The Chemistry of The Holocaust

The Chemistry of The Holocaust

It has escaped the notice of most people that stories of a “Nazi Holocaust” during World War II are actually impossible as regards the chemistry of poisons. This can be verified by calling or writing the American Cyanamid Co., Box 31, Linden, NJ 07036, telephone (201) 862-6000, or by consulting standard reference works such as the various editions (in particular the 11th) of the Encyclopaedia Britannica under “Hydrocyanic Acid,” “’Prussic Acid,” “Poisons,” Gleason’s Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products, or Legal Medicine and Toxicology by Peterson, Haines and Webster (2nd edition).

One might be permitted to ask:

1) whether there is any such thing as an “amethyst-blue crystal of hydrogen cyanide” (Reitlinger, The Final Solution, p. 160; Shirer, Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, p. 970);

2) whether hydrogen cyanide can be solidified at room temperature in an ordinary tin can (Hilberg, The Destruction of the European Jews, p. 566, “The hydrogen cyanide, solidified into pellets, immediately passed into the gaseous state.”);

3) whether hydrogen cyanide can be made to crystallize in a vacuum and become gaseous upon exposure to air (“I used Zyklon B, which was a crystallized prussic acid,” Rudolf Hoess at Nuremberg, quoted in Shirer, p. 968);

The Great Patents Heist

The Great Patents Heist

THE JEWS, like other childish people, enjoy pretending, and when pretending brings them the tribute due to the character assumed, they revel in it.
In this way they have obtained much credit, which should not have been given to them.
They were first tricked out in borrowed traditions and supplied with an entirely false idea of themselves about 430 B.C.
Then commenced the Great Jewish Masque, a pretence which has been maintained to the present day.
In recent times it has never lacked support. Indeed, Jewish propaganda has been so insidious and persistent that voluntary aid, in addition to other kinds, has always been available. At a mere hint, troupes of highly placed carpet-baggers don ass’s ears, or a long nose, and vie with each other, and with the kosher mummers, in endeavours to lead the rout.

The Battle For Rhodesia

The Battle For Rhodesia

RESPECTED READER, To those of you who know my books (a diminishing band: but aren’t we all?) and to those who know them not, let me recall that in 1936, sitting at a window in Vienna, I wrote a book, Insanity Fair, about the coming Second World War. In 1966, sitting at a window in Salisbury, Rhodesia, I find myself writing this book about the coming of a Third World War. This is where we all came in. The scene has shifted from Europe to Africa, but the new post-war years have seen the same ladder like process calculably leading to war.
In these latter years I did many things, and writing was of the things undone, for my writ, I felt, ran out. There was only the oft-told tale to re-tell and its constant iteration came too near the praising of myself, for every fool can play upon words. If “warnings” were needed, let others warn, and probably in vain, for by a divine instinct men’s minds mistrust ensuing danger. So I sought other paths and spent many years in South Africa.
Man proposes: looking for pastures new, I found myself in the centre of another world conflict in the brewing. Africa was this time the scene of the preparatory steps, and Southern Africa the last rung of the war-ladder. The British Government’s onslaught on Rhodesia, in 1965, returned the world to its plight of 1937, when war was two moves away and could yet have been averted by obvious countermoves.
Let me briefly recall those days to you, senior and junior classmates. From 1933 Hitler’s patent intention to make war was fore-told by all competent observers in Berlin. Even the date (about five years ahead) was accurately estimated, in its dispatches to London, by the Berlin office of The Times (where I was a correspondent).
The London government, however, to the end encouraged Hitler on his warpath by the method called “appeasement” (throwing children to pursuing wolves until only the parents remain, in the fleeing sleigh, for the wolves to devour). German rearmament was let pass, then the seizure of the Rhineland, then the recreation of the German air force (in 1935 Hitler personally told the British Foreign Minister of its massive strength, as I then reported).

Winston Churchill British Bulldog

Winston Churchill British Bulldog

WINSTON CHURCHILL has been the most colourful and picturesque leader of the British Tory Party since Benjamin Disraeli. For half a century he has been a challenging figure in our public life. After the outbreak of the Second World War he became as well known in Europe and America as at home, and his admirers regard him as the greatest Englishman of our time. During the war it became almost treason or sacrilege to criticize Mr. Churchill. He was regarded as the voice of Britain, the great heaven-sent leader who had emerged in our dire peril to save us and guide not only Britain but the Western and democratic world to victory over the forces of darkness.

No wonder the Tory Party, in its desperation, decided to cash in on his wartime reputation as our deliverer. Indeed, he was about the only asset the discredited post-war Tories had, and they have played him up, with his manifest approval, to the limit of their ability.

So there has grown up a Churchill legend: of Churchill the one and only national leader who is capable of being the head of a British Government in difficult times, of a man who was always right in the years prior to the war and who during the war guided us with supreme wisdom. The Tories have done their best to bask in his reflected glory, forgetting that the harshest and truest things Winston Churchill ever said in his life were about them.

But there is more to be said about Winston Churchill than is to be found in his own many volumes on war and politics, his autobiographical reminiscences, and the adulatory biographies that have been published in recent years.

Mr. Churchill has contributed copiously to the history of our time, and, of course, no man can really be expected to be completely objective about himself. The prima donna is not the most reliable critic of her own performances. Reading Mr. Churchill’s
memoirs is very much like reading an appreciative drama review written by the actor who has also played the part of hero in the production. Mr. Churchill’s war books are, in the main, justifications and apologia for his own performances.

Now, nobody will deny that Winston Churchill has been pugnacious, courageous, an outstanding personality, a champion all-in wrestler in the political conflicts of his day, that his speeches have been eloquent and have stirred the multitudes, that he has a great command of the English language, that he can tell a good story, that he has a gay versatility and a sense of humour and other qualities which appeal to a large number of the British people, even to many who would rather be carried out of the polling booth dead than vote for him or any of his Tory candidates.

Switzerland Knights Templar and Nazis

Switzerland Knights Templar and Nazis

Theatrically, the Templars disappeared off the scene in 1307, after having secured their future by founding Switzerland in 1291. During this year, the last of the Crusades and the final “retreat” took place, escaping to Europe and Switzerland; thereafter calling the latter Sui-Ilse (Soeurs Isis) or Schw(e)-Iss (Schwester Isis). During the Crusades, the Templars massively butchered civilians in Jerusalem; then butchered some of the later generations in 1933-1945.

During the last Crusade, the last Templar stronghold, Akkon, fell on May 18th, 1291. Only 2 Months later, just the time it took to travel to Europe. Switzerland was founded on August 1″, 1291. This is why the Swiss flag remains a simplified Templar’s flag in the same red and white colours; and why a Templar Warrior’s shield is still shown, with the Templar’s cross on it, at the front of all the Swiss embassies — a real provocation to the Muslim world.

Much of the Gold from ancient Egypt and Jerusalem was transported to Switzerland —-so we can assume that this is where the famous Templar’s treasure has been hoarded. A similar process seems to have happened during the Second World War, where treasure ended up in Switzerland, having been seized from the House of Judah [The Germans] — which would not have included Khazars, Edomites, Kenites, AshkeNAZlm, Pharisees, “Serpent Seed” (“Reptiles”) or Zionists.

The World Significance of The Russian Revolution

The World Significance of The Russian Revolution

As I transcribed the following booklet by George Pitt-Rivers, which was published in 1920 – during WWI and shortly following the Russian Revolution – I felt nausea, disgust and a grave sense of foreboding for the future of our children… all the little children of the world; for they will be the real victims in a world truly gone mad if those of us who are awake and aware do not take a firm, ceaseless stand for sanity, truth, love and compassion. It won’t take you long to read it – a mere 45 pages, large print in a 5×8 paperback.

This is the book which elicited the letter from Dr. Oscar Levy, admitting that his people have destroyed the countries in which they came to power; created the ‘chosen people myth’, along with a twisted version of Christianity; have brought the world to a shambles having been behind the Revolutions and Wars – both intra and international – throughout history.

I took the time to transcribe it in full because I believe more of you will read it if it’s laid out before you rather than expecting you’ll order it from a seller of suppressed books… if it’s still available. A couple of years ago an intelligent and wise woman who’s become a dear friend, visited for the first time lugging two boxes of books she “thought I might be able to use”. This was among the many which she had had the foresight to buy when they were still available; I am blessed to have become the benefactor of her love and generosity. She is a treasure; her friendship is priceless… as all true friendships are. Thank you, Effie.

All emphasis is the author’s, except one that I emphasized in color because it is a phrase we hear today to justify every evil, murdering, warring ACT OF TERROR committed today by puppet leaders at all levels and in all countries… political, military, religious and educational. Mindless puppets who have traded their souls for “a path that leads always to darkness deeper than before”.

It will surely be your loss if you chose not to avail yourself of this information.
— Jackie — November 5th, 2001.

The Gravediggers of Russia

The Gravediggers of Russia

IT will readily be conceded, by one who knows Russia and has had opportunity of observing all the different phases of the revolutionary process that the inherent anarchical tendencies of the Russian people could not have failed to let the political pendulum swing very far towards the left. But the most extreme-minded Russian had surely not dreamt of creating an instrument of destruction so complete in its systematic annihilation of every principle of economic life, so satanic in its premeditated violence and cold-blooded murder as that which now constitutes the basis of Bolshevist power.

In this mad anarchical chaos, the natural consequence was the usurpation of the supreme command by that element which, unalterable, and comparable only to itself, has represented, since the very beginning of human history. The acme of the most unscrupulous and most insatiable greed: the Jew.

Scarcely had “Liberty” been achieved (by the help of the London Change and the Russian-Jewish liberalism), than from everywhere, from the very ends of the earth the children of Israel set out to reach their Promised Land of these later days. Bolshevist papers and periodicals were started in Moscow and Petrograd. Trained demagogues, possessing unlimited supplies of money, appeared as members of the Soviet Councils and neither lost time nor hesitated in using all means, however foul they might be, to demoralise the minds of the: Russian people and excite the feelings against one another. And the Russian masses succumbed all the more readily, that they were for the most part illiterate.

May I cite an example: One day there appeared as member of the Petrograd soviet a man quite unknown, who gave his name as Stecklow. He preached the overthrow of democracy, promised universal peace, liberty, bread and gave money to all comers. At last he could no longer avoid producing his papers, which showed him to be a Jew named Nachamkes. To-day he is one of the omnipotent dictators of the Russian press. Cases such as this can he proved by the hundred.

Under the very nose of the liberal government Trotzky-Braunstein (Brownstone), Sinowjeff-Apfelbaum (Appletree) from New York and Lenin from Switzerland appropriated a place in Petrograd for their own use and made it the headquarters of Bolshevism. Many demagogues, carefully trained in the bolshevist seminary at Capri (headmaster: the Jew Rappoport), journeyed all over the country, to Kronstadt (the headquarters of the Navy and to the front. I myself have seen: Jewish students distributing the ‘Pravda’ (Truth) among the wounded, in the hospitals of the Crimea.

The first attack was delivered in July 1917. The sailors from Kronstadt (worked up to the highest pitch mostly by the Jew Roshal) steamed up the Neva, landed in companies and circulated in armoured cars through the streets of Petrograd, discharging their rifles at ran­dom wherever and whenever it pleased them. The revolt was suppressed. The leaders were put into prison, the rebels isolated and put under guard.

Remember Blood River

Remember Blood River

HAVING LOOKED AT THE ANGELS OF MONS this morning we are now going to see what God did on behalf of another section of our Israel people, the Afrikaaner People, our blood kinsfolk in Southern Africa, hence our title.

All the sections of our English speaking people and other related Scandinavian and Holland Dutch people all have great dates in history that we can remember.

Being from Northern Ireland, we remember the events from 1690 when God sent William of Orange to deliver us from the Stuart Monarchy, from tyranny, and the arbitrary power of Romanism. So we have our little saying “Remember 1690!” We think of our American cousins who have their battle cry of “Remember the Alamo!” – how they were overwhelmed by superior Mexican forces but how that became a rallying cry and how they recovered Texas and brought it back into the United States.

Now we are going to look at this part of the Israel people dwelling in the Southern tip of Africa. The significance of which I hope to show you by the time we are finished. Because they too had a defining moment in their history; that defining moment was the 16th December 1838. It was the year of the Battle of Blood River.

Who were these Afrikaaner people, who are these Boer people who are so despised and ridiculed, especially today in the world media and the world press? Who were these people? They were, of course, a section of the dispersed House of Israel living on the Southern tip of Africa.

Myth of The Six Million

Myth of The Six Million

Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of defeated, truncated, and starving Germany on January 30, 1933, by President Paul von Hindenburg. Jews throughout the world professed to be horrified by news of this event. It was also evident that a campaign against the still unpopular Germans on the Jewish question might possibly be exploited to advance the position of World Jewry. Twenty years later, this turned out to be the case to an extent that few Jews could have foreseen at the time. Dr. Max Nussbaum, the former chief rabbi of the Jewish community in Berlin, declared on April 11, 1953: ‘The position the Jewish people occupy today in the world is-despite the enormous losses ten times stronger than what it was twenty years ago.’

The leaders of the modern German Reich from its foundation in 1871 until Hitler’s appointment in 1933 had usually been friendly toward the Jews. Hitler, however, was outspokenly hostile toward every manifestation of Jewish influence in Germany. The ‘unchangeable’ program of his National Socialist Party, which was first proclaimed at Munich on February 24, 1920, advocated the revocation of concessions granted to the German Jews in the various German states during the period from 1812 to 1848. These concessions bad made German Jews in every respect fully equal to Germans. Hitler was determined to set the clock back on Germany’s treatment of the Jews. His position toward the Jews closely resembled that of Martin Luther, Von den Juden und ihrer Luegen (About the Jews and their Lies, Wittenberg, 1543), and Heinrich von Treitschke, Ein Wort ueber unser Judenthum (A Word About our Jewry, Berlin, 1880). Hitler’s appointment as Chancellor in a government coalition with the conservative German National People’s Party brought him a gigantic step closer to a position where his will might become law in all questions affecting the German Jews.

Hitler’s overt struggle against the Jews had begun the moment be joined the diminutive anti-Jewish National Socialist Party in 1919. He had been a leading contender in the German political arena since his Party acquired 107 Reichstag seats in the September, 1930, German national election. In 1933, this struggle entered a decisive phase. There were approximately 500,000 Jews in Germany when Hitler became Chancellor in January, 1933.

Mussolini and Churchill

Mussolini and Churchill

HERE is a shocker: Winston Churchill carried on personal correspondence with his “deadly enemy,” Benito Mussolini, not only before but during World War II. More extraordinary still, just wait till you learn the contents of those remarkable letters.

“History shall be kind to me, because intend to write it.” —Winston Churchill

In 1952 Luigi Carissimi-Priori (right) was offered 100,000 pounds by British sources for photocopies of correspondence between Mussolini (front cover) and Churchill (left).

Although still a popular controversy in Italy and, to a lesser degree, Britain and the United States, personal correspondence Winston Churchill carried on with Benito Mussolini before and during World War II is virtually unknown to the rest of the outside world. While such communication between two international statesmen who, publicly at any rate, were deadly enemies may not seem all that significant or even extraordinary, the supposed content of their letters makes them potentially significant in the extreme.