Re-Opening The Trial of Jesus

Re-Opening The Trial of Jesus

THE TRIAL OF JESUS CHRIST IS SUBJECT WHICH IS LITTLE UNDERSTOOD, as also are the events which preceded it. It necessarily involves the study of the Jewish soul, its nature, its attitude, its legal processes and its political activities. It must be understood that they have continued to identify themselves with a world revolution, and with strategies for the destruction of Christianity with the same intensity, and the same avid desire for its crushing, as they demonstrated in the days of Christ’s ministry.

Before we move into the panorama of these events, and on through the patterns of the Scriptures, there are certain things we must know about Palestine in the time of Christ.

During the ministry of the man Christ Jesus, the embodiment of God, Messiah, the King, was moving among His people, speaking, proclaiming, opening the eyes of the blind, unstopping the ears of the deaf; performing miracles, so that, even Rome, in its casual first approach to His ministry, testified too, by their procurator in the city of Jerusalem and by the many envoys they sent over to investigate these matters in the land of Palestine.

The fact remains that what remained a mystery, even to Rome, was the hatred and the animosity of official Jewry in Palestine, against a man, who, by their records and all that they had been able to glean as they searched the land of Palestine, had been to do good to those who needed His healing hand, and to speak words that would give spiritual life and hope to a people. In all this Rome’s verdict was: “We see no reason why there is such animosity against this individual.”