Wednesday Night Bible Study 29th May 1968

Wednesday Night Bible Study 29th May 1968

QUESTION: (tape) How is the Tabernacle like the Temple with all of its furniture?

ANSWER: Well the symbol of the Tabernacle as far as the laws of God and the patterns of God are concerned was to symbolize the whole area of worship, form outward manifestation to inward preparedness to the inner mental perception, and then to the spiritual delineation. In other words the Holy of Holies was the highest area of spiritual perception. When God gave the instructions of the symbol of t he tabernacle which was a portable tabernacle to Moses then Moses built the Tabernacle. And then the glory of THE LORD was over the tabernacle .

And whenever the Glory of the LORD was over the Temple or Tabernacle then it came down around the Tabernacle and the Israelites did not move. And Moses couldn’t go into the Tabernacle when the cloud or Glory of THE LORD was around it . And when the cloud was lifted then the children of Israel went forward in their journey. When the cloud was around then the cloud was around then the children of Israel did not move. But the tabernacle was like the physical body in which men work, in which the soul consciousness of perception of the senses and the spiritual perception which is the mind of the spiritual entity of the spiritual body, this is the real Holy of Holies .