Revelation of God’s Spirit to The Church

Revelation of God’s Spirit to The Church

A MOST SIGNIFICANT THING IS THAT THERE IS NOT A PERIOD OF TIME in which there is not a direct revelation or a continued message for the household of God. The church has a very unique responsibility because it is God’s Oracle. As an institution, it was to be a spiritual assembly in the house of God’s Kingdom. There has not been any period of time when God has left HIS Church without the pattern of revelation. There does not exist in the mind of God a multitude of churches. There exists only one great and united Church.

There exists today a great multitude of denominations, and there exists within them a great number of Christians, and these Christians make up the church. But I point out to you this afternoon that the church as far as God is concerned, is not Methodist or Baptist, for God is not a Methodist and HE is not a Baptist. And HE does not belong to the Presbyterian Church. There is no denomination with which HE particularly identifies with this afternoon. Though we have no war within the spiritual incite and development, which may have taken place under the leadership of a lot of these denominational leaders in the times past.