By Creation and Design

By Creation and Design

One of the major fields today in this culture which is yours, and in this great nation which is your heritage, and which has such a part to play in God’s Kingdom, as well as this civilization of which you are a part, is that you are being challenged. And the measure by which great success is being given to the powers of darkness at this moment is their ability to capture minds. To relieve them of vision and to bind them with the darkness seems to be the most important job that the powers and forces of darkness undertake. If there is any way to undermine a civilization, or a culture, you must find the spirit that animates it. You must find the very essence of spirit and vision that makes this culture possible. The enemies of our Christian civilization know therefore that if they can remove the faith of your fathers, if they can remove the vision you possess, activated by the spirit, if they thrust into the mind of your youth, doubt and superstition, and supplement materialism for spiritual understanding, then they have moved on a program for the defeat of your society. Nothing destroys a people like destruction of the foundations upon which they are built.