The Mystery of The Corridor of Life

The Mystery of The Corridor of Life

TONIGHT WE ARE SPEAKING ON A SUBJECT WHICH IS OF GREAT SIGNIFICANCE TO MANY OF US BECAUSE IT DEALS WITH THE PANORAMA OF EXISTENCE AND THE GREAT AND ETERNAL CORRIDORS OF LIFE. When we talk to you about the corridor of an endless life, and the mystery of this corridor of live, we want you to understand that while there are multiple philosophers in the earth and a great number of teachings that find their source in their origin in the background of inherited cultures, that there is only one set of established truths. And when we talk about the truths that God has unveiled to HIS people, and to your race, it is important to know that HE brings things to your remembrance. And this has caused a lot of people not to know the difference between the remembrance HE brought to them and the doctrine of the pagans who are round about.
Now there is no mistake about the existence of God’s Kingdom and the facts he has brought to them. For as we go back into the antiquities and the endless ages of yesterday, and look over the vastness of God’s creation with its many, many trillions of sidereal systems and suns and moons and stars, when we take the testimony of great Patriarchs who God brought wisdom and understanding to, such as we find in the book of Enoch or in the Revelations of John,–in which they saw the vastness of this Universe inhabited and populated by the many thousands and, yes, millions of God’s children. And when they recognize that there are dimensions and plains beyond this physical one which we behold, a great number of people who understand these things will recognize that this is absolute and far reaching. And they understand what it is talking about in the book of Hebrews when it talks about the power of an endless life.
Now, I know that the doctrine which has been taught in earth ever since the day Lucifer took over the earth, was the doctrine which was strictly of the Luciferian household. All over among the races and nations who thru from the One God in ancient times, to the worship of multiple gods, and of many pagan philosophies, a doctrine was supplemented from that which was basically the doctrine of truth.
Now, this doctrine became the doctrine spread all over Asia. And of course, had more relationship to Asiatics than it did to your race. As far as your race is concerned, there are things far more important for you to understand. You have inherited from Adam, to your time, a racial memory. This racial memory has been passed from father to son since the days of Adam on down to your time. This racial memory is the sum total of all that happened to your race from the day when it appeared in the earth. Thus it is that we have this record inside the scriptures of this Adamic race. This is the 7th day creation. We discover that the eras of the various periods of time referred to in the scripture talks about the things God did in various areas, and we recognize that translators tried to make these 24 hour days.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – October 1990

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – October 1990


ONLY 20% OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN BLACKS ARE BACKING THE ANC OF NELSON MANDELA, why then did the western world make such a fuss over Mandela?

Jesse Jackson, Always he seeks headlines, and now he is crusading for D.C. Statehood. He has opened an office in the Capital’s Adams Morgan section, and this Statehood office is the headquarters for the new nation-wide pro-state- hood effort. Ted Kennedy is backing this drive, and Ron Brown Democratic National Chairman promises this will be on the Democratic platform in 1992. Jesse Jackson thinks this strategy will keep him in the limelight. If D.C. becomes a state it would be the first state with a majority of African Americans. He is breeding racial divisiveness by saying that this is a Civil Rights Issue. If Jackson is elected Senator from the non-state of Washington D.C. then as Senator from the 51 state he is in fact throwing down the gauntlet to White America, and a predominately white congress. Don’t forget that our Capital city is engulfed in the Black tide.

The Liberal left is out to defeat Jesse Helms as he is to conservative. ‘The Trans Africa’, a pro-Marxist lobbying organization receives funding from Castro’s Cuban government has been running full page newspaper ads in North Carolina claiming that Senator Helms, ‘Shames your flag and your nation’. ‘People for the American Way’, this powerful multi-million dollar left wing group that opposes School Prayer, and the death Penalty is running full page ads with this message: ‘Isn’t it time to ask Senator Helms why he is tolerant of hate??’ ‘

The Human Rights Campaign Fund’ and the ‘National Political Action Committee of the Lesbian and Gay Community’ has run mean newspaper ads attacking Senator Helms. Perhaps this will boomerang as people seem to be waking up to who is doing this.

The Year of The Rat

The Year of The Rat

THE AUTHORS—ONE IS EDWARD TIMPERLAKE WHO IS ON THE PROFESSIONAL STAFF OF THE HOUSE COMMITTEE ON RULES DEALING WITH NATIONAL SECURITY. He is a Naval Academy graduate and former Marine fighter pilot. He has spent his entire adult life in National Security Service. And—William C. Triplett II is the former Chief Republican Counsel to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He has had 30 years of experience working on China and National Security.

This book published in 1998. With that kind of a background then let’s see what those two gentlemen are telling America.

Quote:—The White House is for sale, and at stake are key National Security secrets. So you care, whether Bill Clinton and Al Gore will get away with it. (Unquote)

These two gentlemen have cast a light on the worst scandal behind the Clinton Presidency and it was not sex in the Oval Office. This story is about how the Clinton-Gore Administration has willingly compromised American Security for millions of dollars from foreign sources, from the Macau, with access to very sensitive official documents. There is evidence of corruption simply staggering which these authors are hoping will finally reach the public who are holding this administration in such adoration.

Here we learn that the biggest contributors to the Clinton-Gore Campaign in 1992, was a shady Indonesian business man with connections to Communist China’s KGB. Here we learn that suspected Communist Agents and representatives of Chinese Organized Crime were granted access to the White House. You will see that nearly one hundred potential witnesses to the illegal Clinton-Gore China Connection have fled the country or taken the 5th Amendment.

The Mystery of Melchizedek

The Mystery of Melchizedek

TURN TO THE BOOK OF HEBREWS AS THIS IS WHERE PAUL TALKS ABOUT MELCHIZEDEK. It is surprising that Christians know little about this one, MELCHIZEDEK. This just shows you that very few people read the Bible, and those that do never seem to get into the Book of Hebrews. In fact you would be surprised how many Christians read John 3:16., and a few other of the events that transpired in the ministry of Christ and then set the book down and never open it again. We talked to a minister sometime ago and when we talked about the Melchizedek ministry he said: “What’s that?”.

Turn to the seventh chapter of Hebrews and we read: “For this Melchizedek, King of Salem, Priest of THE MOST HIGH GOD, met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings and blessed him. To whom also Abraham gave a tenth part, first being by interpretation, King of Righteousness and after that also King of Salem which is, King of Peace.

What do we know about this man and the Majesty of the Priesthood that he carried? “Without father, without mother, without descent or pedigree, nor end of life”.

The Mystery of Christ and His Kingdom – His Church

The Mystery of Christ and His Kingdom – His Church


We spoke to you on the subject of the mysteries of Revelation. And in this mystery of Revelation we also have the mysteries of God’s Kingdom. The mysteries of God ‘Likeness and Godliness’ is also there. And in it we discover the background of spiritual truth that we brought together with the knowledge of scientists and great surgeons, neurologists, psychologists, psychiatrist and the facts could also be added to this of the modern physicists. And you find it all fits in to the Mysteries of God’s Universe made up out of light, out of knowledge, out of the groups of energy which we call the atoms after they have been put together.

Now; the mystery of God likeness is that we are in the Image of God. That we have a Celestial body of Light, a physical body made up out of the electronic field and that we have a soul conscious body made up of thought itself. We are turning today to what we refer to as the Mystery of the Kingdom, this mystery identifies the seed of God planted as the children of the kingdom as His own household and own offspring in the earth.

Today we are talking about the Mystery of Christ and His Church, the reason why this is a mystery is because it has a lot of hidden truth in it and a great number of the people who make up the Church itself don’t understand it. It is a Mystery because of the hidden things which have to be revealed and because God Himself inspired the Apostle Paul to call it a Mystery.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – November 1997

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – November 1997

HERE IN THE MONTH OF OCTOBER AS WE LOOK FORWARD TO NOVEMBER, we find that the fund raising probe has finally reached the White House and the Vice President. Where will it end?

The Washington Times:
Another environmental dream is causing much anxiety.

The Sierra Club wants to drain the popular Lake Powell. A massive man made lake that ranks among the most popular tourist attractions in the Rocky Mountain west.

Built in 1957 at a cost of 270 million dollars the Glen Canyon Dam provides electricity to millions of users and helps provide water from the Colorado River to such cities as Los Angeles, Las Vegas and Phoenix.

The result of the dam was of course Lake Powell, the nations second largest reservoir which took 17 years to fill and which extends 186 miles up the Colorado River through South-eastern Utah. More than 2.5 million tourists visit the site each year for camping, fishing, and winding through its stunning Red Rock Canyons on the lakes trademark Houseboats.

The project turned the remote wilderness into an estimated 1/2 billion dollars a year annually, for the local economy.

But the lake also submerged a canyon that environmentalists say ranks among the most spectacular of the West’s natural wonders. And they worry that the lake is disrupting the ecosystem of the Grand Canyon.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – November 1995 No. 2

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – November 1995 No. 2

This is a summary of the message that David Koresh was writing the last night of his life as he was trying to outline for Drs. Philip Arnold and James Tabor who were helping him find his interpretation of the 7 Seals of Revelation. I will give you a short summary of this work which is now found on the ‘Internet’ and this includes the scripture numbers from which he was working. He finished the work on the first Seal the last night of his life and the computer disk was smuggled out by Ruth Riddle the next morning as the fire started. She was burned in the escape, but she delivered the disk to the two gentlemen mentioned above who are interested in the MESSAGE OF THE BOOK. I may add some of Swift’s thinking and mine. And when I do, it will be in ( ).

David Koresh said that the New Covenant was contained in the Seals. In the very last sentence of his work, he is suggesting and perhaps urging, would be a better word, for people to get ready to ‘come out of their closets’ and be ready to face the world as Lovers of Jesus the Christ. (Was he perhaps telling us to proclaim our position in this scheme of world events, which are being thrown at us today as a New Age and a One world Government, under a bankrupt United Nations?)

The Mystery of Assurance

The Mystery of Assurance

As we turn to this subject this afternoon, we must remember that there has been a number of spiritual forces which have operated out of the nature of God. And have been directed toward those who are of HIS Household and operation as functions of reality because they are, and HE is. And many of them are not thought about and a few of them are not as understood as they should be.

Probably there is nothing more vital and probably nothing more necessary in your society in this hour, and for those who would carry out the objectives of God, than to possess one of the greatest heritages which they can possess and that is ASSURANCE.

When we talk about Assurance, this is a quality of perception and understanding and cognition that leave the individual in complete emotional stability, intellectual perception, and spiritually strong. It is one of the most vital patterns of cognition that you may possess. An individual who lacks assurance concerning Divine destinies and prerogatives, who lacks assurance concerning the nature of God and HIS purpose toward him will lack the assurance of God to carry out these objectives and finds himself in a kind of mental torture.

The Mysteries of Spiritual Truth

The Mysteries of Spiritual Truth

WE ARE TURNING TO DISCUSS A SUBJECT WHICH MAY BE SOMEWHAT REPETITIOUS TO SOME OF YOU and yet there is nothing over‑repetitious concerning the greatness of God’s Purpose and your relationship, and your hours of origin. We are talking to you this afternoon abut the Mysteries of Spiritual Birth, and probably there is no subject which is more significant, and less understood, but more talked about. Some might say: why is that? It is because almost every Christian congregation that you know of will make the whole emphasis of their message and discussion more or less surrounding the areas of Spiritual Birth. In fact whole areas of Evangelical activity will surround the declaration that, ‘Ye must be born again.’

And whole areas inside of Christianity would that if even one decided to discuss this subject and not agree fully with what they had previously said about this that you would be a heretic, and they would write you off. But I think it is most important that we know what the Bible does teach as to what God had to say. It is very important that we understand what we have been placed here for, and as to what the program of God’s Kingdom really is. There is no doubt that there is nothing more important in human understanding than to recognize the embodiment of God as HE was embodied in earth. And also to recognize that Jesus The Christ came in the flesh. To also recognize why HE came is very important because HE came, because you were here. He came because HE sent you here, and before He sent you here He told you what would happen unto your race, and its posterity until He came to rectify that situation. He also stated many things concerning your origin, your background, your present destiny during the time of His Ministry.

The Mountain of God

The Mountain of God

AS WE READ THE BOOK OF MICAH WE COME UNTO THE MOST UNIQUE PASSAGE IN CHAPTER FOUR. “In the last days it shall come to pass, the mountain (nation) of the house of the Lord shall be established in the top of the mountains and it shall be exalted above the hills; and the people shall flow into it.” What are we talking about? The mountain of the house of God shall be established in the highest of the mountains upon the face of the earth? We have come through about 7400 years of the transplanting of God’s household from heaven to earth.

The household of God existed in the heavens through out the ages of the past. Yet the vastness of the sidereal systems and the immensity of the creations has held us in awe as we recognize the limitless expanse of all that HE hath wrought, but we, as his children existed with HIM in the dimensions of Spirit. We walked with HIM, and we rejoiced when he produced a new creation. When the morning stars sang together, the Archangels were there and the sons and daughters of God shouted for joy as he brought forth new creations after new creations.

In the course of development of such time, he brought forth the heavens and the earth. And in the development of the heavens and the earth, a whole panorama of vast history has taken place both in the heavens and in the earth. The rebellion of Lucifer occurred, and the throwing out of Lucifer and his hosts from the realm of the upper heavens occurred. The establishing of God’s Kingdom in earth, and the bringing forth of this Kingdom out of one mans family occurred. Thus it is that HE produced Adam in his own image, and then separated Eve from Adam so that Adam might have a helpmate, and HE started HIS Kingdom from HIS household in the midst of the earth.