Revelation of God’s Spirit to The Church

Revelation of God’s Spirit to The Church

A MOST SIGNIFICANT THING IS THAT THERE IS NOT A PERIOD OF TIME in which there is not a direct revelation or a continued message for the household of God. The church has a very unique responsibility because it is God’s Oracle. As an institution, it was to be a spiritual assembly in the house of God’s Kingdom. There has not been any period of time when God has left HIS Church without the pattern of revelation. There does not exist in the mind of God a multitude of churches. There exists only one great and united Church.

There exists today a great multitude of denominations, and there exists within them a great number of Christians, and these Christians make up the church. But I point out to you this afternoon that the church as far as God is concerned, is not Methodist or Baptist, for God is not a Methodist and HE is not a Baptist. And HE does not belong to the Presbyterian Church. There is no denomination with which HE particularly identifies with this afternoon. Though we have no war within the spiritual incite and development, which may have taken place under the leadership of a lot of these denominational leaders in the times past.

Responsibility of Discipleship

Responsibility of Discipleship

AS WE LOOK AT OUR SUBJECT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF DISCIPLESHIP WE TURN TO THE BOOK OF ISAIAH, to the eighth chapter, for it tells us something about disciples and discipleship. Many people confuse the disciple with Sonship. I want to point out to you that disciples are those that follow a leader. A disciple is one who coordinates with HIM, whereas, the family does not always move in the area of discipleship.

Thus, a person may be a son of God, a member of this white race and not be a good disciple. For a disciple is one who follows after the Master, one who coordinates his words. One that agrees with his words, one that advocates his words. And the disciple never disagrees with the Master.

Now, I want to point this out to you however. For the disciple is found in the race of Israel. And then HE speaks and says,’Behold all of the children that God (Spirit) hath given me, all are for signs and wonders in Israel, and they are from YAHWEH. To the law and to the testimony, if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them, (or they are not my disciples.) Now my disciples are to be found in Israel and they are to proclaim the word and they are to be of Israel.’

Now, there is one factor that is quite significant. For there are some people who think that disciples are just someone who became converts to Christ and became his disciples. But they were of the house of Israel, children raised up to testify as to signs and wonders before all of the nations of the world.

Now, I want to point out to you over here in the book of John, and again we see these words coming forth from the lips of Christ. “If ye continue in My word then art thee my disciple indeed.”

Resisting Unto Blood

Resisting Unto Blood

OPEN UP TO THE BOOK OF HEBREWS, and in the passage where the Apostle Paul expresses. “Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin.” This may seem like a strange and peculiar statement of the Apostle Paul, but he was speaking unto Christians and onto those members of the church. And he was confronted by a operation which was existing in to the church. And I think that it even existed more specially, strenuously, even today. That is the vast numbers within the structure of the church which sought always a easy way out through pacifism and peace. That they never at any time considered that there would be any operation of violence that they would have to become involved in.

Of course, we can understand that, when Jesus was talking about the end of the age, that there would be a lot of things that would transpire. One of the things that He talked about was in the Gospel of Luke, when He told the disciples and those that were round about Him, that there would be great earthquakes in diverse places and that there would be famine, pestilence, and sights and great sounds, and that they would see signs from the heavens. Before all these things, however, ‘they will try to lay hands on you, and persecute you, they will deliver you up to their synagogue and then put you in their prisons. They will bring you up before the kings and rulers. For My Names sake.’

Re-Opening The Trial of Jesus

Re-Opening The Trial of Jesus

THE TRIAL OF JESUS CHRIST IS SUBJECT WHICH IS LITTLE UNDERSTOOD, as also are the events which preceded it. It necessarily involves the study of the Jewish soul, its nature, its attitude, its legal processes and its political activities. It must be understood that they have continued to identify themselves with a world revolution, and with strategies for the destruction of Christianity with the same intensity, and the same avid desire for its crushing, as they demonstrated in the days of Christ’s ministry.

Before we move into the panorama of these events, and on through the patterns of the Scriptures, there are certain things we must know about Palestine in the time of Christ.

During the ministry of the man Christ Jesus, the embodiment of God, Messiah, the King, was moving among His people, speaking, proclaiming, opening the eyes of the blind, unstopping the ears of the deaf; performing miracles, so that, even Rome, in its casual first approach to His ministry, testified too, by their procurator in the city of Jerusalem and by the many envoys they sent over to investigate these matters in the land of Palestine.

The fact remains that what remained a mystery, even to Rome, was the hatred and the animosity of official Jewry in Palestine, against a man, who, by their records and all that they had been able to glean as they searched the land of Palestine, had been to do good to those who needed His healing hand, and to speak words that would give spiritual life and hope to a people. In all this Rome’s verdict was: “We see no reason why there is such animosity against this individual.”

Removing The Staff of Life

Removing The Staff of Life

THERE IS NO DOUBT THAT THE WORLD ORDER has moved in and caused great problems in the nations of God’s Kingdom. The strategies that are involved in the Scriptures, were one of keeping the people strong and powerful and keeping the people Blessed of God, alert and free. In order to do this they had to dwell alone and stay with their own kind of people.

Matthew 15:13…”Ye are the salt of the earth, and if the salt hath lost its savour, where then will be saltiness? It is good for nothing, then but to be cast out and trodden under the foot of men. Ye are the light of the world and a city that sits on a hill cannot be hid. Neither does a man light a candle and put it under a bushel, but he puts the light where it can be seen, and gives light unto the whole house.”


There is a direct relationship of this passage to the processes of that time, for the gathering of salt was big business in Palestine at the time of the Christ. In fact, they set out even to cross the Sahara in search of salt, and Sahara means ‘salt sea’, which is actually the great sea of sand where camels were ships carrying salt over the great desert to areas on the other side where salt was quite priceless. So here in Palestine they began to mix the salt with phosphate or Benzinite or with plain earth, and the salt thus wouldn’t be as salty, or lose its savour. Now the Jew’s were here in Palestine at the time of Jesus and they instituted this mixing of earth with the salt until there was not much savour left in it.

Redeeming The Time

Redeeming The Time

WE TURN IN OUR THINKING THIS AFTERNOON TO THE PATTERNS OF EVENTS that surround us at the climax of the year. And as we move into a new year, we think of the words of Ecclesiastics where the prophet tells us that there is a time for everything. Under this pattern, we note that the MOST HIGH GOD, with initiative and vision, has made a declaration thru the prophets; “To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven.” There is a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to pluck up. There is even a time to kill and a time to heal, a time for love and a time for hate, a time for war and a time for Peace.

And the MOST HIGH GOD MAKING THESE DECLARATIONS IS NOT JUST SPEAKING TO MAKE ALL INCLUSIVE TO MAKE ALL PATTERNS OF OPERATIONS. BUT HE IS TALKING OF THE REALIZATION THAT IN PATTERNS AND IN MEASURES, THAT THERE IS A REASON FOR THESE THINGS. AND THUS, THERE IS ALWAYS A TIME FOUND FOR IT. And in the measures of time, we are talking about the areas in which events happen. It is not exactly a substance, but it is a dimension of events. And when we talk about four dimensions, then one of those dimensions is a pattern of time as well. People waste a lot of time. And in this manner, they do not accomplish a lot of objectives that they should in the period of time allotted to them in the period of time in which they live. At other times, it does not take a lot of time to redeem a lot of time that has been wasted.

Reaping The Whirlwind

Reaping The Whirlwind

THE REAPING OF THE WHIRLWIND is of course one of the results of having sown to the wind. In having permitted our enemy to come into our land and sow his evil. But we a great nation of the Household of the Most High have come a long way even carrying the weight of the enemy. But one thing about America, and the people who have made this nation great is that the people came from the nations of Europe, for all of the nations of Europe have contributed to the structure of the Household of your nation. When Isaiah said: ‘Woe to the nation of the Outstretched Wings of the Eagle’. 18:1; he was talking about the destiny of this nation under the symbol of the outstretched wings of the eagle.

He knew we would be a powerful nation, and that we would carry the destiny of the House of Manasseh. That it would be established, and that we had moved out of the House of Joseph, out of Anglo Saxondom. That our language and our background had come from inside of Britain, but yet we were to enclose many, many people of the whole House of Israel. And that these would come from Europe, the same people that had made Europe strong, who were also of the Nations of Israel. But here would be a prophetic destiny fulfilled, for here in one place would be a gathering together of these people of Israel. They had a great common denominator in that they were of one race, and they were Christian. There was no nation of Europe which was not Christian, from whence these people came. There was nothing in the way of development of the society which God had ordained, that this nation would provide. From the days of our founding fathers as they came for freedom of religion, and for the opportunity to expand and to develop a great nation, they came with the realization that although this was a wilderness, that they were to come, and that God would guide their destiny.

Raging Waves of The Sea

Raging Waves of The Sea

WE TURN TONIGHT TO THE BOOK OF EPHESIANS AND FIND THESE WORDS: “Thy Father of Glory may give unto you the Spirit of Wisdom and the revelation of knowledge of Him. That the eyes of your understanding being enlightened, ye may know what is the hope of His Calling, and what is the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the Saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of his power unto us who believe according to the working of his mighty power.” Thus we have an area of Spiritual enlightening, a Spiritual understanding that goes unto the household of God, unto the Children of his calling.

We have cited to you before that God had made it very clear concerning his calling and his revelations, and we read here again that God reveals them unto us by His Spirit, for the Spirit searches out all the thing of God. Yeah, the deep things of God. For what a man knoweth of the things of man saith the Spirit which is in him, even of the things of God knoweth no man but by the Spirit. We have not received the spirit which is of the world. We have received the spirit which is of God. This is important because the world since it cannot understand the mysteries of the things of God, is being led today by the Spirit of the offspring of Lucifer for a final assault upon the Kingdom of God.

Racial Stream and Their Biblical Destinies

Racial Stream and Their Biblical Destinies

TONIGHT, WE ARE SPEAKING ON A SUBJECT WHICH IS SOMETIMES CONSIDERED TABOO, because we are living in a day when men want to keep the knowledge of men and races somewhat obscured. We have an evil philosophy which is being developed in our nation saying that we must accept the opinion of certain educators, who declare that they know everything there is worth knowing. Or if we do not agree with them and accept their thinking as to the political and economic life, then we are peasants and not to be recognized.

There is then something for you to know and that is as to who you are and from whence you came, because if you do not know who you are and where you came from, then how do you know where you are going. There are a lot of people who think they know where they are going, and they are busy telling us where we are going. But the most important thing for you to know is from whence you came, and what God has planned, what He has in store for you. I think it is important then, that we understand the origin of races and the Biblical relationship of racial streams, the Waters of Life and now the Streams that are upon the face of the earth. The church has taught many things, much has come out of religion affected by religious hierarchy. And very little of it has had its basis actually in what God has said:—

Today among Christians both Protestant and Catholic, the general idea is that everyone who walks upright, some wearing clothes and some who don’t, are all kinsmen. They would have us all as kinsmen out of the idea that God just started our race out of some red mud, shaped it, breathed on it and it started to walk.

Putting Hooks in Their Jaws

Putting Hooks in Their Jaws

WE ARE TURNING TO CONSIDER A PASSAGE OF SCRIPTURE which was in the prerogative of God to implement. In which you can be assured that every word which He has unveiled in the mind and consciousness of His Prophets, and which they have given to us in the Scriptures will be fulfilled with that assurance with which we have watched events, fulfilled throughout the thousands of years of our historic existence in earth, from the day of the inception of our race.

When we survey the background of that race we have now come through, some 7400 years of history. And during that period of time, from the very first advent of the Adamic race, and their being placed in a world of tribulation and turmoil, with racial struggles of Satanic and false philosophy and theologies, the leadership of Lucifer and other Angels with him in the hours of his rebellion, the design of those who fell with him, in their drive to control the earth, the design was the same as it was before you came. The history of men and races clearly show that these things went on for millenniums before we arrived. And from the time of the Adamic race, a very careful strategy was established to suppress our race, to absorb us, and to mongrelise us, to cut off our ability to serve God with the vision with which we had been placed here.