The Light That Went Before Them

The Light That Went Before Them

As we have turned thru these panorama of events for this time of year, we find significant things. And now we will go back and look for more significant things which took place. We can be sure of the absolute divine authority thru out the Universe. There can be no question about the mind of the observer that the Eternal has always had all things in the hollow of HIS hand. We have cited to you that you were with the Father before the world was framed. And as the children of the Most High God, you viewed the vastness of HIS creation when in HIS great fiat and majestic purposes, HE rolled out solar system after solar system at HIS command.

And as we cited by measure 124,000 years ago, there was a star that was moving across space. You could say that 124,000 years going out and 124,000 years coming back. Actually we well know that the sidereal calculators say that it came out of the south. It swept across the Southern Cross and moved high up to the head of Aquila, then started back the position that we see into the head of Virgo.

This the sign of the measure of prophecy. There is no doubt but that it made its turn in the tail of hydra, because sidereal calculators continue that course. But the Father started this great comet, this sword of the LORD started this great comet in motion, 124,000 years going out and 124,000 years coming back in. Thus 248,000 years, all most a quarter of a million years from the hour in which it would consummate its journey as far as destiny was concerned as to what transpired.

The Light That Did Not Fail

The Light That Did Not Fail

AS WE TURN TO THE SUBJECT ‘THE LIGHT THAT DID NOT FAIL’, we would divide our subject into two parts because there is a full panorama of fulfilled prophecy of events which are challenging, and should be considered. And we would like to correlate these into your thinking before we go on with the area of our subject.

When we talk to you of the events that would occur in 1963, we discuss the fact that one of the events which we see would be of political significance and somewhat earth shaking unless God intervenes and slows it down. This would be if the Red Chinese explode an atom bomb. We have told you before that God has intervened to the extent of the explosion of cyclotrons, and the crushing of their plant. And that the Soviet designs, as well as those of Red China, had been seriously injured by, acts of God.

But that the Red Chinese are, according to the underground, sometime in February or March, are to explode the Atom bomb. Just where she would set off this explosion, was somewhat of a speculation even by her enemy. I think this has been a prophetic week for the observer who is aware. For if you are aware of the inevitable climax of the prophetic cycle we are in, then you know that the powers of Christianity and righteousness are going to be locked into struggles with the hoards of anti-Christ and the powers of darkness. We are aware that Biblically, this has been prophesied from Old to New Testament.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – June 1995

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – June 1995

THE MONTH OF MAY IS ALMOST GONE. The main happening on the 18th of May was the passing in the House of Representatives of the ‘Balanced Budget Amendment.’ There was much chaos and political fighting to maintain this money system which has brought us to the point of disaster. But when the vote came, the Republicans had stood in line and the vote was positive. The Senate is also struggling with this same issue. And all summer long, as each Appropriation Bill comes up, there will be such a fight.

In June, finally Uranus and Neptune, the planets of money and chaos, will finally begin to come apart. But still they are just touching and side by side still in the middle of June. Jupiter and Saturn are still some distance apart, while before the month is out then Venus (the great revealer) will be coming into conjunction with Mercury (the U.S.). Wonder what that will bring? However, the weather pattern will still be a mixed bag for some time, because of the measures in the heavens.

If you wonder if these conjunctions mean anything, then just remember that also in the time of the birth of Jesus and also of John the Baptist, there were special conjunctions in the heavens. In the children’s book ‘The Star of Wonder,’ the conjunctions of the planets are now shown and we see finally explained, this combination as Jupiter and Saturn mad their conjunctions as the old records report, and then Mars also came into the picture. And these three formed a triangle pointing downward and the birth of the Christ Child in Bethlehem occurred. Then in proper time came the birth of John the Baptist.

Winston Churchill Was Bankers’ Puppet

Winston Churchill Was Bankers’ Puppet

THIS VERSION OF THE “V” SALUTE IS A GREETING BY RABBIS IN THE HEBREW TRADITION. The hand split down the centre represents the 2 fingers on each side of the “V” in deVil, as the initials DE and IL represent the fingers.” See also Leonard Nimoy’s Vulcan sign is Invocation of the Devil

Winston Churchill who led Britain into two world wars with his famous “victory” salute is still revered by many people. In a recent rigged newspaper poll, he was voted Britain’s greatest Englishman.

Churchill was a long-term Zionist puppet and served their interest before that of Britain. He was a Druid priest, a 33rd degree Mason and member of the Golden Dawn. Masonry is a secret elitist anti-democratic anti-Christian satanic cult.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – June 1994

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – June 1994


THEORIES CANNOT EXPLAIN DISCOVERY. BY JOHN NOBLE WILFORD OF THE NEW YORK TIMES. This story carried in the “Spokane review”, in Spokane, Washington on Monday March, 21, 1994.

Somewhere out in the Universe, something is exerting a tremendous pull on the Milky Way galaxy, which includes the solar system, and most of its neighbouring galaxies, astronomers have found. The unexpected discovery may force A REVISION of some basic notions about the UNIVERSE.

The astronomers who discovered the magnitude of these peculiar galactic motions say their observations ‘strongly challenge our understanding of how the universe EVOLVED’.

The first reaction of scientists to these findings run from astonishment to scepticism, to earnest debate over the most puzzling questions in cosmology, how did the Universe evolve from an early state of virtual homogeneity to the observed lumpy conditions today in which stars congregate in galaxies, galaxies into clusters, and clusters of galaxies into super clusters that stretch across hundreds of millions of light years of space?

The Light in A Dark Place

The Light in A Dark Place

WE HAVE NOTICED IN THE PAST WEEKS AN EVER INCREASING NUMBER OF CLERGY THAT ARE GIVING IN TO THE IDEA THAT PROPHECY is literally fulfilled as the Jews have retaken the old part of the city of Jerusalem. This is true, but they have not expressed it with points of truth. They tell all the nations that these are the chosen people of God, and that God is smiling on these people. If face one Clergyman came out and said: In fact these people can do no wrong, for these are the chosen people, the righteous of God.

I thought this was going a long way from the interpretation of the Scriptures, for as these Clergy speak out on all these things, they shut their eyes against all these strategies of the workers of Darkness, they pay little attention to the powers and forces that have brought forth the 8th., horn of the beast. ‘Five are fallen, one is and one is yet to come, and the 8th is out of the 7th.’

The power that actually brought upon the world today, this 8tth horn out of the 7th comes from those whom they are heralding as God’s chosen people. We felt this is going along way according to the interpretation of the Scriptures. We can well be assured that what ever God had declared will come to pass for there will never be any confusion in God’s plan.

The Life of Christ

The Life of Christ

AS WE GO BACK INTO THE PANORAMA OF THE GREAT DRAMA OF THE LIFE OF CHRIST, it is important that we see its impact upon us, even today as we review some of these situations, as we do year after year, for they are quite dramatic. This is a most beautiful and colourful story of the patterns of history. We have the beautiful records of the scripture concerning the events which took place. We have the writings of Nicodemus. We have the records of the Sanhedrin which were basically against Jesus. We have the records of the Roman Empire. And of course, we have the records that came out of the people who were symbolically writing at that time. And so it is that we can see the whole pattern, the whole picture of what took place in that time.

We want to point out that as the life of Jesus approached the time of Palm Sunday, that the land of Palestine was filled with excitement. This excitement came from the great hope that now they would overthrow the power of the Roman Empire. And that the day would come when they would be able to overthrow the power of organized Jewry which had taken control of their Temple. For the true Israelites of Judah and Benjamin, and the Galileans of the land, understood and recognize that the Jews (Canaanites) of Jerusalem were not the proper administrators of the Temple. That they were usurpers of the areas of authority. So it was that they wanted to see the removal of these people that held power over them.
We want to point out that a whole area of the community, a private group called a pastoral cult of Pharisees, were meeting outside the city of Jerusalem in the land of Palestine, in caverns and caves.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – June 1991

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – June 1991

THE IDEA WAS FOR THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO PICK UP A SUBSTANTIAL AMOUNT OF A MEDICAL STUDENTS BILLS in exchange for a promise that the young Doctor will serve in poor areas short on Medics. This is how the program worked for one doctor, Sheila E. Carroll. By the time she was through school the taxpayers were in, to the tune of $94,000.00 for expenses at Georgetown Medical School. The trouble then was that Dr. Carroll was assigned to an Indian Reservation to work, and she did not care for that location. She chose a poor urban area in New York, or Washington D.C. These areas would be within commuting distance of some of the nicest neighbourhoods, where Doctors live such as Scarsdale NY, or Rockville Md.

Dr. Carroll did not care for the idea of paying back the loan plus interest, and being free from the program, so she took her case, and her $100,000.00 annual income to Bankruptcy court, but the Judge dismissed the case calling it an abuse of the Bankruptcy code. Now; the good news is that Dr. Carroll owes the taxpayers $719,000.00. The bad news is that there are more than 500 former medical students in default on loans like this.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – June 1989

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – June 1989

VICE PRESIDENT QUAYLE AND HIS ADVISORS ARE TURNING INTO THE MAJOR PLAYERS INSIDE THE ADMINISTRATION SUPPORTING THE SDI PROGRAM. Brent Scrowcroft is clearly the most important staffer against the SDI. This is to be expected of course. Also Arnold Kanter whom Scrowcroft recruited from the Rand Corp- oration is also against SDI. President Bush is said to be undecided, there- fore it is up to Quayle and his advisors to bring their influence to bear, on the thinking of the President. No wonder the Press is still against the Vice President, and belittles him whenever possible, although the President seems to be trying to educate the Vice President to fill the bigger shoes.

What is the truth behind the development of what is called ‘Cold Fusion’? Will Loy thinks, and I agree, that there seems to be a big cover up. Big money interests will do anything to stop the development of this ‘Cold Fusion’ Why? because this is an inexhaustible power source with very little radio active waste, and no pollution. Big names are discouraging the belief in this source of power, just as nuclear energy was discouraged. It is a political football today with no thought as to what the cheap source of power would do for the company and the people of our nation.

Mr. Loy thinks the Battleship ‘Iowa’ was a victim of Sabotage. WELL, there has now been three so called accidents in a row. Mr. Loy suggests that the KGB has mistakenly believed that the United States had something to do with the sinking of their experimental Submarine off the coast of Norway just recently.

The rise in gasoline prices was not caused by the oil spill in Alaska, there are other reasons behind this rise in price. One is to feed inflation so as to destabilize the Bush Administration.


Caer Effrawg – The Lost City

Caer Effrawg – The Lost City

ON ONE OF OUR JOURNEYS ALAN AND I TRAVELLED AGAIN TO THE MIDLANDS OF ENGLAND, this time to visit the Romano-British city of Wroxeter. The ruins of this city, once linked to London by the old Watling Street, are in Shropshire on the borders between Wales and England. Long abandoned, the city was only rediscovered when a mosaic was found there in the eighteenth century. Since then it has been the subject of several excavations revealing impressive ruins. It is now generally recognized that during Roman times it was the fourth largest city in Britain, larger than Bath, Caerleon or Gloucester. Even this estimate may have to be revised upwards, for recent work involving aerial photography and ground-penetrating radar has revealed that at one time Wroxeter spread far out into the surrounding fields, so whilst it was probably always smaller than London, it may at one time have been larger than York and Colchester too. That such a large city should have disappeared without trace is one of the great mysteries of history. Even more so is the fact that it doesn’t seem to be mentioned anywhere in Roman records.

Arriving at Wroxeter, we got out of the car and made our way onto the site. Most of the city, particularly its residential quarters, is still unexcavated, but even so there was enough on view to get an impression of what it must have been like. The most striking feature was a large section of red-brick wall, part of the complex associated with an exercise hall and public baths. These had evidently been elaborate affairs with under-floor heating, steam baths, saunas and plunge pools. The gym itself had been an enormous hall – as big as a cathedral – with colonnades and porticoes supporting its roof. One could easily imagine soldiers practising their martial arts within its cavernous interior, though it could as well have been used by citizens for the ancient equivalent of aerobics. Either way, it was curious that this temple of the body was the best preserved part of the city and it gave a perhaps unbalanced idea that whoever had built the city was fitness mad.