No Place to Hide

No Place to Hide

THERE IS NO DOUBT that we must find ourselves as to what transpired in the prophetic picture in this book. And the one thing today that must be professed as to the enemies of God’s kingdom and of our race, is “Thus saith the LORD.” The one most important thing that we must awaken our race to, and those who constitute the bulk of the house of the Great Christian nations. That is what is proclaimed in the scriptures concerning this day. What lies before us and what we must accomplish. I think it is quite clear when we say that we are the nation of the outstretched wings of the Eagle in the 18th chapter of Isaiah. A great and powerful nation from its beginning until today when we represent through the White race, one sixth of the world’s population, and the balance of power in our nation among the White nations of the world.
I notice that there is a great design to suppress the idea that we are a White Christian nation. I have in my hands a clipping from this week from Mr. Lomax concerning this. He said that America should get over this obsession of Whiteness. Well, I can tell Mr. Lomax this. We are never going to get over this obsession of Whiteness. He said that America is suffering from this obsession. In fact, they have produced a whole generation of citizens, he said, who threaten our survival because they stand for whiteness. The White Anglo-Saxon Protestant male is supposed to be the norm of our society. And I like that idea. The fact remains that tonight there remains in these United States, 149 million White Christians. They are not all Protestants. But there are 149 White Christians, and we have 50 million citizens who are not White. So let’s get this thing very clear. If representative government is to work and we who are the citizens of this society are to select our leadership, then we should stay with that racial balance until we have the representation of that 149 million. If it is wrong for us to advocate that we be represented by our own kind according to Divine law, then, my friends, the whole structure of the scriptures would be in error. And then I want to say that if the majority of the people in this great White country don’t like this idea, then the faster they go to some other place, the better it will be for us and for them.
Under this pattern, we are a part of God’s kingdom. We are one of the great nations of the house of Joseph. If you will turn to the scriptures in the 37th chapter of Ezekiel, you will discover that the House of Joseph is one of the great and mighty sticks in God’s hand. These are the Anglo-Saxon people, America and the British Empire. The other great stick of leadership in God’s hands is the stick of Judah. And that is Germany, the Germanic people and people in the heart of Europe. These are the White Christian nations. And together with the Scandinavian people, who make up the White nations of the world today, are the household of God, and very clearly marked as HIS Kingdom in the earth today.