The Mysteries of Spiritual Truth

The Mysteries of Spiritual Truth

WE ARE TURNING TO DISCUSS A SUBJECT WHICH MAY BE SOMEWHAT REPETITIOUS TO SOME OF YOU and yet there is nothing over‑repetitious concerning the greatness of God’s Purpose and your relationship, and your hours of origin. We are talking to you this afternoon abut the Mysteries of Spiritual Birth, and probably there is no subject which is more significant, and less understood, but more talked about. Some might say: why is that? It is because almost every Christian congregation that you know of will make the whole emphasis of their message and discussion more or less surrounding the areas of Spiritual Birth. In fact whole areas of Evangelical activity will surround the declaration that, ‘Ye must be born again.’

And whole areas inside of Christianity would that if even one decided to discuss this subject and not agree fully with what they had previously said about this that you would be a heretic, and they would write you off. But I think it is most important that we know what the Bible does teach as to what God had to say. It is very important that we understand what we have been placed here for, and as to what the program of God’s Kingdom really is. There is no doubt that there is nothing more important in human understanding than to recognize the embodiment of God as HE was embodied in earth. And also to recognize that Jesus The Christ came in the flesh. To also recognize why HE came is very important because HE came, because you were here. He came because HE sent you here, and before He sent you here He told you what would happen unto your race, and its posterity until He came to rectify that situation. He also stated many things concerning your origin, your background, your present destiny during the time of His Ministry.