Satan Lost in Translation

Satan Lost in Translation

NKJV Bible is counterfeit translation – The History of the English Bible

THE FIRST HAND‑WRITTEN ENGLISH LANGUAGE MANUSCRIPTS OF THE BIBLE WERE PRODUCED IN 1380’S AD BY OXFORD THEOLOGIAN JOHN WYCLIFF (WYCLIFFE). Curiously, he was also the inventor of bifocal eyeglasses. Wycliff spent many of his years arguing against the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church which he believed to be contrary to the Bible. Though he died a non-violent death, the Pope was so infuriated by his teachings that 44 years after Wycliff had died, he ordered the bones to be dug‑up, crushed, and scattered in the river!

Gutenberg invented the printing press in the 1450’s, and the first book to ever be printed was the Bible. It was, however, in Latin rather than English. With the onset of the Reformation in the early 1500’s, the first printings of the Bible in the English language were produced. illegally and at great personal risk of those involved. William Tyndale was the Captain of the Army of reformers, and was their spiritual leader.

He worked most of his translating years alone, but had help from time to time as God discerned he needed it. Indirectly, he had the help of Erasmus in the publication of his Greek/Latin New Testament printed in 1516. Erasmus and the great printer, scholar, and reformer John Froben published the first non‑Latin Vulgate text of the Bible in a millennium. Latin was the language for centuries of scholarship and it was understood by virtually every European who could read or write.

The History of The English Bible Holy War

The History of The English Bible Holy War

NKJV Bible is counterfeit translation – The History of the English Bible

THE FIRST HAND‑WRITTEN ENGLISH LANGUAGE MANUSCRIPTS OF THE BIBLE WERE PRODUCED IN 1380’S AD BY OXFORD THEOLOGIAN JOHN WYCLIFF (WYCLIFFE). Curiously, he was also the inventor of bifocal eyeglasses. Wycliff spent many of his years arguing against the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church which he believed to be contrary to the Bible. Though he died a non-violent death, the Pope was so infuriated by his teachings that 44 years after Wycliff had died, he ordered the bones to be dug‑up, crushed, and scattered in the river!

Gutenberg invented the printing press in the 1450’s, and the first book to ever be printed was the Bible. It was, however, in Latin rather than English. With the onset of the Reformation in the early 1500’s, the first printings of the Bible in the English language were produced. illegally and at great personal risk of those involved. William Tyndale was the Captain of the Army of reformers, and was their spiritual leader.

He worked most of his translating years alone, but had help from time to time as God discerned he needed it. Indirectly, he had the help of Erasmus in the publication of his Greek/Latin New Testament printed in 1516. Erasmus and the great printer, scholar, and reformer John Froben published the first non‑Latin Vulgate text of the Bible in a millennium. Latin was the language for centuries of scholarship and it was understood by virtually every European who could read or write.

Britain’s God-Given Scientific Heritage Destroyed by Metrication Madness

Britain’s God-Given Scientific Heritage Destroyed by Metrication Madness

THE ABANDONMENT OF THE IMPERIAL SYSTEM OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES IN FAVOUR OF THE METRIC SYSTEM, which owes its origin to the period of the French Revolution, has been a scientific blunder the scale of which, even after five decades, the British Establishment has little comprehension. It was all brought about as part of the long-term plan to submerge Britain and its unique scientific heritage into the political agenda of the European Project.

Even a passionate pro-European like the late Baron Peter Rawlinson, PC, QC, who was Attorney-General for England and Wales from 1970-1974 said that meddling by Brussels in the British legal system undermined everything the EU was meant to stand for. In an article for the Daily Mail on 21 August 1995 he wrote:

“A diktat apparently from Brussels bureaucrats and agreed to by the British Government in 1989 (under Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher) is to be enforced from October [1995]. The Lord High Chancellor – who, even in his wig and buckled shoes, stands at probably less than 1.808 metres – has written to managers of the nation’s law circuits instructing them to implement the directive in all British courts.”

This directive imposed metric measurements of length on Britain.

Culture War Against Christianity

Culture War Against Christianity

THE POLITICAL IDEOLOGUES, MEDIA BARONS, AND UNIVERSITY ELITISTS OF OUR TIME ARE GRADUALLY COALESCING INTO AN INFORMAL, but powerful coalition to impress their world view upon the general population of the western world. Of late, their vision and agenda has been tagged as the New World Order, for lack of a better term, that label is a useful description of what they seek to build.

They are truly intent on shaping trends and events in such a way that their precepts for life will become the standard for all those who will participate in civilized society; but if their plan succeeds then there will be no civilization and this can be proven by a study of history. These precepts cannot peacefully co-exist with genuine Christianity, thus they represent a clear and present danger to a Biblical lifestyle
The primary feature of the religion of the New World Order is Pluralism (read that Judaism). Although not part of the vocabulary of many Christians, it is a concept that most of us have been exposed to repeatedly. Simply put, pluralism is the religious / philosophical idea that there are many pathways to God and spiritual fulfilment.

Pluralism teaches that each of them is equally valid, and everyone should be encouraged to explore all of these various pathways, ultimately selecting whichever they find most appealing. Pluralism is Dogmatic, and embraces a relative approach to truth.

Overgrowing The Regime With Hemp

Overgrowing The Regime With Hemp

MANY OF THE CLAIMS ABOUT HEMP SOUND A BIT FAR-FETCHED: the seed is a super food; hempcrete is a wonder construction material; its fibre makes strong fabric and rope; the flower makes a powerful medicine; the root rebuilds and remediates depleted soils, whilst growing hemp plants in open fields is great for wildlife bio-diversity.

Yet, all of this is true. So we established Hempen, a non-profit cooperative that cultivates hemp for the health of people, community and environment. In 2015, we started growing hemp for its seed as a super food and later discovered the emergent Cannabidiol (CBD) Oil.

Here are just a few of the many practical benefits of hemp:

Health – The hemp plant produces one of the most nutritious seeds on Earth. It’s an incredible source of protein, containing the optimum balance of omega fatty acids, 21 essential amino acids, minerals and vitamins for great absorption by the human body, and a crispy shell full of fibre too! The green matter holds hundreds of compounds, including a range of cannabinoids – just one being CBD – that are known to bring our bodies into a state of balance.

Industry – Today, BMW make their bodywork from hemp bio-composites that are lighter and stronger than steel. Celebrity architect Kevin Macleod (Grand Designs) claims hemp as one of his favourite ecological building materials. Scientists have even discovered that hemp can be used to make a super capacitor that outperforms graphene to make eco-batteries.

The Pasteur Fraud

The Pasteur Fraud

Pasteur’s deathbed words: “Bernard was right; the pathogen is nothing; the terrain is everything.”

IT IS THE TERRAIN, WE ARE THE TERRAIN. PASTURE’S ERROR, OR WAS IT AN ERROR? This helped roll the bank notes for the pharmaceutical industrial complex enslaving humanity pushing them towards their ultimate agenda which was planned centuries ago.

In fact, we have long since realised that the so-called plagues of the past, were not plagues at all. When one realises that the world controllers plan centuries ahead, they have kept the esoteric/metaphysical knowledge for themselves, one can see that his-story is simply His Story contrived and filled with half-truths and lies. they burnt the great library of Alexandria to hide truth and keep control and the knowledge all hidden now in the Vatican. all roads lead to Rome.

The Myth of Coronavirus Contagion

Guest: Sally Fallon Morell, Fonunding President of the Weston A Price Foundation and Co-author of The Contagion Myth.

The signs say, “Science is real.” No doubt Napoleon the Pig would follow that up with, “But some science is more real than others!”

Don’t Just March – Plant!

Don’t Just March – Plant!

IN the UK We Have a National Health Service.

THE VERY IDEA OF THIS SOUNDS WONDERFUL does it not, that if you lose your health, you can regain it by going to an expert who knows all about health, but is this true?

Unfortunately, doctors in the UK only spend around four hours in their five-year medical course studying health, so to call the service a national health service seems to he a misnomer, as they are actually studying to obtain a licence to use potentially deadly poisons.

The Hippocratic oath says ‘First Do No Harm’, but says nothing about what can be done after that. When you visit a doctor the first thing, they should say if they are being honest is they don’t know how to restore your health, so instead they’re going to give you a pharmaceutical drug which won’t cure the problem but might for a time slow or reduce the symptoms.

Doctors are taught at medical school that any more than I gram of vitamin C is simply excreted as expensive urine as the body cannot tolerate more than 1 gram and will pee it out.

They are taught to believe this is true by medical professors repeating what they were taught. The truth is that some patients may need up to 200 grams intravenously over a 24-hour period depending on the seriousness of their condition. For over 60 years doctors have been using high doses of vitamin C to reverse everything from polio to cancer. This is particularly relevant now with fresh food no longer fresh, as in just picked. The amount of vitamin C in in vegetables and fruits declines with each hour that passes after the picking and I suspect vitamin C deficiency is rampant, if not almost universal in our population, leaving us open to the current flu-like so-called virus.

The New Jerusalem

The New Jerusalem

LOOKING BACK AT VERSE 12, it tells us that this New Jerusalem is coming down out of heaven, that the overcome will be made a pillar in the Temple of God, and that Christ will write God’s new name and the name of the city of God upon the overcomers. Why would He write upon the overcomers the name of the New Jerusalem unless they Were the New Jerusalem?”For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming?” (1 Thessalonians 2:19)

His saints are His heavenly body, the innumerable company of angels, and the New Jerusalem. Scripture provides ample witnesses to this testimony for those who have eyes to see and hears to hear. “And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.” (Revelation 21:1-3)

Then in the following we find: “And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain (kingdom or nation), and showed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, Having the glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal; And had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel.” (Revelation 21:10-12)

2 Chronicles 13:3

2 Chronicles 13:3

AND ABIJAH SET THE BATTLE IN ARRAY WITH AN ARMY OF VALIANT MEN OF WAR, even Four Hundred Thousand chosen men: Jeroboam also set the battle in array against him with Eight Hundred Thousand chosen men, being mighty men of valour. = 1,200,000 men

2 Chronicles 17:14‑18

14 And these are the numbers of them according to the house of their fathers: Of Judah, the captains of thousands; Adnah the chief, and with him mighty men of valour Three Hundred Thousand.

15 And next to him was Jehohanan the captain, and with him TWO Hundred and Fourscore Thousand.

16 And next him was Amasiah the son of Zichri, who willingly offered himself unto the Lord; and with him Two Hundred Thousand mighty men of valour.

17 And of Benjamin; Eliada a mighty man of valour, and with him armed men with bow and shield Two Hundred Thousand.

18 And next him was Jehozabad, and with him an Hundred and Fourscore Thousand ready prepared for the war. = 1,500,000 men

Giants of The Darkness

Giants of The Darkness

“We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6:12)

GIANTS OF THE DARKNESS: Information is given in this article which should be of vital concern to those who desire to rightly appraise present world conditions as the earth becomes increasingly filled with violence and blood. The inhuman acts of men and women toward fellow human beings must be inspired from a source other than human.

The Bible definitely declares this to be so and gives important information which points to the presence among us of evil personalities who are extremely active in the affairs of men and nations today.

“The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they are born, speaking lies. Their poison is like the poison of a serpent: they are like the deaf adder that stoppeth her ear.” (Psalm 58:3-4)

Translation difficulties have hidden the true facts from the average Christian, and our spiritual leaders in the churches and theological seminaries, whose task is to instruct us in all truth, have been negligent in their duty in this respect. Furthermore, they have belittled any reference to this phase of supernatural manifestation and power.

By their refusal to teach what the Bible states is so, they are responsible for many becoming prey to diabolical and demonic forces whose objective is not only the destruction of righteousness but the ultimate enslavement of mankind. Christ and His disciples recognized the existence of these evil personalities and to this fact the prophets have also testified.