The Posterity of Cain

The Posterity of Cain

IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE THAT THE POSTERITY OF CAIN COMES IN THE FIRST TÔKEDÔTH, viz., that of the generations of the heavens and the earth; and not in the book of the generations of Adam.

The posterity of Seth commences with the generations of Adam: showing that the two accounts are distinct, and deal with two different subjects.

There were 130 years before Seth was born and substituted for Abel in the line of the promised seed.

In those 130 years after Cain, Adam must have begotten sons and daughters, as in the 800 years after Seth.

If Abel died in a.m. 125, and Abel and Cain had children before that year, even supposing they had no descendants till they reached the age of sixty-five, Adam could have had 130 children. And if each of those could have a child at sixty-five years of age, one in each successive year, there would have been 1,219 in a.m. 130. If we suppose Adam’s earlier sons and daughters to have had children at the age of twenty one instead of at sixty-five, there would have been over half a million in the 130 years , without reckoning the old or young, and this at a very moderate of increase.

It is generally assumed that Adam and Eve had no children beyond those named. But, as in the line of Seth, it is very clear form Genesis 5:4 that they had, we may well conclude that the same was the case in the line of Cain. It is a gratuitous assumption that Abel had no posterity.

Mark 4:26-29

Mark 4:26-29

WHILE THIS PARABLE IS NOT LOCATED IN MATTHEW 13, it is like those parables. This parable is only found in the Gospel of Mark and is located just after the parable of “The Seed of the Sower” and just before the parable of the “Mustard Seed.” Mark did not record all the parables in Matthew 13 but stated: “And with many such parables spake he the word unto them, as they were able to hear it.” (Mark 4:33)

Mark admittedly did not record all the parables, but in the case of the parable of “The Full Corn,” he was the only Gospel writer who recorded it. This parable is different from the first group of kingdom parables of Matthew 13 and is likened unto the parable of “The Hidden Treasure.” This parable is about the hidden growth of the Kingdom of God (Israel).

The Parable: Casting Seed: “And he said, so is the kingdom of God, as if a man should cast seed into the ground.” (Mark 4:26) The parable is readily identified as a kingdom parable by the introduction, “So is the kingdom of God.” The man doing the sowing is God; the seed being sown is identified in verse 28 as corn.

The prophet Amos likened corn to the nation of Israel: “For, lo, I will command, and I will sift the house of Israel among all nations, like as corn is sifted in a sieve, yet shall not the least grain fall upon the earth.” (Amos 9:9) Israel was sown (scattered (Deuteronomy 4:26-31; James 1:1; 1 Peter 1:1) as corn is sifted in a sieve. The analogy of corn to Israel seems quite plain.

Judaism – The World’s Strangest Religion

Judaism – The World’s Strangest Religion

YET THE JEWS THEMSELVES SAY THAT JUDAISM IS NOT A RELIGION: “Judaism was not a religion but a law.” [1] Which shows that one of the great myths of our time is that a Jewish synagogue is the same thing as a Christian church. Even the Jews disagree with this, just as they do the definition of Judaism. Most people think that the only difference is that Christians believe that the Messiah has already arrived in the personage of Jesus Christ while the Jews reject Christ.

What Are The Real Differences?

1). Christians believe that those who accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and lead a righteous life will be rewarded with eternal life in heaven while sinners who are unforgiven will go to a burning hell. But the Jewish Encyclopaedia (1948 edition) relates a different story: “Heaven, it was thought, must merely be an idealized state of existence on earth!” [2] “Beliefs about the hereafter never solidified into dogmas in Judaism–-Traditional Judaism consigns this subject to the realm – of those hidden matters on which it is deemed inadvisable to speculate. The final destiny of the individual is subordinated to the question of the future of the Jewish people.” [3]

Thus Judaism is based on the future success of the Jewish people and not upon a heavenly reward from God. However, Orthodox Jews believe that the Judgement Day will arrive when all Gentiles are dominated by the Jewish Nation!

The Life of Spain’s Queen Isabel

The Life of Spain’s Queen Isabel

TOWARDS THE END OF AN AUTUMN DAY IN 1461, A SMALL MOUNTED CAVALCADE WAS CANTERING ALONG THE NARROW WINDING ROAD BETWEEN MADRIGAL AND AREVALO IN OLD CASTILE. Slightly in advance of a column of armed men, rode a middle-aged man in armour, evidently a hidalgo, or one of the lower nobility. Beside him, on a pair of strong mules, were two girls of about ten years of age. One was dark, with restless black eyes and a smiling mouth that was never long at rest.

The other was of a fairer northern type, with light reddish hair, a determined chin somewhat too large for her other features and blue eyes in which there were greenish lights flecked with gold. Both were wrapped in long woollen cloaks to keep out the cold wind that cut diagonally across the road, whipping away the grey powdered dust that arose in a cloud from the hooves of the horses. Under their small, jaunty hats, each had a silken kerchief, or cawl, tied around hair and ears and bound under the chin.

The dark girl, taller of the two, wore newer clothing of a somewhat finer quality. She was Beatriz de Bobadilla, daughter of the royal governor of the castle of Arevalo. Yet she showed a certain deference to her shabbier companion and never failed to address her as “Dona Isabel.” Even at ten years old, one was taught in Castile what was due a princess of the blood royal and granting that Lady Isabel lived with her mother, the Dowager Queen, in very straightened circumstances, almost forgotten by her half brother, King Enrique IV, the fact remained that she was the daughter of the late Juan II by his second wife and that when she grew up would probably marry some powerful noble. Indeed there had already been talk of betrothing her to Prince Fernando of Aragon.

The Other Races Cannot Sin

The Other Races Cannot Sin

CONSTANTLY WE HEAR FROM THE JUDEO‑CHRISTIAN CLERGY AND EVANGELISTS, and even too many so‑called layman Judeo‑Christians that the Bible and the Gospel is for all the various races on earth. That all the races must be saved.

But that is an error, the Bible was not written to all the different races on earth, and it certainly was not written to the Jews, for they hate Christ and Christian (His followers) with a passion, and at every chance they get, they murder as many as they can get away with. Look at Russia, they murdered over 50 million Christians after they took over in 1917 until the present time and they are not through yet.

“Thanks to the terrible power of our International Banks, we have forced the Christians into wars without number. Wars have a special value for Jews, since Christians massacre each other and make more room for us Jews. Wars are the Jews’ Harvest: The Jew banks grow fat on Christian wars. Over 100‑million Christians have been swept off the face of the earth by wars, and the end is not yet.” (Rabbi Reichorn, speaking at the funeral of Grand Rabbi Simeon Ben‑Iudah, 1869, Henry Ford also noted that: ‘It was a Jew who said, ‘Wars are the Jews’ harvest’; but no harvest is so rich as civil wars.’ The International Jew: The World’s Foremost Problem, Vol. III, p. 180).

“Wars are the Jews harvest, for with them we wipe out the Christians and get control of their gold. We have already killed 100‑million of them, and the end is not yet.” (Chief Rabbi in France, in 1859, Rabbi Reichorn).

The Laws, Statutes, and Judgments of Almighty God was given ONLY to Israel and not to any other people on the face of the earth.

Christ The Way

Christ The Way

WHEN THOMAS, WHO AT FIRST HAD DOUBTED, finally recognized that Christ truly had been raised from the dead, Christ said to him,  “Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.” (John 20:29)

The Hebrew letter tells us that faith is “a conviction of things not seen.” In the modern world, where mammon is god, the rule is: “Seeing is believing.” But God calls us to faith, to believe on “That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ: Whom Having Not Seen, Ye Love; in Whom, Though Now Ye See Him Not, yet Believing, Ye Rejoice with Joy Unspeakable and Full of Glory.” (1 Peter 1:7‑8)

When we believe and obey the Gospel, there is no visible sign of our salvation, no voice from heaven saying we have been accepted. Yet we believe, because we have the word and promise of Christ. When we look at the world and realize that gross evil and corruption abound everywhere, it is by the same faith that we believe that Christ has been given all authority in heaven and on earth, and that all things will work together for good for them that are called according to (God’s) purpose.

It is apparent that God desires people who are willing to trust, not in themselves, but in Him, people who believe on Him in the face of all conditions to the contrary. Prosperity and good health are special blessings, and cause for thanksgiving, but their absence is no sign that God has ceased to care and provide. Faith is to believe that He is with us at all times, in want or in suffering, and that whatever the course requires, it is the means by which God will draw us close and conform us to His image.

A Little Look Back

A Little Look Back

SOME WILL SAY WHAT GOOD IS THIS LOOK BACK SO MANY THOUSAND YEARS TO US TODAY. Well for one thing if one does not know history then they cannot know what is to come. This article is an attempt to give you a history to pass on to your children and grand children, about the history of our Race, The White Race. It is a history that they will certainly not get from the cowardly, traitorous, deceiving, perverted, degenerate, Judaised, Judeo-Christian clergy of today.

A Backward Look

Everyone who drives an automobile knows that safety depends upon the backward look as well as the forward look. Disaster ma result quite as often from not knowing what is behind as from not looking ahead. And so it is in guiding the course of our Israel people and their nations.

An illustration how much the news; is the Palestine situation. Only a few people, comparatively speaking, realize how quickly the flame smouldering in that region may explode in the face of the world. And our current administration seems hell bent on causing that explosion. Involving our country in the second deadliest war of all time.

The deadliest is of course the war the Jews are waging against our Israel people; a war that has been going on since the beginning of time. The danger is all the more imminent because our leaders of State, uninformed and even misinformed by the Judeo-Christian leaders of the church, do not know the background of the issues involved. They boldly move to portion out the land of sacred history to Jews, who have no claim over the land at all, and Arabs because they have never looked back to determine the real ownership of the land, and the origin of the conflicting participants in the Palestine struggle.

Cracks in The Holocaust Myth

Cracks in The Holocaust Myth

HAVING SEEN THE SUCCESS OF THE BRITISH PROPAGANDA ABOUT THE GERMANS USING THE SKINS OF DEAD BABIES AS LAMP SHADES IN WORLD WAR I [which the British later apologized for after the end of the war and admitted it was only propaganda to get the troops to fight harder].

They conceived of the “Six Million Jew Lie” and spared no amount of expense to forward this program [the Zionists Even Executed Several Thousand of the so-called Lesser Jews; so as to Further Their Diabolical Plans after All What Was a Few Thousand Lesser Jews Compared to the Master Plan of World Control!].

Genocide Charged: Perhaps the most stupid and cowardly people of all times are the Sephardic Jews.

Charges made by the Israeli media and confirmed by a former Israeli immigration inspector that “hundreds, perhaps thousands” of the children of Sephardic Jews were taken from their parents and never returned. Sephardic Jews live in the Middle East and are thought to be descended from Jewish inhabitants of Judea. However, the majority of the Jews are Ashkenazi.

History says that they are the descendants of the Khazars, a people near the Caucus mountains who converted to Talmudic Judaism in the eighth century. Children of Sephardic Jews from Yemen were subjected to a policy of the Israeli government in the ’50’s to the present like the charges made against the Nazis during WW II. The Tel Aviv daily newspaper was told by the former inspector Ami Hovev that a “substantial number” of these children were killed in medical experiments and buried in lime pits.

Christ (Yashua) Was White

Christ (Yashua) Was White

THERE ARE THOSE WHO SAY THAT THE SCRIPTURES ARE THE ONLY RECORD OF CHRIST’S TRAVELS ON THIS EARTH. But that is not true, it is totally false there is a historical record of Christ and it is found in the Archoko Volume in The Congressional Library in Washington, D.C., which contains an Official Government Record of Pilate’s correspondences, which records a meeting he had with Jesus Christ. Plate stated on pages 137‑139:

“To Tiberius Caesar, Emperor of Rome Noble Sovereign, Greetings: ‘—Among various rumours that came to my ears there was one in particular that came to my attention. A young man it was said, and appeared in Galilee preaching with noble unction a new law in the name of the God who sent him.

At first I was apprehensive that his design was to stir up the people against the Romans, but my fears were soon dispelled.

“Jesus of Nazareth spoke rather as a friend of the Romans than as a friend of the Jews. One day in passing by the place of Siloe, where there was a great concourse of people, I observed in the midst of the group a young man who was leaning against a tree, calmly addressing the multitude. I was told it was Jesus. This I could easily have suspected, so great was the difference between him and those who listened to him. His golden colour hair and beard gave to his appearance an almost celestial aspect. He appeared to be about thirty years of age. Never have I seen a sweeter or more serene countenance. What a contrast between he and his hearers with their black beards and tawny complexions!…

Two Seedline Taught in The Dead Sea Scrolls

Two Seedline Taught in The Dead Sea Scrolls

SHOULD YOU DESIRE MORE INSIGHT ON THE SCRIPTURES, I highly recommend you investigate the Dead Sea Scrolls. You should first study the history of how and when they were discovered. This can be done by reading the introductions of several books that have been published on this subject.

One such book I suggest for this is Understanding The Dead Sea Scrolls edited by Hershel Shanks (c) 1992, published by Random House, NY. Though Shanks is a “Jew,” the book is a collection from several Dead Sea Scroll authors.

It is also necessary to understand who wrote them and copied most of the books of that pre‑ New Testament period including many of the books we now have in our present Bibles. Additionally, we must analyse the text and context of the Dead Sea Scrolls themselves.

Wherever they already agree with our present Bibles, we must be thankful, but where there are discrepancies, we must resolve them. One such discrepancy is found in I Samuel 11:1‑3.

The scroll in question is designated 4 Qsam a, and was found in cave #4. The following represents an omission at the beginning of that chapter. Please get your Bible and turn to 1 Samuel 11; then read the following in italics; then continue reading in your Bible from verses 1‑10, omitting the word “Then” in verse 1: