THIS SUBJECT ‘THE ORACLES OF GOD’ IS A TREMENDOUS SUBJECT OF GREAT SPIRITUAL POWER. The Oracles of God of course, contain the vital truths that the MOST HIGH has for HIS Household, HIS Race, HIS People. The Oracles of God are the things HE tells HIS people or instructs HIS people in, including areas vital to the laws of God for the Kingdom in the hands of administration of HIS people. The areas of the Oracles is a definite spiritual revelation. All of the things which God says are not necessarily Oracles, but the deep and vital spiritual truths, the areas of spiritual law, and the areas of instruction for conquest over the enemy are Oracles of God. Therefore, we turn over to the book of Romans, chapter 3, and here the translation is not necessarily accurate, but we read: ‘What advantage then hath an Israelite?’
The word translated here is Jew, but it is very erroneous because in the days when Oracles were first bestowed, they were never bestowed on anyone but Israelites, never on the Jews. Because in those days there were none called Jew, although they did refer to the hill country people as Yehudin, who came in to confuse the House of Israel. ‘Thus, what advantage then had an Israelite? Much in every way (chiefly because) unto them are committed the Oracles of God.’