Oracles of God The Urim and The Thummim

Oracles of God The Urim and The Thummim

THIS SUBJECT ‘THE ORACLES OF GOD’ IS A TREMENDOUS SUBJECT OF GREAT SPIRITUAL POWER. The Oracles of God of course, contain the vital truths that the MOST HIGH has for HIS Household, HIS Race, HIS People. The Oracles of God are the things HE tells HIS people or instructs HIS people in, including areas vital to the laws of God for the Kingdom in the hands of administration of HIS people. The areas of the Oracles is a definite spiritual revelation. All of the things which God says are not necessarily Oracles, but the deep and vital spiritual truths, the areas of spiritual law, and the areas of instruction for conquest over the enemy are Oracles of God. Therefore, we turn over to the book of Romans, chapter 3, and here the translation is not necessarily accurate, but we read: ‘What advantage then hath an Israelite?’

The word translated here is Jew, but it is very erroneous because in the days when Oracles were first bestowed, they were never bestowed on anyone but Israelites, never on the Jews. Because in those days there were none called Jew, although they did refer to the hill country people as Yehudin, who came in to confuse the House of Israel. ‘Thus, what advantage then had an Israelite? Much in every way (chiefly because) unto them are committed the Oracles of God.’

One Sat on The Throne

One Sat on The Throne

AS WE TURN TO OUR SUBJECT WE FIND IT IN THE BOOK OF REVELATIONS. For here on the Isle of Patmos we find John, for the name of Jesus the Christ. John had declared his name YAHSHUA, and the Jews because they were afraid of him, and afraid of the numbers in the church had exiled him to the isle of Patmos for the name of THE LORD. And as John was in meditation on the Lords Day suddenly as though he heard the sound of a trumpet, because of the volume of the sound he heard the great cry: I am Alpha and Omega, the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY.

And John turns at the sound to behold from whence it comes, and he sees standing before him a magnificent spectacle. He sees one alike unto the form of a man with the radiant effulgent Glory of the Shekinah emanating from his head, until he was brighter than the sun.

He saw from the garments around HIM a radiance, and around about his head this shown as though it was a crown, with all the scintillating diamonds of an aura of all the colours which was in the spectrum in the days of rain. And when John saw this he fell on his face, for he was in the presence of the Most High God. And he heard the words: “I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, I am the Lord GOD ALMIGHTY” And John fell forward upon his face. THE LORD said: come on John, when you were my disciple, and we walked the shores of the sea of Galilee, you were not afraid.

You have nothing to be afraid of, for I hold the keys to death, to hell, and the grave. There is absolutely nothing for you to fear, for nothing can hold you, for I am YAHWEH, YAHSHUA, I resurrected from the dead. I established that I alone am God, and now this, ONE, God is now speaking to you. So arise, and John arose to views the Majesty of His God. And she was given the vision of things to come to pass in the areas of the Church, here he was instructed by God.

On Earth as it is in Heaven (Two)

On Earth as it is in Heaven (Two)

WE TURN IN OUR THINKING TO OUR SUBJECT TODAY WHICH IS ‘ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN,’ with the realisation that there is no subject less dealt with. No word used as completely with the promised reward. Yet, perhaps, with less knowledge on the part of the Clergy. For we have been taught to pray from the very beginning, as He taught His disciples to pray in that 5th chapter of Matthew, ’Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, IN EARTH as it is in heaven.’ How little do men know about heaven. How little they remember. And how little have they had recorded for them concerning this subject. Tho there has been an Orthodox promise that has gone out to those that constitute the church, from one end of Christendom to the other, that by obedience and behaviour, by being good, according to the normal standard which is placed before them, in what to do and what not to do, and in what to believe and what not to believe, and what you must do for this is the route to heaven. Therefore, having completed all these requirements, the major proposition before them is to live within these requirements all their life and then they die and shall go to heaven.

Now, this is a very complete promise upon the average church and Ecclesiastical leaders and the average church doctrine has included this. It would seem that since all the goals of man generally speaking, must be therefore just to get to heaven, then more should be said about it and more should be said concerning this. But I do not see the great emphasis on this getting ready to go to heaven. Isn’t it a strange thing that in the ministry of Christ, and all of the things which we find taught to us in the Old and the New Testament, that they spend very little time in teaching you the responsibility in getting ready to go to heaven? They did not tell you that the reason why you are here was just to get ready to go to heaven. But they did say something else. Jesus said that the reason why you are here is that you are to do the work of the Kingdom. That you are the children of the Kingdom.

On Earth as it is in Heaven

On Earth as it is in Heaven


OUR FATHER WE COME INTO THY PRESENCE TO WORSHIP YOU IN SPIRIT and in truth. We are happy that you have unveiled to us, through the course of Thy Spirit, an awareness of who we are and from whence we came. Make us to know that we are thy household in the earth, that we are thy family, and Ye have established with us thy covenants.

Make us to know that the spiritual centre of the nations of thy Kingdom, which have emerged out of thy house hold, is thy church. And that this is a living institution that could carry out the activities that you have ordained. And that you will never permit it to be silenced, but that you will always raise up those who say; “Thus saith the Lord.”

We are thankful Our Father for all that has been wrought for us by the magnitude of thy person. That which we could not accomplish for ourselves, an acceptable atonement. The manifestation of thy Grace as unto us, as you have restored thy people unto those things which has been promised. To the realization that you are giving back to us everything that we had lost through violation of divine law. That thy glory shall exist through out all ages. We are happy that heaven is thy throne, and the earth is thy footstool and that you have given unto us in this area of inheritance and opportunity to demonstrate that the powers of darkness shall not be triumphant.

Occupying The Kingdom

Occupying The Kingdom

WE ARE SPEAKING THIS AFTERNOON ON OCCUPYING THE KINGDOM. It is always important that we know where we are and what time it is, and that we understand our relationship with the plans of God. There should be no question in the mind of the children of God as to who they are, because HIS spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God. That we are the progeny of God that we are HIS household, HIS offspring. It is also important for us to understand clearly that when we talk about the kingdom of God, that we are talking about a political social and spiritual order.

A lot of people today, and their theology that we have discussed at various times, have been somewhat neutralized in their responsibilities to earth, because their relationship with God has been one of spiritual perception. It is totally tied up in the ritual and worship they find themselves engaged in week after week as they enter into the areas of church activities and the maintenance of their souls so that they will be in the proper relationship to re-enter the spiritual realms. And the responsibility that they have, this constitutes the kingdom of God. This is the interpretation of what Jesus said as HE said, “My kingdom is not of this era.” And it is translated as tho HIS kingdom did not belong in this world at all. There are then many theologians who say, that since the Kingdom is not of this world, then it is up in the heavens; it is only a spiritual realm. Therefore there is to be no interest and no relationship to the social errors or the responsibilities that exist in earth for the true Christian.

Occupy Until I Come

Occupy Until I Come

ONE OF OUR GREAT RESPONSIBILITIES AS CHRISTIANS TODAY is to follow the instructions of our God, especially as they relate to our obligation as members of His Church and as citizens in the great nations of His Kingdom. Too often today’s clergy say that the Christian has no responsibility, politically or socially, to the society of which he is a part. He is told that he is not to be involved in politics, and that he has only one responsibility: to believe what is in the Bible, accept the proposed salvation which the church offers, and get ready to go to heaven when he dies.

Well, this my friends is far from the teaching of the Scriptures. This is not the Gospel of the Kingdom that Jesus preached, nor is it the instruction that He gave His disciples. In a parable in Luke Chapter 19, He tells about a certain man who went away from the area of his administration and his inheritance, and left it in the hands of the Church; and he told his servants “Occupy till I come”. This is a parable of Christ in His Kingdom; it is the instruction which He has given to those who constitute His Kingdom.

There is a great error in the minds of many today concerning what constitutes God’s Kingdom. The Kingdom of God is made up exactly as the Kingdom must be–of men. It is made up of nations–a great nation and a company of nations.

Not Guilty

Not Guilty


If we turn back the pages of history to the time of Jesus and His ministry, we learn that the people who had control of the land of Palestine, that is, in the areas around Jerusalem, were the priest in the Temple at Jerusalem. This form of government had been established when Ezra and Nehemiah returned from the Babylonian captivity and rebuilt the Temple, and they established the priesthood of Israel once again in the city of Jerusalem, a theocracy in which the laws of God and the Word of God and the priests of God in the house of Levi would govern the people.

However, out of the Isle of Pergamos, out of the areas of apostasy had come a people who had no part or lot in this matter, but who, by chicanery, had gained control of the Sanhedrin. They were known as Sadducees. They did not believe in the resurrection, did not believe in any of the patterns of inspiration or any of the oral Word of God, and they only held to the written Word because they had to have some foundation on which to base the twisted and perverted patterns of their law. But they contested the Word of God and completely changed it as they wrote their Talmud. And because they had falsely declared that they were Pharisees, when they were not, they had managed to gain control of the Sanhedrin.

No Place to Hide

No Place to Hide

THERE IS NO DOUBT that we must find ourselves as to what transpired in the prophetic picture in this book. And the one thing today that must be professed as to the enemies of God’s kingdom and of our race, is “Thus saith the LORD.” The one most important thing that we must awaken our race to, and those who constitute the bulk of the house of the Great Christian nations. That is what is proclaimed in the scriptures concerning this day. What lies before us and what we must accomplish. I think it is quite clear when we say that we are the nation of the outstretched wings of the Eagle in the 18th chapter of Isaiah. A great and powerful nation from its beginning until today when we represent through the White race, one sixth of the world’s population, and the balance of power in our nation among the White nations of the world.
I notice that there is a great design to suppress the idea that we are a White Christian nation. I have in my hands a clipping from this week from Mr. Lomax concerning this. He said that America should get over this obsession of Whiteness. Well, I can tell Mr. Lomax this. We are never going to get over this obsession of Whiteness. He said that America is suffering from this obsession. In fact, they have produced a whole generation of citizens, he said, who threaten our survival because they stand for whiteness. The White Anglo-Saxon Protestant male is supposed to be the norm of our society. And I like that idea. The fact remains that tonight there remains in these United States, 149 million White Christians. They are not all Protestants. But there are 149 White Christians, and we have 50 million citizens who are not White. So let’s get this thing very clear. If representative government is to work and we who are the citizens of this society are to select our leadership, then we should stay with that racial balance until we have the representation of that 149 million. If it is wrong for us to advocate that we be represented by our own kind according to Divine law, then, my friends, the whole structure of the scriptures would be in error. And then I want to say that if the majority of the people in this great White country don’t like this idea, then the faster they go to some other place, the better it will be for us and for them.
Under this pattern, we are a part of God’s kingdom. We are one of the great nations of the house of Joseph. If you will turn to the scriptures in the 37th chapter of Ezekiel, you will discover that the House of Joseph is one of the great and mighty sticks in God’s hand. These are the Anglo-Saxon people, America and the British Empire. The other great stick of leadership in God’s hands is the stick of Judah. And that is Germany, the Germanic people and people in the heart of Europe. These are the White Christian nations. And together with the Scandinavian people, who make up the White nations of the world today, are the household of God, and very clearly marked as HIS Kingdom in the earth today.

Newspaper Betrayal

Newspaper Betrayal

WE ARE TURNING TO DISCUSS ONE OF THE MOST VITAL SUBJECTS, of something which faces our Christian society. It is essential that people understand the type of warfare which is taking place today in America. A great many people are in apathy and are sound asleep. They do not realize that there is any great threat against our Christian society and our Christian culture. They are not aware as to how the enemy functions. And therefore, they become a party to the propaganda which is placed on their doorstep every morning. There is no doubt that to capture a nations such as this one, it becomes imperative that you take over the areas of their thinking. Especially when these people have been successful in carrying out the areas of inspiration, by which they have been made great. This is a rather difficult task, unless you can gain control of all of the areas of communication.

I want you to recognize that this great nation became great when communication was not as controlled. As people came across the ocean, it was quite a voyage. And the only way messages were carried from one town to the other in our colonial life, was by horseback rider or by stage, or by a ‘Packet’ moving up and down the East Coast from one village to the next. Thus, we cannot say that great speed as we know it today affected the news, now, was it particularly under pressure.

New Age For God’s Kingdom, Israel in The Earth

New Age For God’s Kingdom, Israel in The Earth

WE TURN TO THE DISCUSSION OF THE DESTINY OF THE NATIONS. Especially as it relates to us in one of the great turbulent periods of our History.

We have been hearing of the meeting of the President and his cabinet with the leaders of Great Britain. And in this meeting, they are trying to find solutions for the problems of the world. They say they are discussing great problems. And out of these discussions will come decisions that will decide the destiny of the world today.

We as the children of the most HIGH YAHWEH understand what is to happen in the earth and we know that we will see a lot of these decisions overruled. However never fear, the nations of God’s Kingdom will survive. When we understand the background behind our race and the nations that emerged, from that background then we understand that YAHWEH has a great and tremendous purpose for his nations in the earth, and that they shall never be over thrown, or never be destroyed by the power of darkness in the world today.

We will consider the events around the crucifixion of the Christ and we will see that one of those events that stood out was the remarkable loyalty of the disciples of the Christ in the carrying forward of the principals of truth of the resurrection after they had been through this and realised the significance of the resurrection.