Mary, the Perpetual Virgin, and Her Mother Hanna,’ was translated from the Ethiopian manuscripts collected in 1870, by King Theodore at Makdala, and is now in the British Museum, and translated by Sir Wallas Budge. Many times we find the best knowledge coming from the Ethiopia. Some legends of course come from Catholicism.
The description of the Virgin Mary by Epiphanius, the Bishop of Cyprus, was: She was grave and dignified in all of her actions. She spoke little and only when necessary to do so. She listened readily and could be addressed easily. She paid honour and respect to everyone. She was of middle stature, but some say that she was of more than middle height. Her complexion was of the colour of ripe wheat, and her hair was Auburn. Her eyes were bright and keen and light brown in colour, and the pupils were of olive green tint. Her face was oval, her hands were long and her fingers were long. She wore garments of natural colours and was content with them. She as filled with Divine grace in all her ways.
The Egyptian Christians, or Coptic, in the story of the Virgin Mary being visited by the Angel Gabriel, the same as we find in our scriptures. They believed that this lady, the Virgin Mother of God, was begotten by a human father and brought forth by a human mother, just like others, because she was of flesh and blood.
Ancient Records The Legend of The Virgin Mary Called by The Catholics ‘Our Lady’
Ancient Records The Legend of The Virgin Mary Called by The Catholics ‘Our Lady’