PRESSURE (IOP) by approximately 30 per cent, with beneficial relaxation to the eyes noticed particularly by sufferers of high or increasing IOP (glaucoma). The whites of the eyes can become reddened for a short time as cannabis tends to dilate vessels.

This temporary effect occurs to a less noticeable degree than the bloodshot eyes associated with the use of alcohol, chopping onions, crying or a swim in a chlorinated pool. Physical tensions and symptoms of stress are alleviated, generally accompanied by slight dilation of blood vessels lowering blood pressure.

Note: That these effects are measurably mild and, confirmed by Modern Medical Case Histories, only ever do good to the human being (see Judicial Enquiry Data, ref. Part Four).

THE REPORT, page 22. Clinical Findings of Fact, c.)

Cannabis smoking is the only reliable countermeasure to glaucoma known to Man, consistently reducing intra-ocular pressure, dispelling glaucoma symptoms and saving eyesight. N.B. Tetrahydocannabinol (THC; a synthesised laboratory concentrate which does not occur in nature) is not effective as medication for glaucoma; i.e, pharmaceutical Nabilone, Marinol, etc.

‘THC’ within the herb is compounded by nature into a disparate, safe, chemical compound which is the herb itself. See section “THC Is Not Cannabis” in Part One.

Wednesday Night Bible Study 31st January 1968

Wednesday Night Bible Study 31st January 1968

QUESTION: (tape) Would you please explain what you mean when saying we would see more and more of animals attacking humans. Why is this??

ANSWER: Well, it is a peculiar thing, but the book of Seth talks about men that are beasts and beasts that are beasts. Seth said there are men who are bestial as well as beasts who are bestial. And then he said that in the latter days before the coming of the King, as the Beast systems rise, so also are beasts going to attack men because there are men who are beasts and beasts who are beasts. He was looking forward to the fact that the children of God’s Kingdom could expect to be attacked by men who were bestial as well as the animals of the earth. Seth didn’t know when this was to be, just knew it was out in the future. See? When the children of God would be fighting the Beast System ruled over by Lucifer, these were men who were bestial and beasts that were beasts would also help these men who were bestial. And thus you would have to slay the beast because they came against the Kingdom of God.

Now, the books of Enoch also talked about the latter days when the beast system would rise. And he said men would be in league with the beast who themselves were bestial.

Wednesday Night Bible Study 31st December 1968

Wednesday Night Bible Study 31st December 1968

QUESTION: Are all prophecies double purpose. And will America be destroyed?

ANSWER: (Deut. 28:69) No. Some prophecies are double but they are marked like, “As it was then so shall it be in the time of the end.” Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel talk about then and as the time of the end.

But Deuteronomy 28:69; Don’t hold your breath until America is destroyed. This land will not be destroyed but the enemy will be destroyed out of it. Deut; 28; the nations to be brought against thee, these were things brought against Israel if she disobeyed, and this has already happened . The Assyrians were to come against them, and this happened. And Sanacharib did take the ten tribes into captivity, but that was not for this time, this hour today.

However since 1911 we have been under the conflict with Lucifer and Communism. Frankfriter was a Communist when he was a teacher at Harvard law school and when appointed to the Supreme Court. F. D. R. was an egotistical man, a son of a very wealthy family. He put Jews in many high places. He was a son morally not very good. His family shipped him out of the country, to Australia, and he met Rachel Perkins there and got her in trouble, and the boy born was Harry Bridges.

Wednesday Night Bible Study 29th May 1968

Wednesday Night Bible Study 29th May 1968

QUESTION: (tape) How is the Tabernacle like the Temple with all of its furniture?

ANSWER: Well the symbol of the Tabernacle as far as the laws of God and the patterns of God are concerned was to symbolize the whole area of worship, form outward manifestation to inward preparedness to the inner mental perception, and then to the spiritual delineation. In other words the Holy of Holies was the highest area of spiritual perception. When God gave the instructions of the symbol of t he tabernacle which was a portable tabernacle to Moses then Moses built the Tabernacle. And then the glory of THE LORD was over the tabernacle .

And whenever the Glory of the LORD was over the Temple or Tabernacle then it came down around the Tabernacle and the Israelites did not move. And Moses couldn’t go into the Tabernacle when the cloud or Glory of THE LORD was around it . And when the cloud was lifted then the children of Israel went forward in their journey. When the cloud was around then the cloud was around then the children of Israel did not move. But the tabernacle was like the physical body in which men work, in which the soul consciousness of perception of the senses and the spiritual perception which is the mind of the spiritual entity of the spiritual body, this is the real Holy of Holies .

Wednesday Night Bible Study 28th February 1968

Wednesday Night Bible Study 28th February 1968

QUESTION: Joshua 24:23; “Your fathers dwelt on the other side of the flood. What does that mean?

ANSWER: Well, this is the translation in the KING James Version of course but Joshua has gathered all the children of Israel . He called for all the elders of Israel. He is talking to them.

But remember that the Adamic race continues on down from Adam through Seth, breaks out into several streams and moved out under the ancestors of Enoch and others. There were Sethites who never saw the flood. There were people for instance who were descendants of Enoch who never saw the flood. And those Adamites who came down from Noah for instance, this is the only family of Adamites who dwelt in the Tarim Basin at the time of the floods. So at that time all the white race did not dwell in the upper Tarim basin where Noah and his family lived. But it was here in the Tarim basin that the Nephilin had been taking the daughters of men and mongrelizing the seed of the white race. Monsters were born for normally the Nephilin were 24 or 25 feet tall, and the normal size of earth people about six feet tall.

Wednesday Night Bible Study 28th January 1968

Wednesday Night Bible Study 28th January 1968

QUESTION: Joshua 24:23; ”Your fathers dwelt on the other side of the flood. What does this mean?

ANSWER: (TAPE) Well this is the translation in the King James Version of course but Joshua has gathered all the children of Israel. He called for all the elders of Israel and he is talking to them.

But remember that the Adamic race continues on down from Adam through Seth, breaks into several streams and moved out under the ancestors of Enoch and others. There were Sethites who never saw the flood. There were people for instance who were descendants of Enoch who never saw the flood. And those Adamites who came on down through Noah for instance, this was the only family of Adamites who dwelt in the Tarim Basin at the time of the flood. So at that time all the white race didn’t dwell in the upper Tarim where Noah and his family lived. But it was here in the Tarim Basin, where Noah and his family lived. But it was here in the Tarim Basin that the Nephilim had been taking the daughters of men and mongrelising the seed of the white race. Monsters were born for normally the Nephilim were 24 tp 25 feet tall, and the normal size of earth people about six feet tall.