Putting Hooks in Their Jaws

Putting Hooks in Their Jaws

WE ARE TURNING TO CONSIDER A PASSAGE OF SCRIPTURE which was in the prerogative of God to implement. In which you can be assured that every word which He has unveiled in the mind and consciousness of His Prophets, and which they have given to us in the Scriptures will be fulfilled with that assurance with which we have watched events, fulfilled throughout the thousands of years of our historic existence in earth, from the day of the inception of our race.

When we survey the background of that race we have now come through, some 7400 years of history. And during that period of time, from the very first advent of the Adamic race, and their being placed in a world of tribulation and turmoil, with racial struggles of Satanic and false philosophy and theologies, the leadership of Lucifer and other Angels with him in the hours of his rebellion, the design of those who fell with him, in their drive to control the earth, the design was the same as it was before you came. The history of men and races clearly show that these things went on for millenniums before we arrived. And from the time of the Adamic race, a very careful strategy was established to suppress our race, to absorb us, and to mongrelise us, to cut off our ability to serve God with the vision with which we had been placed here.