Children of The Stranger

Children of The Stranger

Probably one of the most important subjects that relates to our history and our social philosophy in the earth is the knowledge of our relationship first to God as His children. When I speak of this, I speak only of the White race. I want you to understand tonight, that the Bible does not teach that any other species upon the face of the earth other than the White race constitutes God’s children. I realize that this statement will not meet the approval of many churches, because they bask in ignorance. And they have accepted in their theology, all the people on the face of the earth as being co-equally sharing in the Covenant and the Promises of God and the content of the scripture.
Nothing could be more false as to its origin. For it’s transplanting the covenants and promises that God made to your race to people to whom He never made it. It is also offering them certain promises as reward for certain action which they do not participate in. It is as false as a policy for you to try to apply the agreement that might be made between two businessmen in this city to all the people in another state or another city and merely say because a promise made between one man and another was good, we thereby transplant it to all peoples of other cities. All we have to do is spread the news of the contract, that all they have to do is accept the contract and that makes it binding.

But I am going to assure you the scripture has made no provision for people who are outside of the household of God, are not the Seed of God, and not the recipients of certain covenants of promises to suddenly by agreement lay claim to those promises and thus force an obligation on God to fulfil a promise to somebody He didn’t make it to.

Children of The Spirit

Children of The Spirit

As we view the situations around the world, the troubles affecting the world’s monetary systems, we can well understand that we are looking at a well-developed area of prophecy. And we can through well understand that the people who understand prophecy are the children of the spirit. For YAHWEH HAD MADE A GREAT ENUNCIATION AS TO THE CHILDREN OF HIS SPIRIT. He has told about their origin and their understanding. He has told you of the fact that you are the children of YAHWEH, BEGOTTEN of his spirit, before the foundation of the world. That HE has a race of people begotten and living in the heavens. And in the heavenly pains you thought the thoughts of YAHWEH, and you understood HIS works. And you understood all of the things transpiring around you. For as HE thought, so also did you think, Children of spirit, children of Light, dwelling in bodies of light with spiritual understanding. This is not the background heritage of all men. Not the background heritage of all races. But it is the background heritage of your race. It is the background heritage of the people called Israel. It is the foundation of the sons and daughters of the most High God. Children of the Spirit.

Children of Light

Children of Light

As we turn into an area of philosophy which was introduced by The Christ as He unveils tremendous areas of truth, then in this pattern we turn to read: ‘Ye are the LIGHT of the world’. Turn to the Book of Matthew chapter 5; where He made this statement, and you find that HE had been up on the mountain speaking to the people, as He brought forth the areas of the ‘Sermon on the Mount’. Here He had brought forth the pattern of truth concerning the origin of people. He said: ‘Ye are the LIGHT of the world (order), like a city that is set on a hill and cannot be hid.’ He went on to say: ‘neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light for the house. Let you LIGHT shine before men, so they may see your good works, and Glorify your Father which is in Heaven.’

Here YAHSHUA (Jesus) was talking in this ‘Sermon on the Mount’ strictly to the people of the Kingdom. But today many are trying to apply the ‘Sermon on the Mount’ to the way that we treat all the rest of the world (order) around about us. They want us of course to turn the other cheek, and do all these things which were expressly given by The Christ for the children of the Kingdom, give them to the world. Yet The Christ proves this is only for the children of the kingdom as HE stated: ‘Ye are the light of the world, therefore a city set on a hill cannot be hid.’ Turn to the Book of James 1:17, and we have some explanation of this pattern: ‘For every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father of Light. There is no variableness in the Father of Light, there was within HI no shadow of turning.’ Thus He who is the MOST HIGH, THE ETERNAL YAHWEH‑YAHSHUA is the Father of all Spirit which is referred to as Light from this plane of Spirit, and the plane of Spirit is a plane of LIGHT.

Casting That Mountain of Evil into The Sea

Casting That Mountain of Evil into The Sea

We discussed this afternoon, the mysteries of the Kingdom. And now we must say that we are in a very important period in which we must understand the difference between the children of God and the children of the evil one. It is significant for us to know that there are whole races in bondage, and the earth, itself, is being rocked with the rising vibrations of the coming conflict. If you do not think that we are on the road to a conflict, then you are not aware of the blueprints. We are not far removed from the beginning of the battle of Armageddon.

Now, Armageddon has one factor in which we are involved. And it is a world wide conflict enveloping all races and nations and peoples. But it has one meaning for the Child of God and another for the other races. And that is that we have the end of the story and we know what is going to happen. We are going to win!! And any battle that overthrows tyranny and evil, is not one which we should avoid when we are surrounded with the protection of the MOST HIGH GOD which HE has given to HIS race and HIS nation. But a most disturbing thing in our national life is the discovery that promises and covenants are not always kept as they move into high places of office. Or when a nation becomes a pawn to those who try to keep their heads above fears and superstitions. Especially is this true when a President has 73 non-Christians in his cabinet. And among these 73, are 61 who are pledged to the building of a Socialist society. And among these 193 direct appointees, are many more leaning in that direction. Thus, America is put in the position of being in trouble, unless someone without the high offices is called to become a leader of values.

Alexander of Macedon

Alexander of Macedon

As a boy, Alexander learned the lexicon of war from his father, and the discipline of the brain from Aristotle. He read the Iliad and the Tale of Troy, until he knew much of them by heart. He was tutored by a kinsman on his mothers side. He was taught that mountain folds like the Macedonians, had to climb mountains. And each morning after his run, he offered sacrifice before breakfast. The Great God was Zeus of his nation.
The kinsmen were training Alexander to be a king. But the boy always clung to his books. It was a lonely life although companions studied with him. One of these the son of Philip of Macedon, it was believed by another woman, his name Ptolemy.
Alexander had blue eyes and red-gold curls and his mother’s delicate skin which reddened rather than darkened to a brown under the sun. The people of Macedon were mountain people but in the valleys, they raised barley, grapes and cattle.
Alexander, because of the influence of his mother’s kinsmen, had read the works of the Greek writers of that time. Had read Herodotus, Demosthenes, Homer, Aristotle and even had Aristotle for a tutor, for he came to teach young Alexander and his companions.

Ancient Records The Legend of The Virgin Mary Called by The Catholics ‘Our Lady’

Ancient Records The Legend of The Virgin Mary Called by The Catholics ‘Our Lady’

Mary, the Perpetual Virgin, and Her Mother Hanna,’ was translated from the Ethiopian manuscripts collected in 1870, by King Theodore at Makdala, and is now in the British Museum, and translated by Sir Wallas Budge. Many times we find the best knowledge coming from the Ethiopia. Some legends of course come from Catholicism.
The description of the Virgin Mary by Epiphanius, the Bishop of Cyprus, was: She was grave and dignified in all of her actions. She spoke little and only when necessary to do so. She listened readily and could be addressed easily. She paid honour and respect to everyone. She was of middle stature, but some say that she was of more than middle height. Her complexion was of the colour of ripe wheat, and her hair was Auburn. Her eyes were bright and keen and light brown in colour, and the pupils were of olive green tint. Her face was oval, her hands were long and her fingers were long. She wore garments of natural colours and was content with them. She as filled with Divine grace in all her ways.
The Egyptian Christians, or Coptic, in the story of the Virgin Mary being visited by the Angel Gabriel, the same as we find in our scriptures. They believed that this lady, the Virgin Mother of God, was begotten by a human father and brought forth by a human mother, just like others, because she was of flesh and blood.

The End Time Prophecy to Edomite Canaanite Jews and All Jews

The End Time Prophecy to Edomite Canaanite Jews and All Jews

KNOWING ALL JEWS CLAIM to be Ashkenazi Canaanite Khazar Edomite Blood by all their own admissions in all their encyclopaedias, etc etc as compiled here and the Scriptures very clearly say Jews are mongrels mixed and no longer related to Israel, but of Esau and Cain by Christ words, and the records of Scriptural genealogy; the Bible prophecies to them and their satanic seed. We’ve compiled some of the verses dealing with their END TIME DESTRUCTION as Prophesied by YAHWEH our God who promises to fulfil it in our days.

I use KING JAMES VERSION, sometimes I replace the name LORD with YAHWEH to add reverence to His name, and replace God with Elohim, and Jesus with YAHSHUA because: “His name is GREAT, and Greatly to be praised!”

Eze 25:14 “And I will lay my vengeance upon Edom by the hand of my people Israel: and they shall do in Edom according to mine anger and according to my fury; and they shall know my vengeance, saith the Lord GOD.”

By Can These Bones Live?

By Can These Bones Live?

The symbolism of Ezekiel for our times: There are a great number of mysteries and symbols, parables, and visions in the scriptures. They are applied with a consecutive chronology, and without the realization that these skip from one to another. And in the patterns of translation, and the arrangement of the documents, they overlap and contain material that should have been placed in other portions of these writings. It happened because human instruments, also, shapes the scripture as they feel or see that it should be.
There is no question of every word out of the mouth of God being truth. But it has to be studied to shape and divide it. Part of a prophecy may be for that time and then other parts for our time. The day still ahead will see the transitions with great speed.
You are to study to show yourself approved, so this spirit in us can commune with the Father.
Ezekiel’s time found Israel in captivity. But Ezekiel 37, was thinking ahead and he thinks of how God stirs HIS children.
Dead bones: This is allegory vision. And Ezekiel sees a deep valley completely surrounded by mountains, and it is full of bones. Dry bones could be many of our churches today, or in areas of leadership. But the Spirit said, ‘can these things live?’
Now, it may be our blindness to prophecy. But these bones are the whole House of Israel. Not one tribe or two tribes, but the whole House of Israel. They were in captivity there in the old in the Mid-East when Ezekiel did his prophecy. But YAHWEH said, ‘I will cause breath to enter into these bones and they will live.’

By Creation and Design

By Creation and Design

One of the major fields today in this culture which is yours, and in this great nation which is your heritage, and which has such a part to play in God’s Kingdom, as well as this civilization of which you are a part, is that you are being challenged. And the measure by which great success is being given to the powers of darkness at this moment is their ability to capture minds. To relieve them of vision and to bind them with the darkness seems to be the most important job that the powers and forces of darkness undertake. If there is any way to undermine a civilization, or a culture, you must find the spirit that animates it. You must find the very essence of spirit and vision that makes this culture possible. The enemies of our Christian civilization know therefore that if they can remove the faith of your fathers, if they can remove the vision you possess, activated by the spirit, if they thrust into the mind of your youth, doubt and superstition, and supplement materialism for spiritual understanding, then they have moved on a program for the defeat of your society. Nothing destroys a people like destruction of the foundations upon which they are built.

The Deluge

The Deluge

THE development of sin, af­ter the fall of our first parents, was such that God determined to sweep the offending race from the face of the earth by a mighty deluge. This was con­summated sixteen hundred and-fifty-six years after the creation of Adam, or two thou­sand two hundred and sixty-two years by the chronol­ogy of the Septuagint. The Bi­ble contains the only historical record of this great event; but traditions, said to be found in almost all parts of the world, confirm the fact that a destruc­tive deluge once occurred. It is hard to account for the univer­sality and similarity of these traditions, supposing them to exist, without granting them an historical basis. Cuneiform in­scriptions on clay tablets in Assyria and at Babylon corrobo­rate the Mosaic account.

The object of the flood was to destroy the race of Adam. It was the wickedness of ” the Adamite ” that God saw was great in the earth,” and “it repented God that he had made the Adamite on the earth.”

“And the Lord said, I will destroy the Adamite whom I have created from the face of the earth.” I give here the translation “the Adamite,” instead of “man,” for, whether “ha-Adam” can generally be translated “the Adamite” or not, it is plain that in these two texts it refers to the descendants of Adam.

To perpetuate the race God resolved to save Noah and his family. This pious patriarch is described as “a just man and perfect in his generations” that is, in his genealogy: his fam­ily history proved him to be of unmixed blood running back to Adam.