The Pan-German Plot Unmasked

The Pan-German Plot Unmasked

My reasons for commending M. Cheradame’s most instructive work to the earnest attention of my countrymen and countrywomen are three-fold.

In the first place, M. Cheradame stands con- spicuous amongst that very small body of politicians who warned Europe betimes of the German danger. The fact that in the past he proved a true prophet gives him a special claim to be heard when he states his views as regards the present and the future.

In the second place, I entertain a strong opinion that M. Cheradame’s diagnosis of the present situation is, in all its main features, correct.

In the third place, in spite of the voluminous war literature which already exists, I greatly doubt whether the special aspect of the case which M. Cheradame wishes to present to the public is fully understood in this country; neither should I be surprised to hear from those who are more qualified than myself to speak on the subject that the same remark applies, though possibly in a less degree, to the public opinion of France.

It is essential that, before the terms of peace are discussed, a clear idea should be formed of the reasons which led the German Government to provoke this war. It is well that, if v such a course be at all possible, those who are personally responsible for the numerous acts of barbarity committed by the Germans should receive adequate punishment. But attention to points of this sort, however rational and meritorious, should not in any degree be allowed to obscure the vital importance of the permanent political issues which call loudly for settlement. Otherwise, it is quite conceivable that a peace may be patched up, which may have some specious appearance of being favourable to the Allies, but which would at the same time virtually concede to the Germans all they require in order, after time had been allowed for recuperation, to renew, with increased hope of success, their attempts to shatter modern civilization and to secure the domination of the world.

Britain’s Downgrade

Britain’s Downgrade

THE 1960’S saw a major historic shift of belief in Britain. No longer did our erstwhile politicians and their unseen masters, see our country’s laws as being of divine origin based on God’s Law, and therefore were fixed. Rather, they were seen as being of human origin, based upon “the will of the people.” Therefore, they could be and were changed.
Since the end of the second world war, a great deal of Bible-based legislation has been removed from British Law Books and replaced by very inferior and permissive laws. Today there are, at least in the mind of British Parliamentarians, and its behind the scenes law makers, all absolutes the restraints are off, an action that is in open defiance of God and His Word. The general consensus is that “morality is what you make it”
However, historically, God’s Law has shaped particularly the English statute book. In Anglo-Saxon times Alfred the Great laid down a sound foundation. He added to his laws a free translation of the Ten Commandments and an abridgment of the enactments of Exodus chapters 21-23. Alfred took his responsibilities as a Christian ruler seriously, and the spiritual welfare of his subjects was important to him
The true significance of the removal of biblical restraints and replacement by inferior laws is well summed up by Rev David Samuel who wrote: “When a law is passed by Parliament and put upon the statute book it can still be lawlessness when it is judged by that higher law – the Law of God. Yet w e have witnessed this kind of thing repeatedly in recent years…. Iniquity , lawlessness. in our society today is no longer merely the aberration of the individual, but it is the structured, codified and deliberate lawlessness of society itself.”

Judas Iscariot an Old Type in a New Form

Judas Iscariot an Old Type in a New Form

A WORLD all rollicking and plunging like that old Roman one, when the measure of its iniquities was full; the abysses and subterranean and supernal deluges, plainly broken loose; in the wild dim-lighted chaos, all stars of Heaven gone out. No star of heaven visible, hardly now to any man; the pestiferous fogs and foul exhalations grown continual, have, except on the highest mountain-tops, blotted-out all stars; will-o’-wisps, of various course and colour, take the place of stars. Over the wild surging-chaos, in the leaden air, are only sudden glares of revolutionary lightning ; then mere darkness with philanthropists phosphorescences, empty meteoric lights.

It was after reading the above lines from Carlyle that the idea was first suggested to me of writing the present book, and pointing out those who are planning our catastrophe. This catastrophe is one that will surely overtake us all, unless we take measures and apply the remedy—a remedy that is plainly shown in the pages that follow.

The Jews and the Jewish press have of late more than once asserted that the author is himself a Jew. This is a malicious and unfounded statement. The author is not a Jew, and not a drop of Jewish blood flows in his veins. He is a Greek by birth and education, and his family, as regards respectability and learning, stands second to none in the kingdom of Hellas.

The Jews also make reference to my “antecedents-.” There is nothing in my life, or to use their term, in my “antecedents,” that I am ashamed to have the world know. I arrived in America about twenty years ago, with $15 in my pocket, and by dint of hard work and perseverance, unaided, I created the position that I occupy to-day in the literary world. The Hellenic government, on account of my literary productions, bestowed upon me the Royal Cross, of which I have every reason to feel proud. Among my pupils I count the most distinguished teachers, professors, and ministers in this country. For more than ten years I directed one of the most successful private schools in the city of New York. There is nothing therefore in my “ antecedents” that I am afraid to have the Jews or the world know.

Ever since I published “The Original Mr. Jacobs” the Jews have hounded me and persecuted me day and night. Some time ago I was accused of embezzling the funds of the Minerva Publishing Company—a company which I founded myself, with my own money and brains. I was arrested, and for a time the Jewish press published the vilest calumnies against me. If there is any man in the United States towards whom I feel a debt of gratitude, it is the man who undertook my defence, and who won for me a brilliant victory. Although accused of a mean and contemptible act, I was appointed the receiver of the Minerva Publishing Company, and a few days after my appointment the entire concern passed into my hands.

Certainly no more complete vindication could have been given against the baseless accusations that were brought against me ; no advocate ever obtained a more brilliant victory for a client than the one won by my friend and counsellor.

I know the Jews too well to fear their mutter- ings or their threats. I have undertaken a battle which I know I shall win, nor will I lay down my pen before the victory is mine.

The People of The Book

The People of The Book

It was Edmund Burke (left) who wrote “people will not look forward to posterity who never look backward to their ancestors.” This is not only a sound philosophical statement, but also a fundamental biblical principle. Our political, as well as spiritual leaders, would do well to take note of this, for our once great nation is being led by men who have lost their way and they are leading the British people astray. These men have failed to understand the great principle, of “remember and forget not”. They have, and one suspects deliberately, failed to remember God’s mercy in dealing with this nation throughout the ages, they have forgotten his many acts of deliverance. The result is that today’s politicians and spiritual leaders, rather than building on the solid foundation laid by previous generations, are building on sinking sand and they themselves flounder in the sinking sands of ungodliness, human ambition and vain hopes.

The act of looking back, is an act of recollection, of remembrance, of recalling past events, past blessings, important anniversaries in our lives, special events in our families history and in the history of the nation. The act of recollection is not living in the past, but is an important tool that enables the wise man and leader to avoid the pitfalls and mistakes of the past. By ignoring the past, men and nations leave themselves wide open to the very real danger of making the same mistakes over and over again, just as we see taking place today.


Again and again in the Bible, God’s children are exhorted to remember. In Deuteronomy 5:15 for example the Lord calls on the children of Israel to “Remember that they were servants in the land of Egypt,” and that it was God who delivered them. We too should look back and remember that we were also once servants, not only individually to sin, but as a nation servants of the Church of Rome, and that it was God, who in His grace and mercy set us free. We would have been slaves to the Third Reich had it not been for the intervention of God, yet today what these people failed to do by armed conflict, they are doing by guile. The British leaders cannot or will not see it; the words of the old song need to be remembered “Britain, never, never, never shall be slaves.” But slaves we will be if our leaders do not wake up.

In Deuteronomy 16:3 Israel are exhorted to remember their deliverance from the Egyptians and they are to do so through a special feast, the Passover (left). Then again there is Deuteronomy 25:17, when they are called to remember and a humiliating event in their early history when the heathen king crept up behind them unawares and killed a number of the people. So we could go on; these are but three examples of the principle of looking back. Looking back reminds us of what we were, where we have come from and above all the greatness of God and His dealings with us. As well as warning of danger, looking back enables one to take evasive action and build positively for the futur

The Round Towers of Ireland or History of The Tuath de Danaan

The Round Towers of Ireland or History of The Tuath de Danaan

IN IRELAND IN THE 1800’S it seems that there were still many of these ‘Round Towers’ scattered over the Island, but no one seemed to know the origin or purpose of these structures which showed so much skill and architecture knowledge and skill. In the 1800’s knowledge of the far east was almost unknown except there was no accounting for the contrast of ‘The Ireland that was’ and ‘The Ireland that is’, which has sunk almost to the level of Barbarianism. Our Author as a young man was very curious as to why this land covered with these structures showing such knowledge could have sunk so far, why was this knowledge stopped so suddenly and for ever?

Our Author then began the study of the writings of every traveller and he noticed that one such as Bishop Pococke coming back to Ireland had recorded the amazing conformity between the Ancient Irish and the Ancient Egyptian and of course our young Author was very curious.

As a boy young O’Brien had seen the ruins of some, and the complete as yet, of some of these famous ‘Round Towers’. He had read that some were in eastern lands and that they had something to do with public worship, and he wondered: ‘Were these particular forms of belief carried from the east to the west in a type of kindred religious belief. As a young Student he seemed to have been confident that an earlier origin would explain the mysteries of the ‘Round Towers of Ireland

Old Records – Swift Library Review

Old Records – Swift Library Review

FROM THE OLD FILES IN THE MAST LIBRARY COMES A MESSAGE as to this race called in the old books the Red race, because Caucasians are the ones who possess this peculiarity because Adam by definition means to show blood in the face’ Adam’s descendants are thus identified by this physical feature. Much interest has been shown in other times as to the Indian section of our knowledge. And in this old file was a message that most readers of that time in history who were searching for truth as to who they were then loved to receive.

Words have specific origins. This is why the study of languages is so important. Correct definitions are essential for a proper understanding of history. This individual of our story was thus seeking clarification of the term Ethiopian in the scriptures. However in order to understand Ethiopian, you must pursue the word Adam, the name of the first Man. (We would say that Adam was the first man of our race)

Now; as to this writing, my understanding will be added in ( ).

A Caucasian with a sunburnt complexion was known as an Ethiopian. For ‘Aith’ means sunburnt, and ‘ops’ means countenance. Used today it would describe the difference between a fair skinned Midwesterner and his sunburnt brother living in Florida. If you ask your grandmother what she was taught in Sunday school about Ethiopians. She will tell you that they were ‘white.’ (Perhaps here in 1998 you should ask your great-grandmother.) There were also lots of pictures along with this report to show the truth of this report.

The New Religion of Kabbalah

The New Religion of Kabbalah

SINCE THIS SO-CALLED RELIGION seems to be growing, thought we should take a look at it and see what now is to be taught the Christians, especially our youth.

We turn to the story carried in the Washington Times and also Time Magazine as to this new religion for the millennium, so they say.

The Director of the Karim Kabbalah Centre in Atlanta, Georgia, explained this mysticism of Kabbalahism. She says that the members practice a once secret aspect of Judaism called Kabbalah. The students pray and practice mysticism as the route to understanding.

Kabbalah was popular in Europe in the Middle-Ages when it was passed on then to Jewish men over forty who were deemed to have the maturity and pristine spirituality to handle mysticisms power.

The followers of this so called new faith claim that although studying Jewish text and achieving a more intricate relationship with God. Through Cabalism they can understand the hidden meanings of the Torah, and can then call on God to alter himself on their behalf.

(So now then, man is greater than God? Does this not suggest that there was a people who were able to commune with God, their Father, which Jewish mysticism does not understand? For with Seth, as the Aryans came out of the Tarim Basin, they were once calling themselves the “Sons of Yahweh.” This, the old books confirm. Whereas Judaism claims to the people of the Bible only start with Abraham and then Moses.)

The Mystification of The Allied Peoples How? Why? By Whom?

The Mystification of The Allied Peoples How? Why? By Whom?

MY REASONS FOR COMMENDING M. CHERADAME’S most instructive work to the earnest attention of my countrymen and countrywomen are three-fold.

In the first place, M. Cheradame stands conspicuous amongst that very small body of politicians who warned Europe betimes of the German danger. The fact that in the past he proved a true prophet gives him a special claim to be heard when he states his views as regards the present and the future.

In the second place, I entertain a strong opinion that M. Cheradame’s diagnosis of the present situation is, in all its main features, correct.

In the third place, in spite of the voluminous war literature which already exists, I greatly doubt whether the special aspect of the case which M. Cheradame wishes to present to the public is fully understood in this country; neither should I be surprised to hear from those who are more qualified than myself to speak on the subject that the same remark applies, though possibly in a less degree, to the public opinion of France.

It is essential that, before the terms of peace are discussed, a clear idea should be formed of the reasons which led the German Government to provoke this war. It is well that, if such a course be at all possible, those who are personally responsible for the numerous acts of barbarity committed by the Germans should receive adequate punishment. But attention to points of this sort, however rational and meritorious, should not in any degree be allowed to obscure the vital importance of the permanent political issues which call loudly for settlement. Otherwise, it is quite conceivable that a peace may be patched up, which may have some specious appearance of being favourable to the Allies, but which would at the same time virtually concede to the Germans all they require in order, after time had been allowed for recuperation, to renew, with increased hope of success, their attempts to shatter modern civilization and to secure the domination of the world.

More About This Comet Hale-Bopp

More About This Comet Hale-Bopp

WE ARE ALWAYS PRAYING AND ASKING FOR GUIDANCE, and what is to happen next, could it be that YAHWEH SENT THIS COMET TO TELL US? When we read the story connected with these constellations and their portions of the heavens it makes us wonder.

We believe that HE does not come this time embodied to take over the throne of David, but as this story tells, to ‘Gather HIS Saints. And as HE gathers the enemy to the great and terrible day of Judgment, and the story foretold in the heavens tells us whom the judgment falls on. In the book of Revelation, chapter 16:13, we see the whole world called to the battle of Armageddon. This portrayed as the last and ‘final battle’ with the enemy.

Vs: l5: ‘I come as a thief in the night.’ And here HE is speaking to HIS True Church, for HE said of the Laodicean church age, this literal physical church with its many denominations, that since they are neither hot nor cold, HE will spew them out of HIS mouth.

Monopolies and The People

Monopolies and The People

FOR two years past the author has awaited the auspicious moment for presenting to the public his views upon the oppressions and abuses practiced by corporations and combinations of men who are apparently getting a controlling influence over the commerce, finances, and government of the country.  Recent action on the part of the people has convinced him that his opportunity has come, and he embraces it.  He has aimed to present a true history of the operations of the different monopolies.

Since he began the preparation of his work, some events have taken place not noticed by him.  Oakes Ames and James Brooks, two prominent characters among railroad men, and whom he has had occasion to name, have died.  Some changes in the laws of congress have been made affecting the interests of corporations.  The law requiring the secretary of the treasury to retain but one-half of the earnings from the government of the Pacific roads to apply on the interest due to government on subsidy bonds, has been repealed, and he may now retain and apply the whole amount.  Suit has also been brought against the Union Pacific company because of its dishonest practices.

On the whole, however, combinations of corporations, and other rings and organizations, at war with the best interests of the people, have acquired new strength and more power within the last few months.

The reader will notice the fact, that while the author has quoted liberally from the statutes and resolves of congress to show the great privileges and powers conferred upon railroad companies, and familiarized the reader with their financial and other transactions for a clear understanding of their manner of doing business, he has not pretended to give a full history;  satisfying himself with such chapters as would place before the public the true character of these monopolies.

The author has sought to present truthful statements of matters in connection with the various interests now so hostile to the rights of the people, and he believes he has embodied the facts as they exist. D.C.C. MUSCATINE, IOWA, July 28, 1873.