Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 80

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 80

From the Tape Ministry of Dr. Swift and my understanding.
Questions and answers.

QUESTION: Are there missing parts of the Gospel of John?

ANSWER: .It is thought that there may be some parts of the Gospel of John that are missing, but we believe that YAHWEH protected us well with the Gospels that we so have. If the children of the Kingdom would understand the Gospel of John that we do have then knowledge would be increased 100 fold. In the New Testament Pseudepigrapha there is a story about John restoring Cleopatra to good health. It seems that Cleopatra had been lying as though dead for 7 days when John arrived in Ephesus and then John with the power of YAHSHUA restored Cleopatra to good health which amazed these people of Ephesus. John then restored her husband and that gentleman falls at John’s feet, but John tells him that he should only fall at the feet of YAHSHUA who was YAHWEH in the flesh for HE was the ONE whose power raised both he and his wife. Lycomedes then decided that he will have a portrait painted of John, and when the portrait was finished he put it in John’s bedroom. This was a portrait of an elderly man crowned with garlands, and a lamp and an altar were before him. John had never seen his own portrait and he asked who this portrait represented?

When learning this was a portrait of himself he took a mirror brought to him and studied his face for a long time. Then he said: .’It is like me and yet it is not. It is like my image in the flesh, but if the painter who copied my face here wanted to put ME in the portrait then he would need all the colours that were given your race, and the shape of the figure, the age, the youth, and all such visible things. But the type of picture YAHSHUA writes paints the type of our souls. These are the colours which I tell you to paint with: Faith in YAHWEH who is also YAHSHUA, knowledge, reverence, kindness, fellowship, mildness, goodness, brotherly love and a whole band of colour which portrays your soul. In fact when a full set and mixture of such colours have come together into your soul it will present to YAHSHUA, the real you, undismayed and undaunted and rounded in form.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 79

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 79

Nostradamus Prophecies and Why the Nations of The World Cannot Disarm. Dr. Swift.

AS WE HAVE BEEN STUDYING THE OLD RECORDS we have also read several translations of the prophecies of Nostradamus the 16th, Century Seer. Some have tried to portray him as a Devil saying that only the occult is able to translate his work correctly. Jeanette ran across a translation of ‘Nostradamus, Count Down to Apocalypse’, volume 2, by Jean Charles de Foutbrune. It is the best I have read so thought we would compare these prophecies to the teachings of DR. Swift and it is amazing how they work together.

The father of our Author worked for 44 years on these prophecies by Nostradamus, and being French could better understand the ancient French in which the prophecies were written. He was thus able to connect the prophecies to world and especially European events.

Here in Volume 2, our Author tried to decipher the prophecies for the last of the 20th., Century, after a short review of volume 1. Then on into the 21st., Century. Although he does not know Israel Identity still we learn many interesting things about this man Nostradamus as well as his prophecies.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 78

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 78

Osiris The Egyptian Religion of Resurrection

Translation By Dr. E. A. Wallis Budge, The Late Keeper of Egyptian Antiquities of The British Museum. (Mrs. Swift sent us this old book, so lets compare the teaching of that era with the teaching of the Swift Ministry.)

MANY writers not understanding the principals of the Egyptian religion or its symbolism would not see the existence of the all embracing beliefs in the power of the Great Ancestral Spirit, and the Resurrection of Adam-man in general, or their immortality which was the chief characteristics of the so called ancient Egyptian religion.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 77

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 77

The Sibylline Oracles and the Swift Sermon, ‘the Stream of Life’.

WE HAVE TOLD YOU BEFORE ABOUT THE DELPHIA ORACLE, and would like to fill in the story a bit more from the material found in the Pseudopigraphia volumes loaned to me by Jeanette.

The name Sibyl seems to be a Latin word meaning, Seer. At one time all the writings of the Sibylline Oracles were in the library at Rome. The word Sibyl refers to a single individual, and the name of perhaps the first Prophetess of the Adamic Race was Sambethe. This is the one who says she was of Noah’s household.

Ovid, in his writings tells us that the Sibyl or Prophetess was granted by Apollo, that she might live as many years as there were grains of sand on the sea shore. Col. Totten quoted from the Sibylline Books: .’Far beyond the ocean, there will extend, after many ages, a large and fertile land, and in it will arise a brave and wise man, who shall by His counsel and by his arms, liberate his oppressed country from servitude.’ Then Cicero quoted: ‘And shall found under happy auspices a Republic most like to ours both in its origin, and its history, much and deservedly to be preferred, ye good gods to Brutus and Camillus.’ Thus the Sibylline Oracles were past, present, and future, and so was the prophecy of the expansion of Israel. The Sibyl’s then were women of the Adamic Race who prophesied, and those prophecies reached through thousand of years, and even after their death for being a part of the Race, their message reached beyond to the coming rule of the kingdom. Their prophecies were also much in allegory and hidden from much of the world as is even the Bible. And the first recorded one is by the lady saying she is from the house of Noah, either a daughter, or daughter‑in‑law, thus this traces them back in history but still of this Adamic Race.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 76

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 76

Old Jerusalem And New Jerusalem

QUESTION: Why the Nostalgia for old Jerusalem that controversial city?

 Answer: (from the Swift ministry and my understanding) We must go back in history one more time and look at the beginning of this old city, and its effect on our race and see why this feeling, and see how the situation has developed as of today.

Since you now know that the Adamic race, God’s Kingdom has been established in earth, starting with Adam and Eve. We then trace those people as they came out of the high Tarim Basin in Asia under the leadership of the sons of Seth, the son of Adam and Eve, as they moved in their patterns of migration. From the old records we find they were called Manu, meaning tall white ones, Aryans from the ‘spiritual mountains’. We find that these people believed in, and worshiped the ONE GOD, YAHWEH (Genesis 4:26). They told the world as they migrated that their God would in time come to earth to redeem them. They spoke of the fall of their parents under the influence of the Dragon (Satan) Kingdom. (Genesis 3:15) Always as they paused to worship they set up an altar and were thus reminding their people of that promise of Redemption, when the Saviour, that Perfect Lamb, would be the final sacrifice.

As these children of the Kingdom moved in their migrations they colonized, they established their language, their culture, and their faith. The old books tell us that these Adamites in their generations were ‘The Treasure’, out of the cave where in Adam and Eve dwelt after coming out of the Garden of Eden.

They were a Peace loving people willing to help the World Order into which they had come to live however they also learned that at times they would have to fight to survive as they moved in their paths of Destiny. Where ever they paused they introduced the process of agriculture, but that was one of the blessings they brought into the world. (Genesis 2:25) Prior to this there had not been ‘a man to till the ground.’

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 75

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 75


The Mysteries and Their Emissaries
The Martyrdom of Hypatia (From The Old Big Book)

ONCE AGAIN WE TELL YOU THE STORY OF ANOTHER MARTYR OF OUR RACE, because of the teachings of the Martyrs. And from the old Big Book we read: Did that Divine Knowledge which constituted the Supreme possession of the ancient Priesthood, now called pagan, survive the destruction of these Martyrs, and their Temples? Is it yet accessible to mankind or does it lie buried beneath the rubbish of the Ages, entombed within the very sanctuaries that were once illuminated by its splendour??

In Egypt writes Origen, the philosophers have a sublime and secret knowledge respecting the nature of God. What did Julian imply when he spoke of the secret initiations into the sacred mysteries of the 7 Rayed God who lifted souls to Salvation through his own nature? Who were these blessed theurgists who understood these profound thoughts of which Julian wrote? If this inner Doctrine was concealed from the Masses, for whom a more simple code had been devised, is it not highly possible that even the exponents of every aspect of modern civilization, philosophic, ethical, religious and scientific are ignorant of the true meaning of the very theories and tenets of which their beliefs are founded? Do the Arts and Sciences that THE RACE has inherited from older nations conceal beneath their fair exterior a mystery so great that only the illuminated intellect grasps its import? Such is undoubtedly the case.

We ask you, is this not what we have been learning all along? The ancient knowledge of Adam’s race has been handed down and called Mysteries.

This knowledge was not for the masses of the World Order which could not understand and would only try to destroy. This knowledge was not even passed on to those of the Adamic race as a whole, only to those who did seek. Only a knowledge of Symbolism and what is in their hearts and minds would lead them further. Here in the old Big Book we are told that Albert Pike gathered ample evidence of the excellence of the doctrines of the ancient Israel mysteries. He then quoted from the writings of Clements of Alexandria, Egypt, and of Plato, Proclus, Cicero and others who held the teaching of the Ancient Mystery schools in high esteem. The Albert Pike became so enamoured with Freemasonry and tried to help tie those ancient symbols and their knowledge to this more modern organization.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 74

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 74


American Symbolism From The “Indians” As Found In The Old Big Book And My Understanding.

IN THIS ARTICLE IN THE OLD BIG BOOK we found both true and false symbolism and we also see how and when the symbolism was turned and then claimed by the enemy. In this picture with this article we see the so called, Camozotz, or ‘The Lord of the bats’ emerging from his cave to strike with his great and crooked sword at the Light of the Spiritual’.

We are told here that those who live only in the sphere of the SENSES, who permit themselves to become hopelessly involved with Worldliness are either intentionally or unintentionally doers of evil. The earthly existence of Adam‑man thus found him in a world of Materialism which is ruled by fear, hate, greed and lust. In it wanders the ghosts of human beings who listlessly float upon the sea of Sensationalism. Only when the soul comes into a realism of the spiritual verities of life does it escape from this underworld, the house of demons. The Sun of Truth rises in man and illuminates his world when he lifts his mind from the darkness of selfishness and ignorance into the Light of Selfless and wisdom.

As you turn to consider the North American Indian symbolism then you need a background knowledge of symbolism to see where it came from and the true and the false of the symbols used. Back through the history of the Adamic race you find the message of the symbols, through Europe, Scandinavia and the Mideast, as well as in Egypt where you must go looking for the answers for how come the North American Indians have some of the same ideas as to the makeup of the earth as an intermediate plane, bounded above by a heavenly sphere.

Why did they believe that the Great Spirit dwelt above while below there was a dark and terrifying subterranean world which was the abode of Sub-mundane powers? The Greeks referred to the underworld as the initiates of the lesser mysteries, and we find in some of the American Indian tribes a belief that there were some beings capable of functioning in two or more elements, or as messengers between spirits of various planes.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 73

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 73

“The Cave Of The Treasures” – Translated Into English By Sir E. A. Wallis Budge In 1972

We have seen mention of this book before as being connected with the history of our race, as well as the book of ‘The Bee’. Surprisingly this book was found in the library of the Wichita State University at Wichita KS. and Jeanette and her daughter brought the book to me so that I could let the rest of you know as to what it contained.

The material in this book, some is quite old, but it is also a continuing compilation. One work of translation of the “Cave of the Treasures” is from all the known manuscripts in the British Museum. One source of this translation is from a Priest in a little town about 20 miles north of Nieveh about A.D. 1709. Dr. Budge, our author, had read this manuscript in 1885 as he was preparing his edition of the “Book of the Bee”.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 72

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 72

The Cryptogram as A Factor In Symbolic Philosophy (From The Old Big Book)

QUESTION: Why all the secrecy of the ancient wisdom??

ANSWER: It was necessary to protect it. No story dealing with Symbolism would be complete without a section devoted to the consideration of Cryptograms. The use of the Cipher has long been recognized as indispensable in the military and diplomatic circles, but the modern world has overlooked the important role played by the cryptogram in literature and philosophy. If the art of deciphering cryptograms could be made popular it would result in the discovery of much hitherto unsuspected wisdom possessed by both ancient and mediaeval philosophy.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 71

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 71

The Ancient Keys To Adam‑Man – The Number 33
The Quabbalistic Keys To The Creation Of Adam‑Man

THE WORD AUDAUM (ADAM) SIGNIFIES A SPECIE, a race, and it is only with proper understanding that Adam be considered as an individual. Adam was the great procreator of the Race, and YAHWEH gave the command that the body of Adam‑man be kept above ground till the fullness of time when it would be placed in the middle of the earth by a Priest of the MOST HIGH GOD. The body of Adam was embalmed and transferred from father to son and was finally placed in the hands of Noah, it was on the ark. Dr. Swift then traced the body of Adam to Shem and then by him was placed in the Great Pyramid, in the centre of the earth. In the Greek the numerical number of the name of Adam, its value is 46, and the Temple of Solomon took 46 years to build, thus Adam was considered a type of the temple, the house (kingdom of YAHWEH) since scripture traces the lineage through the male line we are not told what was done with the body of Eve, but no doubt it was carefully cared for as was Mary, for Eve was the mother of the race.

The picture in symbolism with this article shows a young man, his hands are resting on the handle of the great sword in front of him. There is a great Emerald in the handle of the Sword. There is wings from his shoulders reaching to his feet symbolizing this is a heavenly body as well. Behind his head we see a Lion, a Bull and an Eagle, one behind each shoulder and each of these have a great set of wings as well. There is then a great ‘Sunburst’ behind them.