Newspaper Betrayal

Newspaper Betrayal

WE ARE TURNING TO DISCUSS ONE OF THE MOST VITAL SUBJECTS, of something which faces our Christian society. It is essential that people understand the type of warfare which is taking place today in America. A great many people are in apathy and are sound asleep. They do not realize that there is any great threat against our Christian society and our Christian culture. They are not aware as to how the enemy functions. And therefore, they become a party to the propaganda which is placed on their doorstep every morning. There is no doubt that to capture a nations such as this one, it becomes imperative that you take over the areas of their thinking. Especially when these people have been successful in carrying out the areas of inspiration, by which they have been made great. This is a rather difficult task, unless you can gain control of all of the areas of communication.

I want you to recognize that this great nation became great when communication was not as controlled. As people came across the ocean, it was quite a voyage. And the only way messages were carried from one town to the other in our colonial life, was by horseback rider or by stage, or by a ‘Packet’ moving up and down the East Coast from one village to the next. Thus, we cannot say that great speed as we know it today affected the news, now, was it particularly under pressure.