Bible Questions and Answers

Bible Questions and Answers

YOU ARE WELL AWARE, THAT THE BIBLE HAS ALWAYS BEEN SUBJECT TO ATTACK BY PAGANS, ATHEISTS AND AGNOSTICS, but it was not until modern times that questions concerning its validity have been entertained by our so‑called “Ministers” who profess to proclaim its message.

It was about the middle of the nineteenth century that a “school” of higher criticism came into being and since that time its students, its adherents, have made militant advances in its Satanic efforts to discredit the Divine Revelation of the Scriptures. The results of their evil works have brought forth a harvest of unbelief that today infects the entire Christian Church.

This, modernism, the monstrous offspring spawned by this so‑called higher criticism, has succeeded in deceiving millions of Americans into believing the Bible to be of human origin and subject to many errors. Thus the faith that was once held by most Americans, who accepted without mistrust the authenticity of the Scriptures, has been all but destroyed.

Much of this has been accomplished by asking questions, some hard, some ridiculous, some that are completely irrelevant, but all are questions Christians find hard to answer. Which is the reason for their presentation in the first place.

Following are some of the most popular questions, which have been answered with the best possible explanation and confirmed by the Scriptures.

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 71

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 71

THIS IS MY SEVENTY-FIRST MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY SIXTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. In the last lesson we discussed the “sin unto death” which is the sin of race-mixing. When a White commits miscegenation, he/she is literally shaking his/her fist in the face of the Almighty. This is also true for anyone who promotes “universalism” in any way, shape or form! We will now continue on a topic which would rank at the same level of seriousness. Most of us have the very bad habit of believing almost everything we hear or read!

All the speaker or writer need to do is somehow make his ideas sound reasonable and wrap them up in an attractive package. Amazingly, some of the most intellectually inclined people seem not to be exempt from this detrimental influence. On trivial matters a mis-judgment may not be so damaging, but on weighty topics an erroneous premise can cause injury beyond all comprehension.

Once such incorrect concepts are set into motion, they can be as damaging as nature’s severest disasters; floods, tornadoes, hurricanes and earthquakes. All this simply by not checking one’s premise. When such faulty conclusions are applied to Biblical matters, one can begin to imagine the detrimental consequences that can be produced. With the next few lessons, we are going to explore some consequences of these terribly unsound premises. This issue will start with the topic of Herodotus.



Its Time

Its Time

IT IS TIME YOU MEN OF ISRAEL TO STOP YOU STUPID AND SILLY BICKERING. It is time to stand together against the enemy that would destroy us and our families if they only could.

Whenever one of the White’s in the Nationalist Party are attacked by the enemy, those in the KKK and the Christian Identity and other White People, their leaders will say, shhhhh while the enemy is attacking them they are letting us be, so be quiet and don’t stir them up.

Whenever one of the KKK people or group is attacked, the leaders of the National Socialist say shhhhhh the enemy is after them and letting us alone, so be quiet and not get their attention focused back on us. The Christian Identity people are much the same. If we make no trouble for them perhaps they will let us slide by for awhile.

One camp in the National Socialists say I don’t like Covington; another group says I don’t like those who don’t like Covington; others don’t like any of the others because they want to be recognized as something great.

Its time to join together in a common cause and that is defeating the enemy at whatever cost it takes. Fight and destroy them, in the press, on television, on radio (support those shortwave networks that are fighting the good fight against the enemy, you spend your money on women and beer and booze, well stop drinking and spend your money on these shortwave networks; they are fighting the good fight while you try to get into your brother Israelite’s wife’s britches, or bed his daughter, sister or something. Stop that foolishness, for God will not help us while we do those things. Stand up like men, and fight the enemy with every thing you have.

The Revolution of 1688 On Its Religious Side

The Revolution of 1688 On Its Religious Side

‘To condemn those who in the flames invoke the name of Jesus Christ is no light matter” — Anne Dubourg[1]

IT IS A THOUSAND PITIES that English history is treated alone and without reference to that of Europe. The great man of the later Stuart period was Louis XIV, and he set the fashion to Society in his age. Charles II and James II followed his exam­ple, and worked for the same ends.

Nothing more natural: they were bone of his bone, and flesh of his flesh, and largely educated under the same influences. Bourbon – Medici – Guise, brought up in France under a bigoted Catholic mother, and dazzled by the blaze and blare of their illus­trious relative at Versailles, how could they do other than try to effect in England what he had done in France?

And they found a great part of the people and most of the leaders in church and state blindly ready to assist their purpose. What king was ever welcomed to the throne with more intense en­thusiasm than Charles II, or was maintained upon it by more devoted loyalty? Macaulay tells us that every servant-girl in London went into mourning at his death; and before he expired all in the room, including Bishop Ken, fell on their knees and in­voked his blessing as their common father[2].

He had a parliament as entirely devoted to his person as if he had himself nominated the members, and he kept that parliament in exis­tence for eighteen years. Charles II alone knew what he was aiming at, but neither ministers nor parliament seemed to have known where they were drifting.

One minister after another found him out, and then they fell, and at last the Cavalier Parliament itself got into a panic and ended by aiding and abetting the infamous concocters of the Popish Plot. But there was and had been a real plot to turn England into a Romanist despotism, and the dominant party had been so bent in destroying the work of the Puritans

Illuminati Signature on London

Illuminati Signature on London

AN EMAIL POSTED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM A SUBSCRIBER IN AUSTRALIA – further food for thought: It also happens to be 11 months after the London atrocities that they plan to release The Beast movie on 6/6/06.

Remember the Big Ben clock stoppage in London that the news media made so much fuss about?

Here are the interesting numbers plus the stoppage’s relationship to the 7/7 attacks.

1. The clock stopped at 22.07 = 11.

2. It stopped again at 22.20 = 6 or looked at another way 111 x 2.

3. The duration of the first stoppage was 13 mins – 22.20 minus 22.07.

4. The duration of the second stoppage was 90 mins or 3 x 3.

5. The date it stopped was 5/27/2005 and when added together = 39 or 3 x 13.

The number of days between 5/27 and 7/7 including only one date is 41 or 1 month and 10 days or an 11.

Including both dates the time span is 42 days or 1 month and 11 days or a 111.

Also the 41 day method yields a 5 and the 42 day method yields a 6 and so, added together 5 and 6 yields 11.

So, they get multiple 11’s using either method.

11 is the number for their christ or the biblical Antichrist.

Tracing The Cymry

Tracing The Cymry

CYMRY IS THE MODERN NAME FOR THE DESCENDANTS OF THE WELSH AND I BELIEVE THE CORNISH. It is pronounced Kumri. Tradition and history link these Cymry to an ancient people who roamed Europe in by-gone days.

These people were known by various names in their wander in Posidonius, whom Strabo quotes, said that the Greeks called them Kimbroi and Katin writers called them Cimbri ( Kimbri ) Plutarch in his “Life of Marius,” also identified the Kimri with the Kimmerori. In the century before Caesar they became known to the Romans by the harsher pronunciation of Kimbri. The Teutons (Germans) called them Cambria or Cimbri. Other names for them were Cimmerians, Kimmerians, Gimeria, Gimri, Kelthr and Cimmerii. Rawlinson connected the Cimmerians with the Kimbri of the Romans and the Cymry of Wales.

The Welsh Triads state that the Cymry were the first inhabitants of Britain. Hu Gadern, or Hu the strong or mighty led his people from a region around the city of Defrobani, later called Constantinople and now named Istanbul, into Britain. He is reported to be the author of the Triads, the Annals of the Cymri (page 25) which speaks of their sojourn, “In the land of Hav.” (Constantinople):

The people, “rebelled against God and His fundamental Truths; sinning and committing injustice with daring transgressions; for which He poured upon them His retributive vengeance; whereupon dispersion and devastation issued; upon which they became nearly extinct, having lost their territories and national rights.

The Hoskins Report Chapter 304 – Year 2000

The Hoskins Report Chapter 304 – Year 2000

I HAVE BEEN ASKED TO CHOOSE THE IMPORTANT EVENTS IN HISTORY THAT I CONSIDER THE MOST IMPORTANT. This may not be the list others may choose, but it is my list.
Before Christ

The two events before Christ that I consider the most important were:

1) – The creation of the world and

2) – The creation of Hinduism

1) – “In the beginning was the WORD and the WORD was with God and the WORD was God. ” This is the most important information that we will ever have. This WORD, our God, created “adam-man” and gave him the world to rule[1].

2) – Hinduism was created so far back in time that there is no real record of when it was created, but we do know that the writings of the first century Christians relate the following:

“When the accursed serpent saw Adam and Eve it–- made straight for Eve, and ran after her–- Then the Word of God came to the serpent, and–– a wind came to blow from heaven by command of God that carried away the serpent from Adam and Eve, threw it on the sea shore, and it landed in India.” I Adam & Eve 18:l-9[2]

This verse is one of the reasons for the belief that India is the earthly home of Satan the anti-Christ. Another verse is this:

Who or What Is A Jew

Who or What Is A Jew

NOTE FROM THE COUNCIL: The following article by Eli James is an attempt to clear up the historical confusion that has developed around the meaning of the word ‘Jew.’ The basic problem is that the word ‘Jew’ is used to designate two culturally separate and distinct groups of people: Jews versus Judahites. The biblical definition of ‘Judahite’ is “a member or descendant of the tribe of Judah.” Considering the repeated commandment in the Old Testament forbidding all Israelites from intermarrying with other groups, it is absurd to use the same word, ‘Jew’, to designate both a.) Judahites who were forbidden to practice intermarriage and b. Jews who have always practiced intermarriage.

Also, the Judahites of Palestine never practiced the religion called “Judaism.” Only Jews have ever practiced this religion. As the following article explains, organized Jewry falsely claims descent from the tribe of Judah and also falsely claims that their religion is the religion of the Old Testament. Considering the diametric opposition of these two cultures, it is absurd and confusing to use one word, ‘Jew’, to refer to both groups. All Christian Israelite groups are encouraged, therefore, to refer to the true Judahites as Judah, Judahite, or House of Judah and to refer to the false Judahites (Jews) as Jews, Jewry, or the House of Edom. The sooner our people stop using confused and deliberately misleading language, the sooner we will understand our true heritage.

“…and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews [sic], and are not, but are of the synagogue of Satan.” – Rev. 2:9

“Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews [sic], and are not, but do lie…” – Rev. 3:9.

Review – Architecture of Power By Robert Shaw

Review – Architecture of Power By Robert Shaw

BOOKS ON THE CITY OF LONDON AND THE SECRET POWER IT WEALDS OVER THE UK AND THE REST OF THE WORLD ARE HARD TO COME BY, so it is pleasing to see a new book on the subject has now been published, The Architecture of Power, by Robert Shaw. Available at a reasonable price from Britains Hidden History

The author’s great find, the Parliamentary report on the fire that swept London in 1666, confirms what many have suspected that it was no accident, but another false flag, The enemy has used the same ploy down the centuries and it works every time, because people ignore to study their history. The apprehension of incendiary planters by the King’s Guards and then not being heard of again, would imply that they were in the employ of the King, which is the author’s view. However, when one has an understanding of the ruthlessness of the enemy, its more likely that the King was manoeuvred into this act of destruction or even done without his knowledge as they control the levers of power.

Both James I and Charles I were controlled by their favourites, so it is unlikely things would be any different under Charles 2, bearing in mind during the interregnum period, Charles, for the most part was a pauper. There would be a heavy price to pay for the finance necessary to regain the throne, and that would be to facilitate the rebuilding of the City in the enemy’s image with total disregard to the poor people living in Cheapside.

In the rebuilding of London, the author goes into fascinating detail, especially the churches that Hawkesmoor built, and the significance of their alignment to form the eye of Horus. This is signifying to the world that “Big brother is watching you”! It was one of the Cities ruling elites that once stated “there is no secret which is not unknown to us”! Most of the civilised world has sleep walked into captivity and again become slaves of Egypt and Babylon(don).

Literature About The UK Comet Strike of 562 AD

Literature About The UK Comet Strike of 562 AD

I KNOW MANY OF BRITAIN’S HIDDEN HISTORY FORUMS USERS will know of this, but my searches on the Comet Lead to: Geoffrey’s Historia and the Brut y Brenhinedd and much more.

Try searching Geoffrey’s Historia Regum Britanniae (completed by c. 1139) purports to narrate the history of the Kings of Britain from its eponymous founder Brutus of Troy to Cadwaladr, the last in the line. Geoffrey professed to have based his history on “a certain very ancient book” written in britannicus sermo (the “British tongue”, i.e. Common Brittonic, Welsh, Cornish or Breton) which he had received from Walter of Oxford.[2]

It became one of the most popular works in the medieval West, but its impact was particularly profound and enduring in Wales, where the Historia was accepted as a largely authentic and authoritative account.[3] The influence is most clearly evidenced by the existence of several translations into Welsh from the 13th century onwards, usually known as Brut y Brenhinedd. The manuscript history of these texts is a rich and long one attesting to the production of several translations and new redactions, most of which were copied many times over.

The Welsh renderings are not straightforward translations in the modern sense, but by contemporary standards, they are generally close to their Latin source text, with only some commentary or additional material from bardic traditional lore (cyfarwydd) appended to the text.