ONLY 20% OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN BLACKS ARE BACKING THE ANC OF NELSON MANDELA, why then did the western world make such a fuss over Mandela?
Jesse Jackson, Always he seeks headlines, and now he is crusading for D.C. Statehood. He has opened an office in the Capital’s Adams Morgan section, and this Statehood office is the headquarters for the new nation-wide pro-state- hood effort. Ted Kennedy is backing this drive, and Ron Brown Democratic National Chairman promises this will be on the Democratic platform in 1992. Jesse Jackson thinks this strategy will keep him in the limelight. If D.C. becomes a state it would be the first state with a majority of African Americans. He is breeding racial divisiveness by saying that this is a Civil Rights Issue. If Jackson is elected Senator from the non-state of Washington D.C. then as Senator from the 51 state he is in fact throwing down the gauntlet to White America, and a predominately white congress. Don’t forget that our Capital city is engulfed in the Black tide.
The Liberal left is out to defeat Jesse Helms as he is to conservative. ‘The Trans Africa’, a pro-Marxist lobbying organization receives funding from Castro’s Cuban government has been running full page newspaper ads in North Carolina claiming that Senator Helms, ‘Shames your flag and your nation’. ‘People for the American Way’, this powerful multi-million dollar left wing group that opposes School Prayer, and the death Penalty is running full page ads with this message: ‘Isn’t it time to ask Senator Helms why he is tolerant of hate??’ ‘
The Human Rights Campaign Fund’ and the ‘National Political Action Committee of the Lesbian and Gay Community’ has run mean newspaper ads attacking Senator Helms. Perhaps this will boomerang as people seem to be waking up to who is doing this.