The Mystery of Assurance

The Mystery of Assurance

As we turn to this subject this afternoon, we must remember that there has been a number of spiritual forces which have operated out of the nature of God. And have been directed toward those who are of HIS Household and operation as functions of reality because they are, and HE is. And many of them are not thought about and a few of them are not as understood as they should be.

Probably there is nothing more vital and probably nothing more necessary in your society in this hour, and for those who would carry out the objectives of God, than to possess one of the greatest heritages which they can possess and that is ASSURANCE.

When we talk about Assurance, this is a quality of perception and understanding and cognition that leave the individual in complete emotional stability, intellectual perception, and spiritually strong. It is one of the most vital patterns of cognition that you may possess. An individual who lacks assurance concerning Divine destinies and prerogatives, who lacks assurance concerning the nature of God and HIS purpose toward him will lack the assurance of God to carry out these objectives and finds himself in a kind of mental torture.