The Light That Went Before Them

The Light That Went Before Them

As we have turned thru these panorama of events for this time of year, we find significant things. And now we will go back and look for more significant things which took place. We can be sure of the absolute divine authority thru out the Universe. There can be no question about the mind of the observer that the Eternal has always had all things in the hollow of HIS hand. We have cited to you that you were with the Father before the world was framed. And as the children of the Most High God, you viewed the vastness of HIS creation when in HIS great fiat and majestic purposes, HE rolled out solar system after solar system at HIS command.

And as we cited by measure 124,000 years ago, there was a star that was moving across space. You could say that 124,000 years going out and 124,000 years coming back. Actually we well know that the sidereal calculators say that it came out of the south. It swept across the Southern Cross and moved high up to the head of Aquila, then started back the position that we see into the head of Virgo.

This the sign of the measure of prophecy. There is no doubt but that it made its turn in the tail of hydra, because sidereal calculators continue that course. But the Father started this great comet, this sword of the LORD started this great comet in motion, 124,000 years going out and 124,000 years coming back in. Thus 248,000 years, all most a quarter of a million years from the hour in which it would consummate its journey as far as destiny was concerned as to what transpired.